Popular Post + Vitor S. Silveira Posted February 24, 2021 Popular Post Posted February 24, 2021 OOC: This was originally a two part post, but for easy reading I am combining it so we all enjoy this wonderfull sim. It speaks for itself. IC: ((XO’s Quarters, USS Juneau)) Natalia woke up from her nap and sat up in her little bed. She pushed aside the blanket and picked up the little badge and activated the HMT she had named George. Natalia: Hi, George. Springing into existence in a cloud of photons and fabric, the Holographic Muppet Teller was a goofy mass of smiles and hugs a few seconds later. HMT: Geordi? Who’s Geordi? Not me!? ::Suddenly, the puppet had a [...]-fabric Visor across its eyes while it looked around the room, feigning confusion.:: Natalia beamed at him and gave him a tight hug. Then with an arm around his neck she headed into the main living area. Edgar the cat lifted his head as they came out. Seeing that he wasn’t about to be chased, settled back down in chair. There was no sign of her parents, so Natalia walked to the door of her parents’ bedroom and looked inside. Both of them were asleep. She rolled her eyes. Pepe must have given Meme another of those special backrubs. They were probably going to sleep for a while. Natalia didn’t mind the backrubs. Pepe always gave the best ones. But still… She wandered back into the other room. She knew there was no leaving their quarters by herself. Her last adventure had resulted in some very strong security features. Unless the red light was flashing, that door wouldn’t open without her parents’ say so. She looked at her special shuttle and smiled. Her Uncle Geoff had made that for her and it was lots of fun. Under her arm was Wimbo, her first and best plushie. She really missed them. Then a smile curved her lips. She would talk to them. The little girl happily went to her father’s workstation and climbed onto the chair. Bounding alongside, the HMT pressed a nose to the edge of the desk, eyes just barely able to see the work surface. HMT: Whatcha doing, stinky? ::It had become a favorite nickname after a particularly smelly incident with the waste recycler:: If you want to watch Toby the Targ, I can put it on for you in the main room. Natalia: Computer There was a chirp of acknowledgement. Natalia: I want to talk to Uncle Geoff and Uncle Wil. Computer: Unable to comply. That earned a frown and pout. Natalia: Why not? Computer: Insufficient Parameters. The pout kicked in full force. Natalia turned her attention to George. Natalia: I don’t know what that means. Fix it. The holo-muppet scratched its head with an exaggerated finger. HMT: Well I’m not sure I know how! You know we’re not supposed to go playing with the computer! Natalia: I want to talk to Uncle Geoff and Uncle Wil. Now! Beneath the fabric & photons, a complex series of algorithms was running to predict the young girls needs, desires, and probably emotional outcomes from different courses of action. As a high priority directive was to avoid making his charge cry, additional programmatic strategies began opening up. The holomuppets outfit changed from the golden engineering tunic and oversized commbadge to a shimmering turquoise. His head changed to a more amphibian shape and an equally deep shade of blue. HMT: How about we go spend some time with Flotter! Our next chapter is "Flotter meets the Invincible Invertebrates" and there’s a very impressive castle…. Natalia’s expression took on the bland stubborn look her father’s would sometimes wear. In her case it meant trouble. Waking up working parents was not part of the HMT’s programming. Sensing failure, the HMT reverted to its typical appearance. With an exaggerated sigh of its oversized head, the muppet shuffled up into the chair next to Natalia, setting off a peal of giggles as he ‘accidentally’ bumped into her several times. Covering its eyes with one hand and clumsily rummaging around the desk with the other, the HMT silently uplinked to the Juneau’s computer and completed the complex series of subspace interlink requests. With a dramatic spin of its cuddly hand, the HMT tapped the controls and the console sprang to life. HMT: I still think we should’ve hung out with Treevis.... It wasn’t long before images of the two men appeared side by side on the viewscreen. Natalia bounced with joy. Natalia: Uncle Geoff! Uncle Wil!! Wil’s screen on his desk in the Chief Engineer’s office of the USS Veritas chimed with an incoming message, from outside of