Lael Rosek-Skyfire Posted May 3, 2020 Posted May 3, 2020 This is an awesome example of two writers who let their characters shine together. Great job @G'var and @CharlenaVanlith. --- ((Deck 4, USS Veritas)) Charlena pulled her hair tighter into a ponytail as she made her way to G'var's door. She was nervous and excited all at once. She hoped she'd be able to keep up with G'var but she also trusted her friend to not harm her. She tugged slightly at her outfit making sure it was just right for fighting as she lifted her hand to the chime by the door. As the door chime sounded, G'var took one last look in the mirror. Nodding her head in approval that her hair was braided tight to her head, G'var grabbed her bat’leth and opened the door. Raising a brow in surprise at Vee’s matching hair. G'var:::smirking:: why little sister, I see you've finally taken my advice and put your hair up. Vanlith: ::chuckling:: well I've got to at least have unobstructed sight as an advantage. G'var:::throwing a thumb over her shoulder:: Oh really, maybe I should get my clippers then? I’ll give you a nice buzz cut, ::winking:: very fashionable, everyone on the parrises squares Team had them. Vanlith: You wouldn't. ::Glares slightly:: G'var:::hands on hips:: I know how much your hair means to you Vee, I wouldn't dare. ::quickly spinning her bat’leth up:: or perhaps I could just take a bit of the top. Vanlith: Good because otherwise when I get good at this. G'var::: Laughing:: well make a mental note to remind me to teach you how to defend against that. Vanlith: Sounds like a plan. Actually G I'm a little nervous. G'var:::smacking Vee on the shoulder:: Don't worry, today is all about your stance, you cannot learn to fight without knowing how to stand first. Vanlith: Well I think I can handle that. Lead the way. G'var:::placing her arm around Vee:: That's the spirit Sister! Today you begin your journey to becoming a Warrior. Charlena followed G'var. She was aware that her strength and height did put her at a disadvantage if they did fight today so she was thankful that it was just the stance. G’var:::raising a brow:: I must admit, I was a bit surprised by your request to do this. ::chuckling:: even Wil won't join me for a sparring session. Vanlith: I know it's a bit random but I guess I just thought it would be something different I could do. I mean I am a little worried I won’t even be able to hold one for a long period of time. G’var:::shoulder bumping Vee:: Oh don't give me that, They’ll write songs about the Sisters of Km’Tek. Trust me Vee, if you truly want to learn to use the Bat’leth, then I shall teach, it's all about repetition and not being afraid to take a hit. Vanlith: I push myself hard enough at the gym without you joining ::chuckles:: G’var:::laughing:: Good, then you won't mind if I join you at the gym. ::pinching Vee’s arm:: We’ll get you stronger in no time. Vanlith: ::chuckling:: How am I even going to consider keeping up with that? G'var:::[...]ing her head:: Well, you said you weren't strong enough. So we have to start you on a regimented plan of diet and exercise as well. Vanlith: ::gulping:: You're not going to fully convert my diet are you? I'm not sure I can handle that much. G'var:::Laughing:: No Sister, you don't have to eat gagh or targ heart. Though we will have to up your caloric intake, increase your protein consumption. Vanlith: Increase? How on earth am I going to do that? G'var:::smirking:: It won't be that bad, we can work with Lex on a nutrition plan. ::winking:: then you can start meeting me in the gym at 0500 each day. Vanlith: I mean that's only an hour earlier than normal. I'm sure I'll cope. G'var:::shoulder checking Vee:: Come on let's get to the Holodeck, we've got a lot of work to do this morning. I hope you hydrated like I told you too. Vanlith: Of course I did. Not a chance I wouldn't take your advice on this. ((Holodeck 2, Deck 5)) After an hour of working with Vee, G'var was impressed by the other woman's tenacity. She remembered her own hard lessons from the Dahar Master on Boreth. G'var had been no less demanding of Vee than he had of her, and so far she had not disappointed. Taking a short break so Vee could tape up her toes and ankles, G'var had to smile, her little Sister had definitely not disappointed her. G'var:::swinging her bat’leth:: You truly have the heart of a Warrior, you bring more Honor to your House than you could possibly know Sister. Charlena looked up as she finished fastening the tape. She couldn't help but smile. This felt good, she felt like she was actually in control. She was so proud that G'var had said that to her even if her lungs were burning just a little. Vanlith: ::sincerely:: It's all down to you. G'var:::raising a brow::Me? ::cradling her bat’leth in the crook of her arm:: No, today is about you Vee. Your Courage and Honor have brought you here. Vanlith: Honestly. Without your help and support I don't know how well I would have lasted here. G'var:::taking a breath:: V...Charlena...You are stronger than you know, you have more than earned your place here. This is your Home Sister. Vanlith: I'm so proud to have you call me your sister. G'var:::bowing her head:: You do me the Honor of allowing me to call you Sister Charlena. Charlena rose to her feet and whilst she was nowhere near the height of the impressive woman opposite her she didn't feel small, weak or intimidated. Instead she felt empowered and ready to take on anything. She could feel the determination fall across her face. Vanlith: So what can you show me next? G'var:::spinning the bat’leth over Charlena’s head:: You still need to work on your footing and posture. ::smirking:: However, if you are feeling up to it I will show you the First Stroke. Vanlith: ::Ducking slightly in shock.:: Now that sounds like fun. G'var:::tapping Vee’s leg with her bat’leth:: come them, show me Kri’StAk! Position one! Vanlith: ::Reading her feet and