+ German Galven Posted March 4, 2019 Posted March 4, 2019 ((Intergalactic Comm Link Show)) ((OOC- Thanks to @Chloe Waters for humoring me with this! ((Chloe’s Quarters, Deck 3 – USS Eagle)) ::The young ensign didn’t know why she agreed to this. She was told it was… an honor to be featured on this… Intergalactic Comm Link Show. Perhaps it was. But Chloe still felt… uneasy about it. The woman slowly paced around the room, waiting. Then the hologram appeared in the middle of her quarters. Chloe watched on quietly, though she could hear Mandy starting to stir in the other room. Any time now.:: Mitchell: Welcome to another stellar episode of the Intergalactic Comm Link show! As always, I’m your host the amazing, incredible and stupendously modest Dresdon P. Mitchell! We incredibly fortunate tonight to have another very special young officer speaking to us from the USS Eagle! Please give an Intergalactic welcome to Ensign Chloe Waters! Mitchell: Welcome to the show, Ensign! Since the good folks at home don’t know you as well as I do, why don’t you tell us a little bit about who you are and what you do out there on the Eagle? ::Chloe heard Mandy barking quietly in the other room. The doors hissed quietly open and Mandy padded out of the bedroom, looking to Chloe and the hologram with her. The dog walked up to them, and gave the hologram a confused sniff.:: Waters: ::in an obviously artificial voice as her mouth remains motionless:: I am Chloe Waters. I have been assigned to the USS Eagle as her helmsman. ::she reached down and stroked the golden retriever’s smooth coat of fur as she continued, the dog looking curiously up at her with big brown eyes as she continued to address her invisible audience.:: More or less, I pilot the ship and make certain that we do not crash into anything. Mitchell: ::chuckles:: I’m sure your crewmates appreciate your diligence avoiding all those rocks and blackholes out there. Now I’m sure my viewers are wondering about that remarkable voice of yours...mind telling us about it? ::Chloe looked down briefly, Mitchell seemingly forgotten as she stroked her dog’s fur. After a few moments she slowly lifted her head,, seemingly caught off guard by the question that was now posed to her.:: Waters: ::huffing softly:: I cannot speak. This device is extremely experimental. It converts my thoughts to speech. ::A brief look of disbelief crossed Chloe’s face as she delivered this news, as though disbelieving she just told lord knows how many people about the device she uses.:: Without it, I am mute. ::Chloe blinked once.:: Waters: oO Wait a minute. He is not really here. No one is here. He is just a hologram. Not real. He is not real and will disappear soon. You can do this… Oo Mitchell: ::nods:: Isn’t that incredible folks? Why, I couldn’t get through a shower in the morning without talking to myself - I’m my biggest fan! Lets give her a real big hand foks! The Academy must’ve been some mountain for you to climb. I see that Commander Jocelyn Marshall was your training officer. Is she as tough as they say? ::The golden retriever continued to bump Chloe with her head. The human looked down at her and smirked before looking up again.:: Waters: She was… I could not envision my training going any differently. ::She paused.:: I could not have asked for a better pair of senior officers to lead our exercises. Mitchell: ::smiles:: Always fantastic to hear that the folks on the ground are every bit the heros that you folks out in space are. What can you tell us about your class? Any exciting stories? Waters: ::seemingly more at ease as her dog’s phead nuzzles Chloe’s leg:: I fell, mostly. My short height poses some challenges which I was… unequipped to deal with in our training scenario. In which we had to intercept a runaway starship and ensure we could stop its deceleration before we boarded it, in our attempt to discover what was causing significant control malfunctions. Mitchell: Yet another complaint about the chairs in Starfleet::chuckles:: We’ll be sure to pass that along to our friends in Starfleet Engineering. ::glances at the dog:: Chloe, are you cheating on poor old Dresdon? Who’s your cute furry friend there? ::Chloe looked down at the playful, curious creature as it stared at where Mitchell stood, looking at that space with confusion. Chloe scratched her ears and the dog looked back at her, consumed by her owner’s attentions.:: Waters: This is Mandy. She is about two years old. Full golden retriever. I have had her for about six months. ::She smiled down at the creature.:: She helps me destress and deal with most social situations off duty. Mitchell: What a dynamite team! Starfleet got a fantastic two for one deal with you, that’s for sure! My producer tells me that you just completed your first mission. What can you tell us about that that won’t cause an Admiral to yell at me? ::chuckles:: Oh, it wouldn’t be the first time, folks. ::Chloe took several long moments to consider. She didn’t know what she could, or couldn’t, say at this point. Still, she had to say something… right?:: ::Chloe looked down at Mandy, who nuzzled her hand affectionately.:: Waters: We were sent to recover an artifact and ran into some… difficulties. The crew of the Eagle… minus myself, Lieutenant Drex and otherswere thrown back in time, and we had to bring them home. Mitchell: As they always say, There’s no time like the present! ::laughs:: Or whenever you are! It’s been a real pleasure speaking with you and your golden buddy, Chloe. Usually I’m the only dog on this show.::laughs:: That’s our show for tonight folks, make sure to tune in next time as I continue my insightful interview series with the most incredible young officers the Fleet has near a comm terminal. Don’t miss me too much! ::laughs::
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