Tal Tel-ar Posted March 8, 2018 Posted March 8, 2018 ((Planetary sciences lab, USS Atlantis)) :: Torali was studying some unusual plants that they had picked up here in the expanse, an activity that she enjoyed doing. She wished they could have taken some samples of the lower evolved life forms as well, particularly those that would have fallen within the insect classification. It would have been very informative to see how they interacted with the various different types of plants available here on the ship. :: :: She had just finished examining a section of climbing vine under the microscope when. :: Serala: =/\= Yellow alert. All hands to general quarters. =/\= :: Trouble… she looked over at the plants, then stood up and started to move them one by one back into the special containment pods that regulated their light, water, humidity, temperature and environment. She was just picking up the last one when another announcement came over the ships internal PA system. :: Serala: =/\= Red alert. Brace for impact. =/\= :: Torali hurried to secure the plant, closing the door of the containment pod and……… She was thrown through the air, slamming into the ceiling, bouncing off to hit one of the other work stations before she struck the wall. :: ((Time Jump)) :: Torali opened her eyes slowly, she was in pain, a lot of it. She tried to move but failed. She heard whimpering, wondered where it came from and then realized that it was her, she was the one whimpering. :: :: It was a struggle but she managed to move her left arm enough to push whatever was on her back off. She had to wait a few moments while she tried to catch her breathe but even that hurt. Finally pushing with her left arm again she managed to get her chest off the floor. Enough so that she could tap her comms badge. Nothing happened so she tried again. :: oO Something…. must be…. Wrong…. with the…… communications system…. The lights were out…. No… not out…. Emergency lights were on… something had happened…. What…. She had been thrown…. Who had…. No… not who…. What…. If lights were off…. Then she was on her own…. No comms…. What had happened…. What…. :: :: At this point she passed out again. :: ((Short time jump)) :: Torali felt pain, waves of it crashing against her senses, jolting her to consciousness. She remained motionless. Slowly her thoughts collected, weird memories, visions, bounced around like pieces of some kind of mental jigsaw. Something happened…. a collision…. How… :: :: She opened her eyes, tried to but only one would open and even that hurt, her face was wet, she lifted her head, whatever it was, was sticky. It took her a few moments to realize that it was blood, her blood. Power was still out, only a feeble bit of illumination came from the emergency lights. :: :: She tried to move her arms under her to push herself up from the floor but a fresh wave of pain flashed through her, crashing against her senses, threatening to pull her under, she fought it even as a scream of pain exploded out of her. :: Elzizabath: AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :: Her left arm was a single throbbing mass of pain, any attempt to use it resulted in more pain. She lay there sobbing, tears running down her face as she tried to control her breathing. Her mind struggled to make sense of what was happening. :: :: She had to check it, had to know what was wrong with it. Somehow she managed to roll towards her right arm, new waves of pain slashed into her as she did, someone was shrieking, high toned animal like sounds that grated against her mind. Who could it be, why… :: ((Short time jump)) :: She woke up, opened her eyes, one eye was glued shut, it would not respond but she was looked up at the ceiling, not the floor. She had rolled over, her breathing was ragged, the pain was a dull throb that danced along her nerves, constant, why had she rolled over…. Her arm… she needed to examine her arm…:: :: She took a big deep breath and moved, pushing herself up using her right arm, regretting it as soon as she did it. Fresh waves of agony slammed into her brain, forcing another scream out of her. :: Elzizabath: AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! :: One that was followed by shrieks… :: Ahhhhh.. hhhhhhh… sshhhsshh…. Aaaahhhhhhh… :: shrieks… it had been her… not someone else… she was alone. :: :: She looked down at her arm, it was covered in blood, bent at a weird angle and she could see something sticking out of her arm, something white and jagged, something…. It was one of her arm bones. :: :: Her head sagged back, she knew she was in trouble, no one had come looking, maybe no one would. :: :: She tried to collect her thoughts, to remember her training. This was part of her basic medical training at the Academy, so much like what she had learned back home as a child. She had to deal with it, she had to do it now before she became too weak from blood loss. :: :: She looked around, her vision swimming in and out of focus, spotted one of the roller chairs lying on its side partly on top of her left leg. She had to think about her breathing, sweat started to run into her one open eye. She blinked rapidly, the chair, it might work. :: :: She lifted her right leg, tried to shift the chair closer, gritted her teeth as she did. The pain, something was wrong with her left leg as well. She fought to keep her eye open, blinking to focus her vision. Hooked the far side of the chair with her right foot, edged it closer. The top suddenly shifted and it fell towards her, hitting her belly, wrenching another scream out of her as it did. :: Elzizabath: AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :: She felt a wave of oblivion crashing down over her, her vision faded, darkness swept over her…. NNOOOOOOO…. She snapped her head back, banging it against the deck, the