+ Saveron Posted September 13, 2017 Posted September 13, 2017 (( USS Constitution - Main sick bay )) ::Vulcans rarely registered awkwardness, and T'Reshik even more rarely than most, but as she sat beside Saveron's biobed with her eyes resolutely ahead, she found herself gaining an intimate understanding of the word.:: Saveron: Lieutenant. It is agreeable to know that you were not affected by the same affliction as myself. ::He said at length.:: :: T'Reshik was silent for a moment before responding. :: T'Reshik: Commander. It is acceptable to see you recovered. Saveron: Recovering. I believe that you will be operating at full efficiency prior to myself. T'Reshik: ::After another pause:: To be candid, Commander, I see no reason for us to interact on anything other than a professional basis. ::She didn't look at him.:: Saveron: I believe that it is within the scope of professional interactions to be cordial to one another. However if you find conversing with me disagreeable, I will not insist. ::He replied evenly.:: Your basis for objection is our previous interaction. T'Reshik: It is not that I do not appreciate your previous actions - on the contrary, they were far above the call of duty and executed with commendable sensitivity. ::She paused.:: I mean in the sense that you - put aside your own personal discomfort in order to preserve my wellbeing. :: T'Reshik trailed off. A pause hung between them.:: Saveron: T’Reshik, ::he said gently:: whilst it was not an encounter I would have chosen purely for it’s own sake, I was not discomforted. I am aware that you would have preferred such had not been necessary, but I had not considered that it would affect future interactions. ::That did make T'Reshik look round.:: T’Reshik: I had. Hence my concern. ::Saveron shrugged.:: Saveron: If your concern is over the potential expectation of future interactions, I have none. I find your low-grade antagonism towards the universe at large personally disagreeable. However I do not see that there should be any logical obstacle to our having a functional professional relationship. ::T'Reshik actually seemed to relax a little at this.:: T’Reshik: That is agreeable to hear, since I find both your ethics and your style of communication overly accommodating. We would be poorly-matched as a couple. ::Pause:: As colleagues, however - providing neither of us expect anything more - I concur with your assessment. Saveron: Then we have an understanding. ::His eyes drifted shut. T'Reshik stared at him for a moment more. She had the strangest urge to thank him, but didn't give in to it..:: T'Reshik: We do. ::She looked ahead again, and the silence was easier now.:: END Lt jg T'Reshik Science USS ConstitutionD239311T10 2
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