Popular Post + Hutch Posted November 22, 2021 Popular Post Posted November 22, 2021 (( Corridors, USS Gorkon)) Cheesecake was a very very hungry dog. So hungry that she had done THINGS which had earned her the label of bad dog according to the voice on the walls. But she was not THAT. She was a very good girl, and that's what she was proving, more or less, with this new biped she'd met. One that had SOMETHING. Something that emanated a WONDERFUL smell. Other than the smell of kitchen. Cheesecake had learned early on that the smell of a kitchen was one of the best in the world and that, by extension, bipeds who spent a lot of time there tended to be some of her best friends. After all, many times a biped cooking would drop things on the floor, a circumstance that forced any canid present to perform one of the professions and duties that dogs had most zealously and professionally maintained for the longest time: being a quadrupedal hoover. So there she was, all puppy eyes and wagging tail, and that expression with a raised eyebrow that said she was understanding him but not quite. Watanabe: Woofuwoof! The biped seemed delighted! And he crouched down beside her and scratched her head, right there, right there where it made her hind leg move with a life of its own and scratch the air as she let her weight rest against that hand. But the high-performance scanner on the tip of her nose detected something more important. Meat, but better than that: CHEESE. Right there, on the edge of her muzzle, on the knee of the light-coated biped. Oh, but that tickled! Tan: Aww, I feel better already. And there wasn't even anything wrong! Just, you know, something about you just really calms the nerves, you know? He definitely liked this human, he knew how to scratch and had a pleasant voice. The kind that said nice things and cute nicknames. But food! But tickles! Ah! Let him keep scratching there, right in that spot where she couldn't manage to scratch herself. No! She had to focus! A new friend. A more very best friend, but food. And yet her tail wagged on its own and her paw kept scratching at the air, and the corners of her mouth pulled back into a comfortable, relaxed doggy smile with a tongue on one side. Watanabe: ::Absently:: arf! Another scrub, and a soft pat between the ears. Oh good, that biped was a keeper. The biped let out a sound, one that its handler never made, but that Cheesecake knew humans and other bipeds did. An animated, upbeat sound that she liked. Then he shifted position, and he unwrapped... THAT. The treasure. The best thing in the world. The object of his desire and hers. Food. And instinct won the day. Watanabe: CHOMP Hand, bread, vegetables, chicken, salami and cheese and everything else inverted between drooling canine jaws. Tan: Response Cheesecake blinked, almost as bewildered. She hadn't expected that, but there they were. There was nothing left to do but to go on to the end. Watanabe: grrrrrlll It wasn't even a very serious grunt. Not that deep sound that echoed deep in her chest and stomach, that ruffled her hair and pulled back her lips. No no, none of that, it was something lighter, a "come on mate, you know it' s mine, loosen up and let's be friends, after lunch I'll show you the big hole I've made in the arboretum". A friendly grunt. She even wagged her tail to let him know she was in a good mood. Tan: Response It looked like it wasn't going to work out that way, so Cheesecake pulled and pushed, and huffed and puffed... and the trill didn't let it go. So she began to pull and tug and pull and stretch and push and shove and drool until there was the pitiful sound of food breaking apart...... and a little tongue thrust sent the piece of sandwich into her stomach..... But the biped still had the rest. Watanabe: BORK! Tan: Response ================================= Crewman, 1st Class Cheesecake Watanabe A very good girl USS Gorkon NCC-82293 E239702A10 ================================= Reply all Reply to author Forward 7
Alleran Tan Posted November 22, 2021 Posted November 22, 2021 Cheesecake Watanabe did nothing wrong. 1
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