+ Ferier Posted November 15, 2018 Posted November 15, 2018 This post with Emilia's feelings on show really hit me in the feels enjoy guys ((Bridge – USS Gorkon)) ::Upon seeing what she saw, Emilia regretted being right in her judgement. A woman appeared on screen, a trill she didn’t recognise. The woman stared mockingly at the bridge crew, her glare was like that of a basilisk. Watchfully staring into the viewscreen, almost hoping one would cower in fear from the woman in the tacky white suit.:: Reynolds: ::Murmured,:: Ensign Kian? Sevo: :: Muttering. :: That’s not Kian... Lladre: Not quite. But I see that you're trying to follow us. ::She smiled.:: In the interests of… oh, let's call it humanitarianism, I feel that I should warn you that following us means that the Kian symbiont will certainly die. ::Emilia’s eyes widened in shock, killing a symbiont?:: Lanta: You would kill yourself. ::Emilia stood with her eyes forward, glaring at the viewscreen with every speck of anger she could muster up. Whoever this “Kian” woman was, or whatever symbiont she had within her. It didn’t make it any less despicable, murdering something that could hardly even defend itself. Klingons still had better morals.:: Sevo: :: Standing up out of her chair. :: Murderer! Krugol: You disgrace the very concept of being trill! ::Emilia spat.:: Lladre: Oh, no. Nothing so crass. ::She looked a little dismayed at the suggestion, but was that just a performance?:: No, the haplass Kian is currently in a stasis chamber, floating a few million kilometres away from you. But unfortunately it *really* wasn't designed to function in a vacuum, and I doubt it's got much more than… thirty minutes left before its systems fail? :: Emilia’s eyes widened, the situation was dire. How could something so small slip through their grasps? Let alone the life of another symbiont. It was truly offensive what this woman was doing. How could she even *think* of committing such an act?:: Reynolds: You expect me to believe that you've removed your symbiont to enable a getaway? It might be believable, except for the fact you'd be killing yourself as well. Lladre: ::She smiled.:: Your concern is touching, but I'm going to be just fine. Kian, on the other hand… Lladre: Well, I imagine you'll have to implant it a new host to keep it alive. How fortunate you have a Commission approved candidate just waiting for a symbiont of his own. ::Emilia’s heart dropped like an anchor, Ferier? Emilia knew that he wanted a symbiont, but so soon? Emilia couldn’t believe it, everything she’d had with him, everything she’s shared with Ferier… is slowly vanishing just like that? Tears fought their way down Emilia’s cheek. She was trapped between saving the relationship she’d cherished for such a short time, and her moral obligations to save the symbiont.:: Lanta: Kudrem what are you on about? Without the Kian symbiont you will die. Unless, you have a new Symbiont in. But that is impossible. Sevo: :: Gasping. :: No, it’s not... Krugol: That must mean- Lladre: That would be telling. Tiny little things like that can be hard to spot, even for a Sovereign-class. But once you've found it, it should only take you a few minutes at maximum impulse. ::She grinned.:: Have fun now. :: Kudrem winked at Ferier as the channel closed. Emilia’s mind fumed with a storm of fear, disgust and rage. Oh how she hated that woman. Emilia stood idly, staring at the console before her defeatedly. Quickly she dried her tear stained face, fighting back the quiet sobs. Now wasn’t the time to be upset. Now was the time to do her duty, even if it costs her the love she’d fought for.:: Lanta: What did she mean by that? Sevo: She’s trading the Kian Symbiont for her getaway. If we chase her, Kian dies. Krugol: ::Emilia sniffled.:: D-Does that mean the trail we were following could be false? Reynolds: Bring us to a complete stop and start scanning. Once you've found it, lay in a course and engage. Lanta: Aye, Sir. All stop Krugol: I-I’ll get right on it, Admiral. ::Emilia replied with a shaky voice.:: Reynolds: =/\= Reynolds to Yiggtissi. =/\= Yiggtissi: =/\= Go ahead Admiral. =/\= Reynolds: Do you still have Ensign Fortune with you? Yiggtissi: =/\= Yes sir. She is here with me. =/\= Reynolds: =/\= I need you both to stop what you're doing and head straight to sickbay. We may be recovering a Trill symbiont in critical condition and— ::she glanced towards Ferier. :: —it may require an emergency implantation. Prepare sickbay to receive the patient, and for the procedure itself. Doctor Hahn is still aboard, he'll be able to assist you if you need it. Yiggtissi: =/\= Understood sir. =/\= Reynolds: =/\= Ensign Fortune, I want you to speak to Lieutenant Lanta and make sure this procedure is fully considered, and that he's as prepared as he can be. =/\= Fortune: =/\= Aye, sir.