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Poll of the Week: Which Civilization Had the Best Emblem?   

13 members have voted

  1. 1. Which civilization had the best emblem?

    • United Federation of Planets
    • Klingon Empire
    • Romulan Star Empire
    • Cardassian Union
    • Dominion
    • Borg
    • Ferengi
    • Breen
    • Maquis
    • Tholian Assembly
    • Another civilization? Let us know in the comment's section below!

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Emblems, flags and symbols are ubiquitous in the universe of “Star Trek”. Civilizations across the galaxy, be they powerful empires or miniscule entities, are easily identified by their particular sigil of identity. These designs are generally eye-catching, descriptive and easily discerned from one another. The Federation’s has undergone several changes over the shows and movies, but all have maintained the peaceful colors, olive branches and starfield that exude an air of serenity and cooperation. The brazen, barren trefoil design of the Klingon Empire strikes perhaps the opposite note, effectively displaying their imperial approach and aggressive stance to their allies and enemies alike. The Romulans employ a wide-winged raptor, announcing their commitment to their roots and a desire to dominate. The list goes on and on, and for the eagle-eyed viewer, it can provide a seemingly endless source of interest and world-building potential.
This week’s poll asks you to tell us what your favorite civilization emblem is. Consider aesthetics, effectiveness and uniqueness in your answer, and let us know what you think in the comments section below!

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The United Federation of Planets has the best design for its emblem. The starfield appropriately identifies the organization as a cooperative whole. Each member world can believe that one of those stars on the emblem is representative of THEIR world. When their planet joins the Federation it is joining a community and they will be reminded of this every time they see that symbol. The olive branches that surround the starfield are indicative of the peace that the entire Federation strives for. Indeed, its a requirement of membership that a planet must overcome the squabbles that beset their world before they can join the larger galactic community. That peaceful approach has at times been blurred or skewed over the hundreds of years that the Federation has been in existence but every time they may have strayed from the path they have always found their way back to the goal of peace. It is that ideal that is represented by the seal of the UFP.

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As much as i love the UFP emblem, I've never once considered getting a tattoo of it. The Romulan Star Empire on the other hand! I would get that twice. On both arms. 

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