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As part of a new series in the Poll of the Week, we’re bringing you into the centre chair. When presented with a situation, how would you react? What would you do?

The USS Penda has been sent out on convoy duty — escorting a merchant convoy back towards the Federation core. However, one of the merchants is hijacked in the time it takes you to fight off several pirate ships.


Thanks to a nearby Galor-class ship, you defeated most of the attackers, except for two who fled with the hijacked merchant ship. The pirates warn you that any attack will result in them killing the captured merchant if you send a team or attack their ship. The Gul is already turning to escort their convoy out of the sector, and will shortly be out of immediate range.


Your convoy needs to be escorted to the Starbase at the edge of the sector, and upon notifying Command, they warn you the Quick Response Force (QRF) has deployed to deal with an issue with one of the colonies in the sector, and cannot come to your rescue.


Still… it seemed the Gul was unhappy with these attacks, too. Perhaps you could work something out?

What do you do? What risk are you going to take?

Click here to head to the forums now and vote in this week’s poll on which plan you would choose, or let us know your own! Be sure to leave a comment in the thread!

The post Poll of the Week: You’re the Captain now! A Pirate’s Menace appeared first on StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG.


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