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Marine Captain Logan - Reassurance amid chaos

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((Beta Quadrant, Par'tha Expanse, USS Atlantis, Level 9B, Science Lab 11, House Larkon Space, Paldor System, Mining Asteroid Belt))

Pulling his hand out of the caved in and shattered helmet Kurt looked up to the only other person making any noise in the Lab, the sobbing of the Lavender haired, scared Nurse. The sight would have been enough to break the heart of anyone, for Kurt the fury sitting in him dissolved away to nothing. 

Standing up he moved slowly towards the frozen Antosian.

Logan::Quitely:: Avea...

Shouting wasnt going to help she looked to much in shock for it to do anything but cause even more panic.

Logan: Wyla... its ok

She stood there with her legs lightly shaking her sobbing loud and deep, the terror of the last few minutes flaring behind her eyes. At first the Antosian didn't answer or move, her gaze was unfocused staring off across the Science Lab.

Logan oO Definitely shock.. Oo

Avae: N..no..it's not...I'm..scared..so ..scared...

Logan: No ::Smiling:: No your safe, they are no longer a threat to you.

Avae: ::She slowly looked to the lifeless body of the holographic intruder:: I..can't...stop..shaking...

Logan: They cant hurt you... I'm here

Kurt held his arm out to her as he inched closer, eventually she looked up at him, meeting his gaze with her own red shot eyes. Heavy trails from her tears streaked over her cheeks, no make up coloured those trails, which from what Kurt had been told was something that all women were thankful for. Despite now looking at him her hands still trightly gripped the strap of her Medkit.

Logan: I'm here........you're safe.

Slowly releasing her grip on the medkit she reached barely touching Kurts hand before lunging at him, wrapping her arms around his chest. Hugging him as tightly before breaking  down, her legs gave way collapsing her against him, her subtle perfume surrounding him.

Avae: Kurt...stars...thank you....I thought I was going to die...::She broke down crying openly and shivering against him:: 

Logan: Ssshhhhh….. Its ok, you didn't 

Avae: I wish...::sobs:: I wasn't.... ::sobs:: s... so..weak.. ::sobs:: 

Logan: Your not 

Avae: I...I am! ::She openly cried against his chest. Her fingers tightly gripping his armor as if she were about to fall off a cliff:: I.I...they're...not...even real...and I can't...handle...it..

Logan oO Not real … what is she talking about .Oo

Despite the urgency of being boarded and not needing to be holed up in a Science lab when all hell was breaking loose. One other thing he had learned both from the hard way and from others that had been equally tested was, the husbandry of resources. The ship would always need Medical staff and there was a good one in front of him, getting her back in the 'Fight' as it were was in it's way far more important than getting his Rifle back in the action.

That and despite anything else that may have been happening he couldn't leave her like this,  no matter what. 

Logan: Your hardly weak, back home my teacher asked me what did I want to be. And i told him that I want to be the best, not good or great but the best. He looked at me straight in the eye and told me that if I wanted to be the best then I needed to learn how to heal. Because only when I knew that would I be what I wanted because there the best of us. Not those of us that shoot things but those who put us back together again, and I know that first hand.

She slowly stood herself upright slightly away from him her hair a complete mess of escaping strands, the medkit still slung over her shoulder, but resting up against her back.

Avae: Thank..thank you...I know you're...just doing your job...but I'm sorry...you had to come rescue someone you hate. ::She stared down at her hands, which still clung to him as if refusing to let him go:: 

Logan: Hate you ?

The Beautiful Antosian glanced down at the Breen behind him, as she did her face crumpled tears flowing one more.

In one respect the irony of this bit hard , all this time he had tried to keep her from such pain yet here she was having it all the same.

Avae: I hate...being so weak....

A small sigh escaped him full of sadness at feelings the Lavender haired Nurse was having as she gripped tightly to his armoured vest.

Logan: Wyla….

Once again she failed to move as he used her name, brushing hair from her face Kurt then slipped a finger under her chin and lifted her head up till they were eye to eye again.

Logan: What is there to hate about you..why do you think I hate you ?

Avae: Response 

Logan:: Shaking his head slowly:: Its not hate Wyla … I've been protecting you since we first met. 

Taking a deep breath he steadying the voice in his head that wanted to speak, now was not the time there never would be the time for that. No despite any personal feelings he must look at the best course for the Ship and its crew only, they were what mattered the only things that did.

Covering her hands with his, for a second he marveled at the smoothness of her skin.

Logan: I thought Solana may have talked to you but this is my life ::Looking briefly at the Breen still laying by the door:: That will be me at some point in time, an hour from now, tonight, tomorrow morning two days from now. I don't know but one day it will be, and I've been protecting you from that.

Avae: Response

Logan: I've seen what it can do to people waiting for that day to come, or dealing with it when it does. And that's not what you need in your future, and I would never give that to you.

Avae: Response 

Logan: No there's plenty of others out there that can make you happier without the ….sheer risk.

The voice in his head grew louder as did the want to just scoop her up and just hold her, battling against that wasn't helped by the impact he took from the Forcefield, combined his head was now pounding.

Logan: And I admit that it wasn't the most clear indicator but I gave you that watch so you'd know someone was looking out for you.

Captain Kurt Logan

Marine Officer

USS Atlantis, NCC-74682


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