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Poll of the Week: Where Does Your Character Go On The Alignment Chart?   

14 members have voted

  1. 1. Where does your character fall on the Personality Alignment Chart?

    • Lawful Good
    • Neutral Good
    • Chaotic Good
    • Lawful Neutral
    • True Neutral
    • Chaotic Neutral
    • Lawful Evil
    • Neutral Evil
    • Chaotic Evil

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Posted (edited)

Ah, that most pervasive of internet staples. It seems that every show and every character has been featured on these loose personality organizers at least once, and Star Trek has been of particular focus. Though I personally believe that trying to shove an entire individual into nine categories is all but impossible, the struggle to pick between separate and distinctive parts of a personality can lead to some fantastic insight.
This week’s poll asks you what alignment your character would best fall under? Are they a chaotic individual, striving for good? Perhaps they have a more detached personality, and appreciate lawfulness over all else. Whatever you decide for your character, give us your vote and explain away in the comments section below!  

Edited by Randal Shayne
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Did this for a couple of our characters on the Gorkon Discord last night! Neutral Good for the most part, though a couple of True Neutrals too!

There's a handy questionnaire too! https://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd%2Fdnd%2F20001222b

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Neutral good but leaning towards lawful. Tam enjoys his own sense of order and organization but doesn't necessarily expect that anyone else follows it.

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Not really a fan of the alignment chart, as it often ends up being very clunky and artificial, since people can be different things in different (social) contexts. Think of the tyrant at work who might be a loving husband and father, just to bring up one example.

If I had to put my character down to it, it would be most likely Chaotic Good. Blaidd strives to do good, but he trusts his instincts a lot more than just rules and expected structure. He often goes with the flow and is more likely to do what feels right than what is right by the letter of the law, despite, or maybe sometimes on account of being a security officer.

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