sudden pain snapping her eye back open, more moans whimpered out of her uncontrollably. :: :: She fought it, visions of her mother, father, siblings, home all jumbled, all chaotic crashing through her thoughts, fracturing them, making it hard to think. What was she doing, why was she doing it, was it important, all she wanted to do was sleep. Again she slammed her head back, the impact cleared her thoughts, her arm, she had to fix it. :: :: Torali blinked and looked, the chair was closer, on her, she reached out with her right hand, fumbled, than grasped the material of her left sleeve, she lifted, white hot pain, searing, blinding, slammed into her senses, the scream exploded out of her. :: Elzizabath: AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :: Somehow she managed to keep lifting it, to flop her left hand, the wrist into the junction where the arm of the chair and the back met. Every movement was sheer agony, she wanted it to end, even death would be better than this pain, NNOOOO…… she gritted her teeth, the shrieks of pain rumbled past her teeth, her lips peeled back, air racing in and out of her lungs, her entire body shuddering as she fought the dizziness, her single eye, looking down her body, seeking, looking, blurring in and out as she blinked rapidly, knowing what she had to do, dreading it, then kicking out with her right foot, kicking the chair, yanking her left arm…. :: Elzizabath: AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! ((Search and rescue efforts same desk)) :: Asno paused to wipe the sweat from his face, blinking his eyes as he did due to the sting of the salt. The air was starting to get stagnant, even worse you could see it thanks to the faint hint of smoke and other contaminates floating in it. :: Savil: Did you hear that? Plito: Hear what? :: He replied as he glanced over at the Vulcan scientist. :: Savil: Sounded like a scream. Plito: No. Not very likely either. Not with the amount of damage in this section. Savil: You forget I am Vulcan, we have superior hearing. Plito: :: Asno turned with a grin on his face even as he replied. :: Superior? Savil: To that of most species, just not Andorians, Caitians, Worene, Plito: Etc, etc, etc. I get it. Savil: Still I am sure I heard someone scream. :: Asno considered the possibilities that they might have missed someone in this section of the ship, especially as it was so close to the area where the alien vessel had impacted. The very simple fact that they had already found and tagged 3 dead crewmen for retrieval later would seem to make it highly unlikely, still if there was anything he had learned from doing this kind of job was that anything could happen. :: Plito: If you’re sure then I guess we better double check this entire section again. :: With that said he turned and started to work his way back, looking everywhere and checking everything, his powerful halogen light making a difficult job a little easier. :: ((Planetary sciences lab)) :: She groaned, her one eye lid fluttered, then opened. The room was dimly lit, the red warning light blinked on and off. Agony washed over her and she fought to lift her head, looking down at her arm. It was covered in blood but she could no longer see any sign of the bone sticking out. She was not sure if that was a good thing. She tried to move that arm but all it did was send another wave of pure senses shattering pain slamming into her brain. :: :: She felt weak, dizzy with her vision blurring in and out. She had to struggle to control her breathing, to slow it down. Somewhere within her thoughts was the knowledge that she had to, that it was important for some reason. Regardless the simple act of slowing down her breathing helped her, ideas, thoughts, memories skittered across her mind, some ridiculous, some fragmented and some were tantalizingly distracting. :: :: Slowly things made sense, thoughts blended, coalesced into useful ideas, into priorities. Her arm, she needed to stop the bleeding, to treat it before she got any weaker. Her head slowly rotated as her eye searched, looking around, checking the room within her area of sight, looking for anything she might be able to use. :: :: The room was a mess and most of it was out of sight, blocked by work stations, tables, chairs, debris of all kinds. All around her was shattered equipment, scientific devices, things useful in research but completely useless for her current needs. Still a part of her mind scratched at her thoughts, frantic with the need to get her attention, to focus her mind, intellect battered and near to shattering but frantic with the primitive need for survival. :: :: Fear fought with pain, both threatened to overwhelm her mind, to drown it in an avalanche of dread and agony until death silenced them both. Her head continued to move, her eye to search, thoughts bounced, fragmented, scattered like her vision, blurring in and out. :: :: Suddenly her head stopped moving as her thoughts congealed. For a moment her vision was stunningly clear. Near her was a lab coat, poking out from under some debris, so far away but still, a lab coat. :: :: She reached out with her good arm, pulling herself towards it, pushing with her one leg, fighting the waves of pain that threatened to drown her in a sea of tranquil night. She heard whimpers, mindless moans of pain, some part of her aware that they came from her, not caring, just reaching, pushing, inching closer to her goal. Tears poured from her one eye, the one not glued shut, vision blurring in and out, darkness threatening to engulf her again, like some creature of the deep, swimming closer, there but just out of reach, hungry, relentless. :: :: Visions of her mother, the academy, father, siblings, space, home, friends all danced through her thoughts, distracting, elusive, like mirages, confusing