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Poll of the Week: Promotion to the Center Chair  

39 members have voted

  1. 1. Which character would you cast as the captain for a new Star Trek series?

    • Hikaru Sulu
    • William Riker
    • Geordi La Forge
    • Worf
    • Kira Nerys
    • Nog
    • Harry Kim
    • The Doctor
    • Naomi Wildman
    • T'Pol
    • I would prefer an entirely new cast of characters.
    • Thinking of a different character? Let us know who you’d like to see in command below!

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One of the biggest steps in a Starfleet officer’s career is the promotion to the rank of captain. Given that such a promotion might come with a change in assignment and a ship or station to command, this isn’t a promotion we often see in the middle of a series. While members of the senior staff may evolve as characters and move through the ranks, we don’t really see them take that final step. However, we occasionally see glimpses of the possible future where a character like Nog or Doctor Crusher has become the captain of their own ship. These alternate timelines only last for an episode or two before things return to the status quo.

A new series is currently in the works that follows the continued adventures of Captain Picard. Michael Dorn has pitched a series that follows Worf as a captain. This week, we want you to imagine that you are making a new sequel series and choose which character you’d promote and put in command. Would you want to see more of Captain Sulu? Perhaps a series set further in the future with an older and more experienced Nog or Harry Kim would be more to your liking. Which character would you cast as the captain for a new Star Trek series?

5 hours ago, Trellis Vondaryan said:


Data is an all time fave, and I think has enough depth to pull off move to Captain. I sort of only see Worf as Security/Angry ... hard to picture him as Captain. Then again, it would be nice to see a new crew and get to know them from scratch. Tough one.


As much as part of me thinks the idea is "too cute," another part of me is intrigued to find out what has happened to Naomi (and by extension, the rest of the crew) since Voyager has returned to the Alpha Quadrant.


I chose Harry Kim because not I feel bad for the guy not being promoted, but he had some great moments in the show that I'd like to see more of. There was a glimpse of his command style in the finale that would be great to watch in a series. 

Also Lieutenant Barclay. He was the more real of all the characters in my opinion. Whereas when a new episode happened it was as if the main cast forgot what happened, but Barclay's approach to things was more cautioused anxiety because of the past. 


Sorta tied between an all-new cast and Nog -cuz that would be neat-. Voted for Nog in the end. 

  • 2 weeks later...

T'Pol and bring back Trip while they're at it!

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