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Poll of the Week: Faith and Your Character   

21 members have voted

  1. 1. How do you approach your character's faith, or lack thereof?

    • My character follows a strict, organized faith.
    • My character follows an organized faith, but not adamantly.
    • My character experiences a more spiritual approach to the universe.
    • My character is some form of agnostic- unsure of whether or not there are divine beings, and deciding not to take a stand for either position.
    • My character was raised with religion, but now shuns it.
    • My character is a skeptic, and finds religion undesirable for any number of reasons.
    • Something not mentioned here? Let us know in the comments below!

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Faith has always been a delicate question, one that Star Trek often enjoys examining. It’s no secret that Gene Roddenberry, creator of the idea for Star Trek, found religions to be undesirable, and this fact reflected quite clearly in many of the episodes produced under his tenure. That said, there have been a variety of installments that discuss the topic of faith in a balanced matter. Deep Space 9’s Kira Nerys proudly proclaims a spiritual relationship, and there have been other characters, both in Starfleet and elsewhere, that live similarly.
On a starship or starbase, teeming with hundreds or thousands of people, cultural differences are unavoidably abundant, and part of what makes Starfleet such an incredible organization. That said, from a writer’s perspective, the storytelling and character development possibilities that stem from imbuing one’s character with religious leanings are boundless. On the other hand, a lack of religion can be just as influential for a character, helping to shape their worldview and their priorities.
This week’s poll is simple. Essentially, does your character follow a set religion or faith? Are they believers of the Bajoran Prophets, or the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition? Perhaps they were raised in such a fashion, but let that fall away as they grew older. Maybe they have an undefined faith, or an agnostic approach to the universe, or they find religion undesirable for any number of reasons. Give us your vote, and if you’re feeling generous, offer a bit of explanation in the comments section!


For me it depends on my character. My PC Jalana (a Trill) does not believe in a higher power. There was no trauma or anything, she just doesn't and never has. Some of my PNPCs are religious. Chandni an Indian Human believes in Hindu gods, Akeelah a Rodulan believes in the Great Artist and Rules/laws, Ozameen a Betazoid believes in the Betazoid Deities and so on. They are all following their religion or faith in different intensities. I like to explore different cultures and settings, so that gives me a chance to do that. :)


As with Jalana, it depends on the character with me.  My Trill doesn't follow any religions (I swear I'm not copying you @Jalana).  My Secondary follows the Kerelian faith.  Of my PNPCs my Marine at the Embassy is Catholic, and my Betazed follows the Betazed faiths.  So far it's a back ground thing for my Kerelian and my Betazoid, I haven't found a good method for bringing it to the fore yet, I really don't want to force it.



IRL I have had a fundamentally life-changing experience as a Christian. So changed, when I was beginning to create Eli I couldn’t imagine him without that same changed mentality and approach to life. So I play a lot with my Christianity in Eli: selfishly, I think, more often than not, but I really enjoy the opportunity to explore the extremities of my own philosophy and to do that in a community that is so accepting and support


Of course, different characters I make would feel differently and I myself feel somewhat differently than my main T'Katt Dugoras but from his perspective (IC) Beings like the 'Q' and other powerful and obscure entities are the source for religion and superstitions of that nature. He believes that it is unlikely that a God or set of gods exist or have ever existed. But he is open to the concept that a god-like being or set of beings may exist, that is to say, beings with the power to shape our reality deeper than that of beings like the 'Q' and thoughts beyond our understanding and control in this dimension, but not necessarily in all planes of existence.

He is also willing to submit that the mystery of existence in all forms, dimensions, and time is possibly the work of some consciousness even if it's one with no form who's understanding, knowledge, and ability is too far beyond the understanding and perceptions of any species without direct interaction. (An example of that would be Moses and the Commandments in the Christian faith.)

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