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Amidst Various Shore Leave Activities, Atlantis Holds A Memorial Service And Celebrates A New Life

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PAR’THA EXPANSE — Having aided the planet of Tibro, the crew of the USS Atlantis enjoy shore leave activities as they make their way back to their homeport.

Successfully aiding the Valcarian planet of Tibro in their efforts to contain what large quantities of the heavy metal cadmium spread through the atmosphere, the USS Atlantis (NCC-74682) began the return trip to station Deep Space 26 with the Valcarian Ambassador Grand Admiral Lorrein Dels’an onboard. The crew has taken this time to engage in various off-duty activities and greeted several new arrivals with enthusiasm.

Amid all these activities, the crew of the Atlantis welcomed a new member to the family as Strategic Operations Officer LtCmdr. Serala gave birth to her daughter, T’Saara, even as she grieved the loss of her husband, Doctor Stevok. The fallen Vulcan scientist received a military funeral with full honours, displaying the amount of respect he had earned from the crew.

Meanwhile, two new officers arrived from the Academy. Ens. Sara Bjørge from Science and Ens. Jacques Lazier of Security. Poseidon’s Lounge hosted a small gathering of officers, and it seems the new officers will fit right in with the rest of the crew.

Security Chief Lt. Maddi Hyden held phaser qualifications for the crew and several took advantage of this opportunity including Marine Cpt. Logan and LtCmdr. Anath G’Renn. Several members of the crew engaged in various methods of exercise, including a competition between Logan and Marine Cpt. McKnight.

“Seriously, sir, it’s no shame if you can’t keep up,” taunted Logan. “You can just stick with me at the back.”

Shortly after Logan spoke those words, he found himself in sickbay apparently still suffering from lingering effects resulting from his exposure to the cadmium powder on Tibro. The ship’s rumour mill also holds that several of the senior officers have begun, or have deepened romantic relationships, including Lt. Trelixxa Maeli and Lt. David Knight, along with LtCmdr. Toryn Raga and Lt. Ishkabella Journs.

During all of this, however, a few investigations began. Both Raga and Hyden are under investigation for their actions immediately following the death of Stevok, as is the sudden emergence of the believed deceased father of Serala. The veracity of his claim has yet to be determined.

Upon arrival at the station, the ship welcomed back Lt. Valin Dermont, who had assisted with repairs to the station and had also spent time away visiting family on Betazed.


Written by Serala

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