Popular Post Alcyone Brennan Posted March 31, 2023 Popular Post Posted March 31, 2023 It's Friday evening and you're a little sad because you've read all your ships sims already? Read THIS. Honestly. It's awesome. Well done! ❤️ Quote (Starbase 118, Commercial Sector, The Beehive Inn)) For all of Isaac's adult life, he had been part of something greater than himself. He had always been a part of a team, part of a process, and he hoped, part of a solution. He had been asked a lot about what it was like to be shot at, or what it was like to shoot someone, usually by people who had never experienced either. His answer had always been the same. He had always played it down, avoiding the question and sugar coating the issue so as to not bring such a harsh reality into their lives. Not this time. She had asked, and he would answer. Green: Have you ever been a member of a team, Jinean? Have you ever held someone’s life in your hands? She had to think about that for a moment. There was teamwork in counselling, yes, but not in the same way other departments depended on each other. She had never truly held someone's life in her hands, unless you counted talking to an individual who contemplated if the galaxy was better off without them around. Seta: No, I can't say I have. He drained the glass and set it on the table. He held up his hand for the waiter and indicated he wanted two more brought over. He continued, his voice was soft and almost pensive. Green: I guess, when you go into combat, you don’t get to think, you just do… ::He paused:: …you do what you need to do for your team. If I’d been shot the other day, and it made it so my team was able to get that sonofabitch, then we win. Seta: Would you do it again? Green: I’d do it again, in a heartbeat. Seta: That's... heroic, I guess. It seems strange to me, I think I would be too scared. He stepped back, leaning his pool cue against the wall and accepting the glass of ale from the waiter. He looked down into the foamy head and contemplated what she just said. He shook his head as he spoke. Green: There's nothing heroic about it. You just do what you have to do. ::Looking up at her, gazing into her eyes:: Do you think it's wrong that I didn't feel scared? She shook her head. Seta: I have no idea how one is supposed to feel in that moment, so I wouldn't say you're doing it wrong. I would not even really know how I would react. I think I would be scared, but I might as well forget being scared and get shot at instead. Green: I think you'd do what was necessary, just like most people. Seta: It's the interesting thing about people. You can guess how they will react in certain situations, but that's about it. Did you ever have a situation where you reacted differently than you thought you would, or wanted? He stepped toward her, coming to a stop only a foot or so from where she stood. It wasn't his intention to be intimidating or aggressive, even though he stood a head and shoulders taller than she did. Green: Here's how I see it: There are three types of people in this universe. You have Sheep, Wolves, and Sheepdogs. The Sheep; well, they are the ones mulling around in their lives, not really cognizant of what's going on around them. They don't think about the evil that men do, or that they may become a victim. They live with blinders on, really expecting the world will go right on by them and somebody else will take care of 'em. The Wolves, they live to prey on the Sheep. Their whole existence is to do what they can to further themselves, no matter who they hurt along the way. Their lives are very focussed on their own needs, regardless of how narcissistic their actions are to fulfil those needs. Those guys that killed all those people, they were Wolves, and they didn't give a squirt of snot who got in the way of their agendas, and a lot of innocent people died because of that. They wouldn't have shed a single tear about their victims. Then you have the Sheepdogs. I like to think of myself as one of them. It's not heroic, just a mindset. Sheepdogs care for the Sheep, mostly because the Sheep don't, or won't care for themselves. The Sheep never see the Wolves coming, and because of that they are usually really easy prey. It's the Sheepdog's job to protect the Sheep from the Wolves, no matter the cost to the Sheepdogs. Sometimes the Wolves win, and the Sheepdogs don't get to come home, but that's their job. That's what they live for. Does that make sense? Seta: ? Green: But, you see, that's the point. We do what we do so people can be oblivious to those things. Nothing would make me happier than to go through this world with you never having to experience something like that. If I can be the one to take that hit, instead of you, then you can go on living, thinking the universe is all sunshine and daisies. Seta: ? He shook his head, then realized his voice had lifted and he was being louder than he would have liked. He brought his voice back down to more of a conversational level. Green: I think you missed my meaning. I want you to live life thinking the best in things. I want you never to have to experience the things you are talking to me about first hand. That's my goal in life. That's why I do what I do. Seta: ? Turning toward the wall, he picked up the pool cue and spun back toward the table. Green: Are you gonna shoot that ball or what? Tag/TBC -- 1Lt Isaac Green Marine Officer 292 TMR Starbase 118 Ops R238801IG0 6
Sal Taybrim Posted March 31, 2023 Posted March 31, 2023 Absolutely riveting character development sim! Bravo!!
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