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Poll of the Week: Most Aesthetically Pleasing Ship by Species?

Poll of the Week: Most Aesthetically Pleasing Ship by Species?   

20 members have voted

  1. 1. Which species or civilization creates the prettiest ships?

    • Breen ships
    • Klingon ships
    • Ferengi ships
    • Romulan ships
    • Dominion ships
    • Cadrassian ships
    • Early Vulcan ships
    • Early Andorian ships
    • Another type? Let us know in the comments below!

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There’s something quintessentially beautiful about Federation starships. Their curves, symmetricality and proud bearing provide a sense of awe. With the exception of a few, special cases (looks furtively at the Yeager class) most of these vessels carry on a long lineage of amazing designs. With that said, Starfleet isn’t the only organization that knows how to sculpt a shapely ship. The Klingons, and their bold, imperious designs have struck fear into the hearts of enemies for centuries. Romulan warbirds dwarf their competition with sweeping wings and imposing, almost beak-like hulls. Even the Borg offer something to the obsessively compulsive- who doesn’t enjoy perfectly geometric shapes?
This week’s poll asks you which galactic civilization has the most pleasing ship aesthetic. Do you enjoy the horseshoe shaped crafts of the Ferengi? Or do the jagged, asymmetrical combat barges of the Breen catch your eye? Give us your vote, and let us know in the comments section below!


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Although I do love Romulan designs, I personally adore the early Vulcan ships. I love their warps rings, and the red color also helps. 🖖

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Could be a bit controversial, but I really like how the Klingon ships look like. Probably because how ominous they are when they're cloaked and then appear out of nowhere. 

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I am obviously biased, since I play a half-Romulan, but I have always loved the Romulans and I love their ships just as much. Even the early warbird from TOS was sleek and impressive. The TNG D'Deridex, or B-Type, Warbird was large and beautiful. I especially love the Valdore class from the Nemesis movie.AtlantisBannerSerala.png


I like the Andorian ships myself.

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