Gogigobo Fairhug Posted September 29, 2019 Posted September 29, 2019 ((Starbase 118 - Rustyy Hael’s personal Home - Trinity sector - coastline)) ::Rustyy sat idol at the large round table, the mock sunlight just barely gleamed in through the window that faced the waterfront. Today he had woke up unusually early, like something from far away drew him up at the unseemly early hours for the man. Dressed in lose sleep pants and an oversized long sleeve, he sipped slowly from the replicated coffee. Black, no sugars no sweetners. He sat still, slouched back in his self proclaimed chair. The others in the house still slept soundly. Nothing disturbed their peace. In crept a thought… how the coffee here would never taste the same as what his mama made. She always told him it was because she ‘knew how to make it right.’ A distracted smirk slipped onto his features. They had kept him in the loop, his parents that was. About his daddy’s illness. Him mama would try to tell him why was going on but she didn’t understand it very well. So a lot was lost, which left him very much out of the loop and confused. Yellow and orange chased away the dark blue in the sky. It too never would compare to home. Rustyy coughed and stirred in his suddenly uncomfortable chair. Why so sentimental suddenly? How long had been out here - and in all that time how often did he stop to really think about home in a way to cause a ping of pain to his heart. He stretched out his legs and crossed them at the ankle before he took another long sip of the coffee. The console chirped not far from him, but the man was lost to his thoughts. It beeped again for his attention. And again. In what felt like slow motion it registered. Rustyy turned his head to look and sighed before he rose from his chair to answer the incoming call. A sixth sense of dread seeped into his body. The communication console twirled the Starfleet logo for a second before the worn image of his mama filled the screen. Her blonde hair a bit more greasy than normal, the frown creases on her forehead set in a little deeper. But she smiled, loving and warm and just as any mother did. He returned the smile with his own thin lipped smirk.:: Hael: Hiya mama. ::paused.:: It be good ta’be ‘earin’ from ya. Sabrine: An’ you too’s me babe. How be things’a goin’, eh? Yer siblin’s bein’ goo’an’all? ::There was something to be said about the Hael ‘accent’. It was unique to their town. A place that refused to grow with the times or modernize their wilderness. To an outsider it was hard to understand stand them. Though many of the Hael children’s accent had faded through time away from their homeland. Rustyy’s still the thickest of all the children.:: Hael: Ya suppose’n’so’s. ::he chuckled softly.:: they’s’a fine. How’s ya and pa? Sabrine: ::She looked down at her hands a minute before she looked back at her oldest child.:: No’ so goo’ … she stood in a huff and paced just inside the view screen.:: Them’s vodo docs from tha’ therr’s big’ol city talkin’ crazy. I don’ be knowin’ ‘bout what they be sayin’ but it don’ sound like no answer fer us. Ev’r time them claim to be fixin’ one thin’ anoth’r two things be pippin’ up..?! Nah they be don’ knowin’ nuthin’. ::Rustyy sat quietly as the much older woman ranted on. He understood. Almost a child of two worlds he could see why she struggled so much. But also that the doctors knew what they were doing. The life they lived was chosen to be hard. For Terrans anyways. They still hunted their food and moved about by dog sleds. Every few years something would come through and make people sick or some virus in the animals they ate. Always something. He smiled softly and listened, not like an adolescent boy but a young man who had aged and matured in recent years.:: Sabrine: He ain’ nev’r none been sick now them’s wanna be sayin’ therr be nuthin’ righ’ wit’em? ::she sat harshly back down with a distraught expression.:: ::He wanted to hug her. To tell her it would be okay. That in today’s mordant world they could fix so much. He didn’t want her to be alone through all this.:: Hael: Mama? ::pause.:: Mama wha’ really be goin’ on? ::She took a long breath.:: Sabrine: The docs wan’ya to comes ou’ this’a way. Thems be sayin’ you, rus-rus, be gotten somet’in they be needed to be helpin’ yer pa. ::He couldn’t help but notice how hesitant she was to say such a thing. Did she think he wouldn’t come? That he wouldn’t do anything to help. He was slightly hurt by the thought, but chose not to show. After all he didn’t really know that for sure.:: Hael: … An’? … Sabrine: An’ fer ya’ll to be comin’ backs too… jus’ Incase. Thems ain’ able to ge’i’ done in time… ::solomnly.:: ya’know’s. ::The oldest son sat still for a long time. His mind jumbled and emotions tumbled about. He never thought the time when his parents would die…:: Hael: We’ll be there’s. Soon as possible mama. It’s gonna be okay’s. If’n thems docs say so then it be true. ::His dearest friend out this far was a doctor. He knew the man capable of anything. So surely these doctors were the same. The woman offered one last heartfelt smile, blew him a kiss and left him to a dark screen with a lazily twirling Starfleet symbol. Guess that was why he woke so early.:: ((Timeskip - Earth - San Francisco -Main Starfleet Hospital )) ::in anticipation to Rustyy’s arrival, his dad was transferred to a much closer hospital. It was the logical choice and one that would speed up their work. Six Hael siblings stood at the main receptionist desk. The mood was muted and feet shuffled subdued-like by the youngest few. Vivian even seemed downtrodden, in her dreamy like state. Rustyy didn’t bat an eye, he offered information and did his best to fill a role usually filled by their parents. He wasn’t that good at it. Still he had high hopes and optimism on his side. The doctors came, took him away from the herd, and on his way to the labs for better testing he could hear his mama’s pleased voice from afar. To have been separated from those who once filled her home had been a difficult transition. One she for a while blamed to be the cause of the dad's illness. The sterile smells, the to white of walls, the white gowns and long corridors of doors put a heavy pit in the bottom of his gut. But onward he went. He was put in a private room with doctors coming and going, a never end in sight for tests. The doctors spoke gibberish to him and he nodded with little understanding. Only an hour passed but to him it felt like the whole day. He now sat propped up on one of the bio beds The door to his room opened yet again and he tried to hide his discomfort.:: Sabrine: Hiya Rus-rus. ::she spoke kindly.:: how’s my babe doin’s eh? Hael: ::he smiled.:: Good mama. I’m’a good. They be sayin’ every thin’ lookin’ good. They took what thems needed - Sabrine: Yea’ they’d done said same to me. Jus’ be waitin’ now. Hael: It’ll all be fine. You’ll see. ::She offered another smile before she dove into better catching up. How she had missed her babes.:: ((Timeskip - next day)) ::The result looked promising. That’s where they were at. It would still be a day at least before they knew if everything was truly improved. But it looked promising. Rustyy was released after the news was passed along. And he was more than ready to vacate the premises. He slipped out before the release papers were signed and his family bombarded him to early. Dressed in torn up blue jeans and a long sleeve shirt, he headed out. They were on a real world he could see without risk of dangers. Who wouldn’t take advantage of that….:: ((Timeskip - few days later - Private Hospital room)) ::The official results were in - their dad would live! There was a great cheer from the hospital room at the end of the hall. It would take time for a full recovery… but he would recover and continue to have a fulfilling life. However, shortly after this came about one of the few large arguments the family had ever had. Rustyy of course would return to Ops… but Sabrine hadn’t expected any of her other children wanting to too. She didn’t like it, didn’t want it. She argued and sworn, ranted and raved. In the end… Rustyy, Vivian, lily and Sebastion would leave at the end of the week. Their mom threatens to stop speaking with them.:: Hael: Hey pa - Steve: ::he offered a tired smile.:: Eh boy ‘ow ya be’s? ::He shrugged in response before he took the vacant seat next to the bio bed.:: Steve: Ah’s I’s see’s. ::he eye twinkled knowingly.:: She don’ really’s mean’s it Ann’s you know’s i’. Hael: ::long pause.:: yea’ suppose I do… ::another pause.:: She blames me fer it though. Steve: well’s you is the first’s to goes… Hael: ::he crossed his arms and huffed.:: I’m perdy sure I was done sent off’s cause I needed more … displine? Steve: ::he waved his hand.:: You’d had wan’d to goes since the night’s was long and you a wee kiddy and all’s you could’s see’s was them’s stars. Hael: ::another shrug.:: Them’s wanna go… Steve: Yer mam don’ like’s no changes. Bu’ she’ll ::he nodded.:: She’ll be’s okay’s ::Rustyy nodded again. They were little kiddies anymore. And he nor his mama had any control over what they did. He just offered another place to go…:: ((Timeskip - Earth’s port - Leaving for Starbase 118)) ::Sabrine stood a little taller at the gate for departures. Her kids were packed and ready to go. Now all but 2 had left her and their home. They promised to write and call often. And despite the pain and fear of their leaving, she was proud and happy for them.:: Lily: Bye mama! ::she squeezed tightly to her mom.:: Sebastian: Bye ma - ::he also gave their mother a hug.:: Sabrine: Now’s don’ ya’ll be strangers none! ::her voice cracked slightly as she planted motherly kisses on each cheek on each twin.:: ::Rustyy stood back a little, not exactly sure what to do or expect. It wasn’t like any of them to be angry and offer threats. He hated the feeling he’d created a rift. But she approached him after saying her farewells to the twins and Vivian.:: Sabrine: You’s be makin’ me proud… ::she hugged him.:: Ev’ry days. ::He hugged her back and held a minute longer before he stepped back. The last call rang out over the intercoms. One last goodbye. One last hug and they were off…:: -- ~~ Lieutenant Commander Nijil Executive Officer Starbase 118 Ops A239202RH0 ~~ 2
Gogigobo Fairhug Posted September 29, 2019 Author Posted September 29, 2019 Welcome back @Rustyy_Hael! Absolutely loved this.
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