holding her posture:: Well then G. Let's see what you've got. G'var:::winking:: As you wish Sister ::swing her blade down towards Vee’s head:: Defend yourself! Vanlith: Oh I will ::preparing herself for the impact and adjusting her weight slightly to be behind the blade:: Swinging her blade down, G'var let a large smile spread across her face as Vee brought her own blade up to meet hers. With a loud KLANG, the two blades met each other. Pressing the attack, G'var began to slowly press the tip of her blade down towards Vee’s head. Vanlith: You really are as strong as you look. G'var:::Smiling:: WwanHa' rur D’loK! (bend like the reed) Vanlith: ::Smiling:: Like this? Somehow Char had managed to move her weight and feet enough to get out from under the blow in doing so pushing G back away from herself. G'var:::twirling her blade:: Good...very good ::holding the Bat'leth at the ready position:: remember to not lock your thumbs out. ::snapping her fingers:: otherwise... Vanlith: I mean I don't know if that's right but it worked ::shrugging.:: G'var:::raising a brow:: worked? ::smiling:: you mean you don't have my bat’leth sticking in your head ::chuckling:: besides your thumbs, how did it feel? Vanlith: It just felt natural. It made sense. G'var:::slapping Vee’s arm:: Natural is good, you and the blade are one then. ::rubbing her chin:: someone your size needs to rely on cunning and speed more than brute strength. You and your blade need to become one. Only then will you be unstoppable. Vanlith: Unstoppable. I like the sound of that. G'var::Swinging out her bat’leth:: Now back to Kri’StAK one. We have a lot of practice to do today. You ready little Sister? Vanlith: Ready as ever. Thank you for this. G'var:::Laughing:: Don't thank me yet Sister, you've got years of this to go before you can call yourself a Master. Vanlith: Master? Now that does seem a way away especially as I still need to remember not to lock my thumbs. G'var:::winking:: I'll be with you every step of your journey. A piece of me will always be in your heart. Wherever your life leads you take me with you. ::Swinging her blade down:: Now defend yourself! Vanlith: With pleasure Sister. Charlena made a careful attempt not to lock her thumbs this time as she made another evasive move to get out from underneath G'vars blade. G'var:::bringing her blade down:: Excellent! Remember to stay loose Vanlith: :: chuckling:: Now this is what I call fun. G'var:::snarling:: Fun! Let's see if you find it fun when you wake up in the morning ::snarlaughing:: Vanlith: Did I lock my thumbs that time I tried not to? G'var:::raising a brow:: No you didn't, top marks on your form. Now we just have to practice, practice, practice ::tapping Vee’s Blade with hers:: Vanlith: ::smiling proud of herself:: Well I've fixed one thing at least. G'var:::smiling:: let's keep going lil’Sister, back to Form 1 ::sweeping her Bat'leth in front of her:: Aftward this we can go for a steam and a Raktajino. Vanlith: Now that sounds like a brilliant plan. ::Readying her stance:: Ready when you are. Charlena couldn’t wipe the smile off her face as she kept her feet light and moving, adjusting her stance and positioning of the weapon in response to G without hesitation. G’var:::growling::Keep that smile on your face Vee ::bringing her blade down towards the crown of Charlene’s head:: it will make your opponents uncomfortable knowing you find joy in killing them! A very useful distraction! Charlenas smile broadened as she thought she saw an opening and went on the counter attack. Somehow it is much more successful than she could have imagined. Vanlith: You mean like that? ::Chuckling light-heartedly:: G'var hadn't expected Vee to be as fast as she was and narrowly avoided getting her side cut opened. Looking back at the smaller woman, G'var had to admit to herself that she may have created a Monster. G'var: oO By Kah’less, just what the Ship needs, another Combat Monster...I guess I set too good an example. Oo G'var:::dodging to the side:: Yes…:::looking at the tear in her gi’s side::exactly like that...You're slicker than a greased Targ! ::pointing her the tip of her blade at Vee:: let's see you try that again Quicksilver! Vanlith: Not sure I could try it again. ::Laughing:: but I can give it a go. Charlena readied her stance again and their spar continued. She had never had so much fun in any form of combat training before and she wasn’t sure what about this was so enjoyable but she wouldn’t change it for the world. Although she wasn’t sure that this wasn’t fun just because it was G and it wasn’t real. G’var:::sweeping out with her blade:: Again, Youneed to rely on your cunning and speed lil sister. ::stepping around a riposte from Vee:: you've got a long way to go to be able to match strength with an opponent. We need to work on your agility, dexterity. and flexibility. Vanlith: ::someone dodging the move but losing her grip on her blade:: Agility, dexterity and flexibility right ok. G'var:::pinning Vee's blade to the mat:: If you truly want to learn to be a Warrior, I will teach you ::holding up a finger:: but to not take this oath lightly Charlena. The Path will be demanding and long. ::smiling:: Though I would be honored to walk beside you on your Journey. Vanlith: Yes. I want to learn. Please G’var. G'var:::slapping her fist to her chest:: Very well then Sister. ::cutting the palm of her hand:: pong Doq 'Ip jIH 'e' ghojmoHwI' pa' qeylIS SuvwI' ::holding her bloody hand out:: (On my Honor I swear to be your Teacher. By Kahless, you will be a Warrior) Vanlith: ::holding out her hand cutting her palm in the same way trying to keep a straight face:: Thank you sister. ::smiling:: I will make you proud. ::shaking G’var’s hand:: --- Lieutenant G'var Assistant Chief of Security USS Veritas NCC-95035 V239511G10 & LT. JG Charlena Vanlith Engineering Officer USS Veritas V239604CV0
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