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Ensign Lephi: Big Lobes

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@Lephi I genuinely laughed at Lephi's reaction to Brex!!

((Security Director’s Office, Mephinii Spaceport, Illara Prime, Par’Tha Expanse))

Ganarvuss: Captain Logan, I’d like to take Ensign Yalu or Lephi with me to talk to the suspects.

Logan: ?

Lephi paused for a brief second, considering her situation as she stood on the balls of her feet reflexively, trying not to look too eager. She was weighing the pros and cons methodically in her head trying to figure out where she would be most helpful.

Lephi: All due respect to Ensign Yalu, I truly feel I would be better suited to come along. I've been thinking about it and although my hand to hand combat is rusty, my diplomacy is a strong point.

Ganarvuss: Is that so?

Lephi was almost certain that there had been some disbelief in the tone from Ganarvuss, but decided that it wasn't worth making a scene with the Ensign over. Besides, she reasoned that Ganarvuss' hesitation was likely based on lack of knowledge rather than malice. 

Lephi: I might be an engineer in Starfleet, but I've brokered many deals in my short life, and you can't do that unless you're good with your words and reading people. 

Logan: Response 

Yalu:  I’m happy to go wherever I am needed, Ensign Ganarvuss.  If you’d like someone to stay behind and work with Dr. Nidhar’s team, I can do that.  But if you think I could be of use elsewhere, I mean, not that staying here wouldn’t be useful, I just... 

Brex: ::inclines his head and turns to Ganarvuss:: With all respect, Ensign, I agree with your Ensign Lephi. His shrewdness might be beneficial. ::pauses:: Also, as I stated to your other officer, I feel I would be of more use with the interview process. Dr. Nidhar has the situation well in hand here and your doctor could be beneficial to her investigation here since he’s the one who discovered the thoron radiation. 

Lephi turned and shot the Representative a hard glance. 

oO His shrewdness? His?! Oo 

Lephi was fuming. She instinctively reached up, gently feeling around her ears. She always had been self conscious about their size. Typical Ferengi females had lobes that were much smaller.

She stifled a growing urge to unleash a verbal lashing on this Freeworlder. No, this needed to be handled professionally. She couldn't end up in the brig on her first mission.

Lephi: ::speaking through thinly veiled irritation:: Thank you for that ringing endorsement, Representative.

Ganarvuss: Alright, then. You’re hired, Lephi. Dr. Yalu, I agree with Brex on this. Your insights could be most helpful to the forensics team. 

Lephi felt herself tip ever so slightly as she adjusted, allowing both feet to once again be firmly and flatly on the ground. Now it was time to shine. Although she was great at computer languages, her favourite language remained negotiation. 

Lephi: ::not taking her eyes off of Brex::  Thank you, Ensign, an interrogation is just an intense negotiation, after all. On Ferenginar we just call that an average Tuesday afternoon. You'll get your answers.

She hoped she didn't sound too intense in her reply, with her emotions on a roller coaster she struggled to filter her tone. Moderately worried that she was tanking her Starfleet career before it ever got off the ground, she turned her gaze back to Ganarvuss and added in an attempt to be less intense 

Lephi: Thank you, Ensign Ganarvuss. I hope we make a good team. I look forward to working alongside your very capable self.

oO Rule of Acquisition number 33, it never hurts to suck up to the boss! Oo 

She thought to herself with a wry chuckle, a faint smile turning the corners of her lips upwards slightly.

Yalu: Understood

Logan: Response

Brex: ::nods:: Of course. ::smiles:: It is your decision. I will help however I’m needed.

Ganarvuss: You made a good point earlier, Representative. I think it would go a long way to have you with us when we interview the suspects. 

Lephi: oO Oh this is just perfect. Oo ::deadpan:: It'll be great to have you along Representative.

Brex: Response 

Logan: Response 

Nidhar: ::pauses:: I wouldn’t mind the extra hand. 

Lephi was impressed with how quickly Ganarvuss was able to take control of the situation and get things done. She filed that away as a mental note. She reasoned Ganarvuss might make a good ally to have.

Ganarvuss: You got it, Doctor. Representative, Lephi: Let’s go.

Logan/Nidhar: Response

Lephi: I'm on your six.

Brex: ?

Ilana led the way out of the office and Lephi followed closely behind. They hadn't made it very far before Lephi was forced to stop on short notice, almost running into Ganarvuss who was turning back to face them.

Ganarvuss: I imagine the place to start looking would be the main conference center.

Lephi: Seems like the best starting point, I agree. I know it's not my place, but if I may, perhaps we should split up to try and cover more ground? It is time sensitive after all.

She was determined to put some distance between herself and the thoughtless representative. Of course he'd think she was a male! She was good at being Ferengi! Lephi wondered how he'd feel if she were to make some broad assumption about his species.

Brex: ?

Ganarvuss: That makes sense.

Lephi: Alright, I have my orders, I will accomplish them.

Lephi knew she sounded a bit distant and cold, but she hoped that her colleagues would attribute that to readying for the task at hand and not that her feelings were hurt.

Ganarvuss: Response

Brex: ?

Ensign Lephi
Engineering Officer
USS Atlantis NCC-74682

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