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Lieutenant (J.G.) Na'Lae Mandak - Let's Get Outta Here

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((Bridge - Deck One - USS Blackwell))

((Time Index: 1 month later))


:: She woke to the PADD announcing some incoming orders. She rolled over in her bed with a slight grumble, and saw that the orders came from the CO. She needed to get out of bed and ready for the day. They'd be leaving Deep Space 26 today. Off to the shower she went, with at least a pot of coffee or more down the hatch. The shore leave life was seeming to have settled in, and she needed to kick it. The shift had started as it usually did. She walked to the bridge, maneuvered to her chair at the conn, and turned it around to see Cayden. ::


Mandak: Well hello there Commander.


Adyr: [Tag]


Mandak: Take it we're shoving off now. It feels like we've been here a real long time anyway.


Adyr: [Tag]


Mandak: Was starting to feel like a bum some days. Roll out of bed whenever. Hit the kitchen on the way out and grab whatever was still on the replicator plate. Reminded me of being a civilian... :: She laughed ::


Adyr: [Tag]


Mandak: I wonder where he -


:: The turbolift doors opened, and out stepped Commander Whittaker, ready and raring to go. ::


Whittaker: Are you ready, Commander?


Adyr: [Tag]


Whittaker: Oh yes, indeed! If I’m honest, I am raring to go! ::he turned towards the operations console and looked to its occupant, Lieutenant Commander Shayne. There was a twinkle in his eye as he spoke.:: Mr. Shayne- hail DS26 docking control and request permission to depart.


((ooc - I wrote the raring to go part, then laughed when I read the raring to go dialogue lmao))


Shayne: [Tag]


Whittaker: Excellent! Lieutenant Mandak- ::he looked ahead, to the back of the Rekarian conn officer.:: - Standby on my mark to release mooring clamps and lay in a heading on four-oh-seven-mark-three-one and prepare to engage when we clear DS26’s traffic zone.


:: oO That's me... Oo. She wasn't used to hearing the lieutenant part yet. She'd been running a ship before, but even then, they all used their names when talking to one another. Rank typically didn't play a role unless they were actually engaging in a deal, or something similar. She took her orders and punched them into the grid. She panned out to sector space finding the 407 grid section, the panned down to the 31st subsection. She didn't see anything unusual in the grid, and nothing would be obstructing their pattern of flight. ::


Mandak: Course laid in sir, dock is responsive and waiting for orders.


Whittaker: ::he turned in his chair until Jarred Thoran came into view.:: Mr. Thoran- are all of our people back aboard ship?


Thoran: [Tag]


Whittaker: Thank goodness! ::he grinned:: I don't like the idea of leaving people behind. Lieutenant, disengage mooring clamps and back us away from DS26. Maneuvering thrusters only.


Mandak: Low and slow, roger sir.


:: With the sending of electronic signals to the docking platform, the mooring clamps blew away from the hull of the Blackwell. In smaller ships, she would always wait for the tell tale shudder of the ship as the decompression would send the thing rocking back and forth, but not with these big ships. It was smooth. She actually had to wait for the dock to indicate that the guides were clear. Slowly she'd engaged the reverse thrust, and moved the ship backwards, and beginning a turn to the south. She would need to get outside of the outer docking bay walls as well, which she'd done a million times with a ship smaller than this. Made for easy work though as she cleared the outer doors and made for open space. ::


Whittaker: ::to himself more than anyone else.:: To boldly go…


Adyr/Shayne/Thoran: [Tag]


Whittaker: Ready for anything, Mr. Pandorn?


Pandorn: [tag]


Whittaker: Carry on, Lieutenant.


Pandorn: ? (if any)


Whittaker: Please ensure that the senior staff report to the briefing room in an hour, Commander. I have our new orders to share with them.


Adyr: [Tag]


:: Lae watched as they began to clear the immediate traffic pattern of the other outgoing vessels. She looked across some of the registries that were listed on the information section. She was looking to see if she knew any of them. The Expanse often served as a coveted rest area for those on deep space missions. Sadly, she knew none of them. It would seem that a generation of traders had moved on, with others to replace them. The CO spoke to her again. ::


Whittaker: Lieutenant, are we clear of the station's traffic zone?


Mandak: Aye sir, smooth and clear sailing from here.


Whittaker: ::with another grin.:: Then by all means -engage!


Mandak: With pleasure sir. Warp 9. :: She spread her two fingers across the nacelle readouts, throwing the power distribution into full swing. ::


Any Present: [Tag]

Lieutenant JG
 Na'Lae Mandak
Helm Officer
USS Blackwell 
Andaris Task Force
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I really, really enjoyed this look at part of the routine day of our conn officer!

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