Popular Post Alora DeVeau Posted March 2, 2023 Popular Post Posted March 2, 2023 ((Romulan Embassy Starbase 118)) With some effort, they managed to move the first of the larger rocks and began to kind of roll it away. As she pushed, J'Lynn's left foot slipped on an unstable piece of rubble. She fell to her knees, tearing her dress further and scraping the side of her right leg against the large rock they were moving on the way down, sending green blood trickling out of the cut it made. She let out a gasp and winced with pain. Willow: Response The young woman got back to her feet without so much as a grumble. s'Rehu: Do you need to stop? J'Lynn: I'm fine. Let's just keep moving. Havran gave her a nod. Willow: Response s'Rehu: ::to J'Lynn:: Please, ::beat:: be careful. She turned and gave him the faintest of smiles. Despite everything that was happening, something was changing inside of her. She had never felt this way before, never even considered it and certainly not with… She turned her gaze away. Now was not the time. They had work to do J'Lynn: ::almost shyly:: Thank you. ::regaining her composure:: But your concern should be with our brothers and sisters trapped under this rubble. They dug deeper, in order to reach the life sign Lt. Sera had indicated was in this area. Eventually, they were able to uncover another victim. A man, much younger than the previous one they had found. He was conscious, although seemingly unaware of their presence in his present state. Havran, kneeling next to him, carefully put a hand on the man's chest. J'Lynn watched. The victim was wearing civilian clothing, he could have been representing any faction, but Havran didn't seem to care. s'Rehu: ::to Sera:: Can your device tell us what's wrong? Sera: ::shaking her head negative:: It cannot. It is not a medical tricorder. J'Lynn: Can't you perform another mind meld? J'Lynn had no idea how easy or difficult thay would be for the Vulcan. It seemed to her that if she *could* do it, then why not? Willow: ? The man's breaths began to shorten and become sharp. s'Rehu: So it's too late? Sera: I…cannot stabilize this one in the same manner…I am sorry. Lt. Sera looked down and J'Lynn followed her gaze to the pool of green blood forming around the man. Sera: When we unburied him, his wound was no longer clamped off from the pressure of the debris. His injuries are non-viable. J'Lynn felt panic welling up inside her. J'Lynn: So we are to just watch him die?! Willow: ? She stared as Havran stayed with the man, head bowed, hand on his chest. She had never felt such pity and sadness in her life. When her mother died, she was a child, unable to comprehend and certainly not present when it happened. As he breathed his last, J'Lynn turned away. Sera: ::softly to J’Lynn and Havran:: I grieve with thee… s’Rehu/Willow: ? J'Lynn's throat was dry. Was it from all of the dust and smoke in the air? Or perhaps something else? Either way, she was unable to form any words. The Vulcan officer stood and began moving toward another spot, but J'Lynn felt suddenly immobilised. Willow: Response s’Rehu: ? J'Lynn: ::clearing her throat:: No. My apologies. We should continue. s'Rehu: Response J'Lynn: He was just…so young. Perhaps our age. All his dreams, his promise…it will go unfulfilled. Suddenly, the tragedy had been reduced to a personal level. Reading a report on such an incident where hundreds or even thousands were killed, it seemed impossible to comprehend the individual tragedy of the loss of each life. But here they were, witnessing the suffering and death with their own eyes. Was this what lay ahead for their people? More of the same? J'Lynn hoped not. She hoped that this would be a watershed moment in Rihannsu history. A catalyst, not for war, but for peace. And as she turned to face Havran once more, for a split second, she thought she saw the beginnings of that peaceful future in him. In them both, perhaps. Sera/Willow/s’Rehu: Responses TAG/TBC =/\=/\=/\=/\=/\=/\=/\=/\=/\=/\=/\=/\=/\=/\=/\= J'Lynn Future Romulan Republic Politician As simmed by Marine Captain Gogigobo Fairhug The Lightning Aldabrans Denali Station E239411GF0 4 1
Sal Taybrim Posted March 3, 2023 Posted March 3, 2023 You beat me to it! This was a superb read and a fantastic charactization for a new pNPC! Bravo @Gogigobo Fairhug! 1 1
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