the Shoals. He smiled. It would be crackly and sometimes distorted, but it was a testament to Tristam Core’s engineering smarts. The 3G network was working a treat. Ukinix: ::Smiling:: Tarls! How are you? Natalia: ::bouncing on the chair:: Uncle Wil! I is good! On the bridge of the USS Thor, a priority one communication request directed to Commander Geoffrey Teller sprang up on the main view screen. He was tending the midwatch and there wasn’t much activity on the bridge, so rather than retreat to his office he decided to answer here. As the screen filled on one side with the delighted face of Natalia Moonsong, and the other with the slightly laggy face of Lt. Cmdr. Wil Ukinix, Geoff’s smile widened until it hurt. Teller: Natalia! Wil! What a surprise...and is that a fuzzy friend I see? Natalia: George fixed it! Ukinix: ::To Teller:: G’day Geoffrey, how are ya? Geoff smirked at his dear friend. Teller: G’day knackers! Nacelles fall off that old bucket yet? Natalia: Not yet! Ukinix: Did you make this call, little lady? Natalia: ::head bobbing frantically to make curls bounce:: I called you this time! Teller: I did not program the HMT to do that. From its position in the chair, the HMT hopped up and blew a loud, long razberry. When the holographic toy version of Teller appeared on the screen… Ukinix: ::hand on chest:: Argh! … Wil shrieked a little bit. HMT: Haha! Boring old Geoff, you programmed me to do 1001 things! This was number 624 - “Establish emergency contact with caregivers using whatever means necessary if & when Natalia is in distress. Unca Geof & Unca Wil are listed in my emergency contacts.” Oooo wait a minute, is that a new shiny on your uniform, Dull Geoff? I’ll need to update my outfit! With a spin and a flourish, the HMT was now wearing a crimson uniform with three dots along the collar. After examining his new appearance in a comically oversized hand mirror that popped into existence, the HMT let out an exaggerated ‘yuck,’ shook off the new color and pip and returned to its base appearance. Geoff heard a bit of snickering on the bridge and glanced towards the science station, where Lieutenant Kowolski was very studiously looking anywhere but at him or the viewscreen. Ukinix: Do your parents know? Natalia: ::rolls eyes:: Meme and Pepe sleep. Special backrub again. Ukinix: Oh. Um... right. Well, when a mummy and daddy love each other… uh.. Wow, your hair has grown so much Admiral Natalia! A coughing fit from Lt. Kowalski’s station broke through Geoff’s stupefied expression. The man had inhaled and promptly aspirated most of his cup of coffee and was now hacking for air, trying desperately to hide the tears of laughter in his eyes. Teller: Well then Admiral, we’ll let them sleep for now! So, do you have any orders for us, ma’am? ::Geoff gestured to the bridge:: the Thor is at your disposal. ::Geoff glanced at the aft station:: Especially Lt. Kowalski. Natalia: I am big girl now. Ukinix: ::To Natalia:: Are you and Mummy and Daddy having fun on the Juneau? Natalia: Exciting here. Pepe’s diner go boom! ::arms wide:: And da fireworks went boom too soon. Admittedly not the most recent mission for the ship, but it was the one she actually got to play a part in. Teller’s eyes narrowed in confusion and he tapped at a few controls adjacent to the Captain's chair, bringing up the Juneau’s mission reports. He started skimming with one eye as Natalia went on with her story. Natalia: We wents to the park and had ribs. Then the old stuff store went boom and the man was gonna be on the moon. Wil rested his chin on his thumb and forefinger. Ukinix: ::To Teller:: I think we’re getting a mission report. Geoff chuckled and nodded towards the console. Teller: Honestly it’s better than the one Jansen filed - more explosions and he doesn’t mention the ribs at all. Tisk tisk. Natalia: And Meme wasn’t Meme she was ::pauses to get the word out right:: Ly-bray-rhee-an. And Pepe was chef! Ukinix: Wow! And what were you doing when all that happened? Natalia: ::pouts:: I had to go to kindergarten. Not as fun as Juneau. Dens the ceiling fell on me and Molly. Teller: Well it certainly sounds like you had quite the adventure, Admiral. I think I’m starting to understand why Meme needed a special back rub. That earned him an unimpressed eye roll from Natalia. Ukinix: Well, maybe Uncle Geoff and Uncle Wil could tell you a story about what we’ve been up to. Would you like to hear? Geoff lowered his voice and looked around. Teller: Well, if