Popular Post Sal Taybrim Posted March 13, 2023 Popular Post Posted March 13, 2023 This was an excellent build up and a fantastic climactic moment for a story that sets up our next mission. Extremely well written @Trovek and Sydin ! Quote ((Medical Lab, Miranda VII)) Nestira wasn't quite sure if she remembered the name of the young man bringing them the anticipated supplies. Charlie? No, it was something else. Not knowing his name vexed her, even though she knew that her mild annoyance was unreasonable. Her focus followed his thoughts as he reflected on how little he knew about medical tools, and how he'd like to know more. It wasn’t particularly interesting thoughts, but they didn’t have to be. At the same time, Katalina turned to speak to her, and from what Nestira could gather from her thoughts, she was unsure how to communicate that she would be needing help with today's tasks. Katalina: ::carefully:: There is something I want to talk to you about. Aristren (Nyra): Of course. She glanced at the young man by he medical crate, then returned her gaze to Katalina, and the way she tilted her head conveyed the silent question if this conversation should be had while he was present. He. Christian? No, that wasn’t it. Katalina: It’s fine. ::she nodded:: oO There isn’t anything secret about those interrogations. Vanetta might as well hold them publicly. Oo There is a task I would like you to accompany me on. Behind them, the sound of the crate being pried open, and the clattering of the supplies being pushed against each other as they were evaluated. Carlisle. That was his name. Aristren (Nyra): Of course. Carlisle: oO This isn’t much, but better than nothing… even if I have no idea what any of this I good for. Oo Katalina: There has been another interrogation incident. I’d prefer not to handle this alone. oO And I would prefer you to not handle it alone either. I am still not sure what happened to that Starfleet Officer, but you were far too calm about it for my liking. You should be terrified. This isn’t something you are supposed to have gotten used to. Oo Carlisle: oO What’s this? Some kind of tube-thing. Oo Katalina: Nyra are you actually listening to me? Nestira blinked. She had been listening, of course, but she was listening to several people at once, and she wasn’t only listening to what was being said out loud. Aristren (Nyra): I am so sorry. Yes, of course I am listening. I haven’t gotten used to it. Which evidently wasn’t the right thing to say, and was met with a frown. Katalina: oO What is going on? Oo I.. didn’t say that. Aristren (Nyra): I-.. Carlisle: oO Huh, no idea what that says. Probably Kinrethian. Almost looks like a countdown Oo With the thought came the mental image of a sleek, metallic casing that glistened in the light, adorned with a few unobtrusive buttons and a display on the front that showed a series of rapidly changing symbols. Nestira knew what that was, and her eyes widened. She turned around to Carlisle, extending her hand in the vain attempt to stop what she knew would happen next. ___________________ Katalina's eyes followed Nyra's gaze, and a chill ran down her spine as she saw the terror etched on her face. But before either of them could react, there was a blinding flash of light, followed by a thunderous explosion. The device in Carlisle's hands erupted into a ball of fire, engulfing him in a bright blaze. The blast ripped through the room, tearing apart everything in its path, and Katalina watched in horror as Carlisle disintegrated into a fine mist of red particles that scattered across the lab. A split second later, the shockwave threw Katalina across the room and painfully against one of the consoles. She felt a sharp pain in her side as a piece of shrapnel grazed her. The alarms in the lab started blaring as security protocols were activated, bathing the area in red light. She hissed in pain as she struggled to her feet, using the damaged console as support. She looked around for Nyra, and to her horror, found her lying motionless on the ground. She stumbled over to her, her mind racing with panic. Katalina: Nyra! Nyra didn’t respond. Katalina hastily reached for her medical tricorder and opened it, relieved to see that the device did register life signs from the young woman. There were voices just outside the lab - guards and other medical personnel responding to what had happened - but she ignored them. The cuts and burns on parts of Nyra’s skin were superficial, but there was a clearly visible head injury that immediately caught her attention. Tears filled her eyes as she tried to get that piece-of-trash medical tricorder to give her something she could work with. The readings of brain activity made no sense, and neither did the scan itself. It almost looked … alien. ___________________ For a few terrifying moments, Nestira Aristren ceased to exist, swallowed by the blackness of the explosion’s aftermath. It wasn’t peaceful, and neither was it frightening. It was nothing. No emotions were attached to the thoughts she didn’t have, and she wasn’t consciously aware that something pulled her out of the depths she was drowning in. She wouldn’t remember it either. Slowly, Nestira opened her eyes, her vision blurred and her thoughts scattered. Her head felt like it was splitting, and she vaguely remembered having hit her head as she had been thrown against the wall. Then she remembered the deafening roar of the explosion, and the young man holding the device turning into pink mist. And that Katalina had been with her. The sudden concern spurred Nestira into action as she tried to sit herself up, but the world around her spun out of control. It took her a moment to realise that the other woman was kneeling right beside her, and it took her another moment to realise that the she was staring at her medical tricorder. It was almost palatable how Katalina’s concern turned first into shock, then into hatred, and Nestira didn’t need to listen in on her thoughts to know that she had been discovered. Katalina: You… There was accusation in the word, a question steeped in disdain and loathing. The woman took a deep breath, intending the call the guards, and-… oO QUIET! Oo It had been meant as a plea rather than a command, meant to be spoken rather than communicated telepathically. But something was wrong. Katalina’s eyes widened, no sound escaped her throat, but the hatred in her eyes remained as she struggled against Nestira’s attempt on control. Nestira felt the neural pathways of the woman’s brain breaking down, and she tried to withdraw, but what had seemed like minutes had been a mere few seconds, and retreat came too late. Her eyes widened in terror as Katalina collapsed, still breathing, her heart still beating, but her mind irreversibly damaged. In shock, Nestira pushed herself away from the woman and against the wall. Aristren (Nyra): I-.. I didn’t-… She hadn't wanted this. She hadn't intended to hurt anyone, but intentions didn't matter when the results were this devastating. Her heart pounded in her chest, each beat feeling louder than the last. She felt like she was suffocating and her thoughts raced in her head, spiraling out of control as the world collapsed around her. TBC... Nyra Altman aka Lt. J.G. Nestira Aristren Starbase 118 Ops J239809TA4 6
Popular Post Alcyone Brennan Posted March 13, 2023 Popular Post Posted March 13, 2023 Thank you! Special thanks to @Talos Dakora who helped me write the explosive more... explosive! You're... wait for it... the bomb. I'll see myself out. 2 1 3
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