=/\= Reynolds: Lieutenant Lanta, report to sickbay. Speak with Fortune and Yiggtissi. ::She paused, and added more quietly.:: And only go through with this if you feel it's the right thing for *you*. You're not a sacrificial lamb. Lanta: Yes Sir. ::Ferier left with a spring in his step. Emilia watched as he left the bridge intently, she glanced at him once again. Almost begging for him not to go. But nothing happened as he disappeared through that turbolift. Would he come back as a different man with the same face she fell in love with? All Emilia could do was pray, that by some chance he still loves her when he’s back from that operating table.:: Marshall: =/\= Lieutenant Marshall to the Bridge. =/\= Sevo: =/\= Bridge. =/\= Marshall: =/\= In shuttle bay two with Sim and Smith. There's no sign of a hasty exit from here, and we've got a full complement of shuttlecraft. Ensign Kian seems to be at the centre of all this. She's no longer registering on the ship. =/\= Reynolds: =/\= No. She's aboard a ship heading for Klingon space. =/\= Sevo: =/\= Have you figured out what she was up to on the ship while we were out? =/\= Krugol: =/\= No, i dare say we haven’t. =/\= Marshall: =/\= We're investigating two avenues now — what Kian was working on prior to the public catalepsy, and who they greeted coming off the shuttlecraft. When we've got a beat on either, we'll update. =/\= Reynolds: =/\= I don't know if what Ensign Kian was working on will be much help. It appears that she's not Ensign Kian anymore. It might be best to focus on who came aboard, and follow the leads from there. =/\= Marshall: =/\= Understood, Sir. =/\= Reynolds: =/\= Very good. Bridge out. =/\= Reynolds: Any luck locating Kian? Sevo: No, sir. The particle trail is decaying too quickly, and we’re not even sure if it’s legitimate. Only thing we could tell for sure was that it was heading towards Klingon space, but they could easily change direction once outside of our sensor range. Krugol: We’ve saved their course heading to the compute memory banks, but we should also be careful we’re not following a false trail, commander. ::Emilia replied in a sterner than usual voice.:: Reynolds: Response Sevo: Admiral, sir! Request permission to leave the bridge! Reynolds: Response Sevo: I want to be there for Ferier’s Implantation. ::Emilia said nothing to the trill before her. There was nothing to say to her.:: Reynolds: Response? Sevo: I have the utmost faith in Doctor Yiggtissi’s skills, but the Joining is a delicate procedure, and there’s more to it than just some quick surgery. Ferier will need emotional and moral support as well. Besides, if there are any complications during the procedure, I can advise Doctor Yiggtissi. I have been through the Joining five times, after all. Sir. ::Emilia bit her lip, fighting back the inevitable waves upon waves of tears welling up in her tear ducts. Sevo had a point, but how could Emilia just sit there while the man she loved basically had his entire personality overwritten. Her breathing heavy, Emilia tried not to say anything to Aiyana, but it proved even harder to try and speak as well as hold back the jet of tears in her tear ducts.:: Krugol: I-... ::Emilia spoke, with a shaky voice.:: A-Are you sure that’s the best course of action..? W-While i don’t doubt your expertise commander… nor do i intend to sound i-Insubordinate. B-But family members, friends and *lovers* typically attend a joining ::Emilia’s face began to turn a deep shade of crimson. A gentle tear slipped down her cheek, landing on the console in front of her.:: b-but, it’s not my place to question your decisions, sir. Reynolds: Response ::Emilia’s eyes began to buckle under the waves forming in her tear ducts. Quietly she attempted to choke back her shaky sobs.:: Krugol: R-Right, I apologise. I know my place is on the bridge sir. B-But I-I... Reynolds/Sevo: Response? ::Suddenly all at once her eyes began to water uncontrollably. Emilia covered her mouth with a shaky hand, attempting to soften the sobs to no avail. She felt so helpless, trapped in a shell of her own morals. Unable to work up the nerve to save the man she loves, but at what cost would it be at? Was Emilia truly being so selfish that she’d carelessly throw away years of memories and experience in the hopes that her relationship would last? It was almost traumatic, the man she loved would be but a shell of the man she knew once he leaves that operating suite.:: Krugol: I-I’m so s-sorry, I-I just I-I.. Reynolds/Sevo: Response? 1 3
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