you’re sure it won’t be too scary for you! The Thor’s mission reports are classified, “Big girls only!” Natalia: ::pointing a thumb to her chest:: I AM a big girl! I’m not a baby! No diapers! Wil thought for a moment about how to describe their last mission in terms that Natalia would understand. Ukinix: We went to visit a pretty Nebula, and we found an asteroid in it. Some miners tried to land on it, but their ship crashed. So your Auntie Roshanara sent us to go inside the asteroid and look at it. And do you know what we found? Natalia: ::eyes big:: What, Uncle Wil? The HMT and Geoff spoke in near unison. Teller/HMT: Yeah Unca Wil, whaddid ya find? Ukinix: People who have been living on there for hundreds of years! They didn’t even know there was space outside. And the asteroid had a very smart computer trying to find them a new planet to call their home, but it broke. So we had to help fix up the computer. Natalia: You broked their house, Uncle Wil? Geoff made a mental note to call up the Veritas mission reports for the last few months. It sounded like it had been an exciting time for his old shipmate. Teller: Well I certainly hope Auntie Roshie saved the day, don’t you Natalia? Natalia: Auntie Roshie always saves the day. Hers is the smartest. And Auntie Char always fixes stuff. Geoff chuckled agreeably and nodded. Teller: Skipper always saves the day! That’s why she’s the Skipper. Now let me think…::Geoff put on an exaggerated display of thinking, which the HMT mockingly pantomimed::...We’ve had a few adventures here. Maybe you’d like to hear about a whole planet that…::Geoff snapped his fingers::...vanished! Nah, that planet was full of dragons, you wouldn’t want to hear about that….no no, much too scary…. Natalia: Uncle Geoff! I want to hear about dragons! ::she put on her prettiest pout:: Please? Teller: Hmm, I don’t know Uncle Wil - what would Starfleet Command have to say about this? Ukinix: ::Smiling:: She’s an Admiral, Geoffrey, I’m sure she’s got clearance. Natalia: Pretty please, Uncle Geoff? With sugar on top? Teller: Well, you did use the magic word, so now I suppose I have to! Your Uncle Geoff and his friends we’re trying to find some people who had gotten lost, and to do it we had to go wayyyyyyyyy underground! It was dark and scary and the tunnels went on forever and ever and ever…. Geoff could see the little girl leaning forward, completely transfixed. He began moving around the bridge, trying to visualize things with his hands as he went. Teller:....so we’re walking and walking and walking and we can’t find the lost people...but you know what we did find? Natalia: A dragon? ::he did say the story was about dragons after all:: Teller: Not just one….but TWO dragons...and they could eat rocks! Can you imagine it, Natalia? A nice hot bowl of rocks for breakfast? The HMT made a disgusted blatt and Natalia giggled in delight. Geoff raised his arms above his head as far as they’d go and splayed his fingers, digging at invisible stone and stuffing it into his mouth with exaggerated chomps. Natalia: Did they tries to eat you Uncle Geoff? Teller: Oh don’t worry, they were very nice dragons...although one of them did eat a little bit of our ship! Natalia gasped and clapped, enthralled by the tales of adventure. Meanwhile, the noise from an excited three-year-old and the voices of old friends dragged parents from a restful sleep. Raissa stood in the doorway of their bedroom, her arms crossed as she shook her head. Moonsong: ::softly:: I wonder how she pulled this off. Orrey: ::pointing at the puppet.:: I have an idea. Moonsong: ::whisper:: Let her hear the end of the dragon story first, then we will interrupt. Orrey: Dragons indeed. We will have to read that later on. Natalia: ::happily bouncing on the chair:: More stories Uncle Wil! More stories Uncle Geoff! Teller: Well there was this time Uncle Geoff & Uncle Will got a little silly on shoreleave…. Ukinix: Yeah, and your uncle Geoff got a picture of someone on his arm, and didn't get it removed! Moonsong: ::coming into view of the monitor:: I think that is enough stories for now. Teller: Raissa! Hope we didn’t wake you. I understand Jansen’s special backrubs really take it out of you. Geoff tried to keep a serious expression. He failed, but a respectful attempt was made. Ukninx: I, uh - ::clears throat:: - awkies. Orrey: Someday I am sure you will be lucky to find someone to rub your back, Geoff. Natalia pouted. Figures her parents would wake up