her, the coat, she had to reach the coat, why, why was it so important. She kept moving, pushing, reaching, why, nothing made sense, all she wanted to do was sleep, to drift off, to escape the pain. :: :: Her fingers finally touched it, so far, she had come so far, mere feet, endless feet, why, why did she need it, the pain kept washing over her, her vision fading in and out and always there just out of reach prowled death, insatiable, hungry, patient. :: :: She squirmed a little closer, her fingers grasping, grabbing, holding as she pulled, strained, it weighed tons, fought her, immobile, resolute, then it suddenly moved, stunning her as she hit herself, gasping at the sudden pain even as she pulled it free, dragged it over her, onto her. She rolled onto her side, the effort bringing more tears to her eyes, sweat pouring down her face and another scream from her ravaged throat. :: Elzizabath: AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! :: She sobbed uncontrollably as she struggled to wrap her arm, her efforts causing her wound to soak the white garment in moments even as she pulled it tighter, another scream exploding out of her even as the waves of darkness leapt back, scattered by the pain. :: Elzizabath: AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! :: She secured the makeshift bandage, then wrapped the excess around her arm, her eye fluttering, the lid so very heavy as she slipped into the darkness, drifting off, lost in the dark. :: ((Nearby)) :: The two men searched through the debris, carefully shining their halogen lights into the dark and smoke fogged areas that they could not safely reach themselves. :: AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Savil: There it is again. Plito: Ok. That time I heard it. Savil: I think it came from that corridor over there. :: As he said it he pointed to where one wall was buckled in so badly that it almost completely blocked the corridor he was pointing at. :: Plito: Team 3 should have checked that corridor out from the other side. :: As he said it he shone his light over the damage. :: Savil: Could the corridor be blocked from the other side as well? Plito: Maybe. :: He replied as he climbed up some debris to get closer to the damage. :: But it looks pretty clear once you get about 20 feet further down. Savil: I will radio team 3 and let them know. Plito: No. We are a lot closer, besides I think we can crawl through here if we are careful. Savil: :: He felt his left eye brow rise as he looked at the narrow gap that was still clear. :: I think it may be a good thing that we missed lunch. Plito: :: When he heard what his friend had said he could not help turning and looking back even as he replied. :: And you keep trying to tell me that Vulcans do not have a sense of humor. Savil: A simple statement of fact is not a humorous joke. Plito: If you say so. :: He replied as he lay on his side and started to crawl, pull and push himself through the thin gap. :: :: Savil watched for a few moments and when it was obvious that his friend was going to make it through he carefully climbed up the debris piled around the thin gap before he started to climb through as well. :: :: It took the two of them 3 or 4 minutes to do so safely, the two walls so close together in spots that it touched their chests and backs at the same time and they had to turn their heads sideways. Still they made it although there were a couple close calls, especially when Asno’s pants got caught on something and he had to rip them free in order to keep moving. :: :: Once on the other side they both looked around. :: Plito: Any suggestions? Savil: The only thing I can suggest would be to try the planetary science labs. :: As he said it he indicated the partly damaged door to their right that was partially buried under debris and rubble. :: Plito: :: He moved closer to the door, examining it with his light. :: We might be able to force it, at least enough so that we could get in and search it. Savil: I believe you may be right. :: He replied as he moved up beside Asno and the two of them grabbed hold and pushed or pulled depending on their position. :: :: They both strained, sweat running down Asno’s face but slowly, bit by bit they were able to move the door, not a lot, but enough so that they could slid past it and enter the room. :: Plito: This place sure took a beating. :: He stated as they moved carefully through the mess, everything seemed to be damaged, moved or thrown about. :: Savil: Over here. :: He called to his friend as he moved towards the young woman lying in a pool of blood. :: Plito: :: Asno moved swiftly and banged his knee on a piece of projecting metal. :: Ooww. Savil: Are you OK? Plito: Yeah. :: He replied as he knelt beside the young woman and started to assess her injuries. :: That’s a bad break. :: He said indicating the woman’s arm. :: Looks like she straightened it herself. Savil: Is her condition as bad as it looks? Plito: Worse. If we had not found her she would have bleed out in less than an hour. As it is it will probably be touch and go. Savil: If you do not need me I will go and get a stretcher team. Plito: I should be ok. :: He replied as his friend got up and carefully made his way to the door. As for him he did what he did best, do the impossible and save a life in crappy conditions with only an emergency medical kit. :: ************************************ PNPC – Ensign Torali Azivalora Poracin Elzizabath Science Officer USS Atlantis, NCC-74682 And PNPC – Ensign Asno Plito Paramedic/Emergency Combat Medic USS Atlantis, NCC-74682 As simmed by Cmdr. Tal Tel-ar Chief Security & Tactical Officer USS Atlantis, NCC-74682 darylpea[...]@hotmail.com Daryl.Pea[...]@ontario.ca Tal Tel-ar’s Writer’s ID: T237708TT0 3
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