now. Geoff reddened visibly before turning away from the display. Moonsong: ::smiles as she leans forward a little, a hand to Natalia’s head.:: It is great to see you two. Despite the fact this call wasn’t authorized. Teller: Well it seems like we’ve got “George,” to thank for that, isn’t that right….George? Geoff scowled slightly at the HMT, wondering how hard it would be to push a six hundred gigaquad matrix update over subspace. He knew he should’ve built a holo-puppy. For it’s part, the HMT feigned innocence and shuffled behind Natalia for protection. Ukinix: ::smirking:: Onya George. If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t have seen how much Natalia has grown. Orrey: ::smiling down at the little girl and petting her hair.:: Aye, been a spell hasn’t it? Raissa leveled her gaze at the HMT. She didn’t really blame the little creature. Children were notorious throughout time in finding loopholes in parental authority and exploiting it until caught. Moonsong: HMT Security Update, authorization Mommy Moonsong 01. No subspace calls without parental real time verbal authority. That would stop the off ship calls, but still allow her to call the friends she had made in the ship’s childcare facility. Ukinix: ::To Raissa and Jansen:: Natalia’s going to make a great engineer one day. Or maybe security. Orrey: She can learn from you and Jayla, eh? Teller: I thought we were trying to expose the little lady to good influences, but if you say so. Geoff headed back to the Captain’s chair, storytime having come to a close with a few giggles Geoff felt surprisingly warm, the unexpected reunion buoying his spirits considerably. Moonsong: Considering what Jayla did to Wil for two years, that is not a good thing. Ukinix: Well, I’d just like to say that I miss all of you guys. ::Looking at HMT, smirking:: Maybe not you though, furball. The HMT covered Natalia’s eyes with one fuzzy hand and made a very rude gesture towards Wil with the other. Orrey: We all need to get together more often. Perhaps on the holodeck. Moonsong: That would be a lovely idea. It would be wonderful to give you both a virtual hug. Natalia: ::bouncing in her seat;: Hugs! Hugs! Geoff smiled at the idea, briefly wondering how much leave he’d accumulated. Teller: Sounds like a wonderful idea to me - as I recall, Wil’s got a beach program I’m not supposed to know about hidden in the aft datacore. Wil’s eyes opened, slightly shocked. He had been with Geoff on the tropical planet Limbo where the Veritas crew had become marooned. Once they rescued themselves, the ship was limping away but that didn’t stop Wil from performing a detailed scan of the beach dubbed “PurpleWhiteHaven”. Ukinix: How - how did you know about that? Moonsong: ::looking at the screen:: It appears you are on duty, Geoff, if the snickering crewmen behind you is any indication. And Wil, you probably should be on duty or is Charlena running everything while you’re skirting work? Teller: Oh don’t mind the soon to be demoted Lieutenant at the science station. ::Geoff glanced over, Lt. Kowolski now attempting to blend in with their console.:: Besides, a Priority One communication from the Admiral here ::Geoff nodded respectfully towards Natalia:: will never be ignored. My word as an officer and an Unca. Ukinix: ::Putting feet up on desk, relaxed sigh:: Alpha shift just ended. ::Hand behind head:: I’m free and easy. Moonsong: It was wonderful to see you two again. Say good bye now, Natalia. Natalia: ::with a great big grin:: Good bye now, Natalia! ::blows kisses to her uncles:: Teller: Night night little one. Fair seas to all of you, my friends. Ukinix: Seeya Admiral Tarls! Have fun little lady. Jansen scooped up his daughter with a laugh as the feed cut. Orrey: Alright you, lets get dinner made and have a long talk about subspace communications. END ------ Natalia Moonsong A Child Too Clever USS Juneau & =/\==/\==/\==/\==/\==/\==/\= Lt. Commander Raissa Moonsong Acting Chief Of Sciences Specialty: Cultural XenoAnthropology/Psychology USS Juneau, NX-99801 =/\==/\=G239107RM0 =/\==/\= & /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Lieutenant Commander Jansen Orrey M.D. M.Sc First Officer USS Juneau O238506JO0 & Lieutenant Commander Wil Ukinix Chief Engineer and Second Officer USS Veritas V239511WU0 & Commander Geoffrey Teller Executive Officer and Holographic Muppet USS Thor - NCC 82607 Commodore A. Kells, Commanding V239509GT0 5 3
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