Kalianna Nicholotti Posted March 24, 2015 Posted March 24, 2015 ((USS Excalibur-A, Holodeck 3 )):: Feeling the tension suddenly radiating from the Counselor accompaniedby a slight colouring to her cheeks :: oO This didn’t work, she not towell OoLogan:: Stopping his movements and dropping his arms :: Computer. Make acushioned chair, suitable size for the counsellor:: Upon the chairsappearance he motioned towards it :: Ma’amJolara: ::nodding slowly:: I am sorry.Logan:: After the counsellor had sunk into the cushions Kurt sunk to oneknee to be more on her level and so to not loom over her :: Would youlike me to call a Doctor ma’am oO As I may have done combat medicine buteven the holo patients wanted to heal themselves.:: Rune shook her head. What could the doctors do? Nothing! ::Jolara: No. A doctor can not help. It is just... ::her mind raced asfast as her heart:: I am going through something physical and beingclose and your scent... I mean... I am sorry. It is not anything you did.:: She had no idea how to explain it to him in a way that would notembarrass both of them. ::Jolara: ::quickly adding:: Not the first impression I wanted to make. Iam so sorry. I was hoping I had more time to figure things out and thatit would not interfere with my duty. I had no idea the effectnon-Al-Leyans would have on me.Logan oO What am I supposed to say to that ??. She's obviously moregoing on than just crew tantrums Oo :: Smiling gently :: It's ok Ma'am,I apologise for using this program. It’s a good job the Instructor hasbeen disabled Mrs wynter is a terrible fuss pot and you would have beenplied with copius tea and cushions. :: Smilling broadly he hoped theimage of fending of cushions would relax the counsellor:::: For the first time, Rune looked directing into his eyes. He was veryattractive. As soon as that crossed her mind, she mentally kickedherself. She normally did not think of the attractiveness of others.Would he understand or think she was... she wasn't sure what he wouldthink she was. But he deserved some sort of explanation. :::: She hung her head for a moment, trying to collect her thoughts. Whenshe looked back up, she smiled but it was a nervous and confused smile. ::Jolara: Al-Leyans experience what we call 'Season' every 4-5 years inwhich they have to mate. I am at least a year early.Logan oO I’ve heard of the Vulcan Pon farr thingy, its sound similar tothis, but there has to be something else Oo Forgive me Ma’am but how isthat a problem ?Jolara: It is complicated by the fact it is forbidden we mate withnon-Al-Leyans. ::she laughed nervously:: I guess it should not be aproblem for me since I have broken away from them for other reasons.::she waved her hand:: Which is a whole other problem. But I am findingit very difficult to turn my back on everything I have ever been taught.Logan: I see but could you not go back even for a day to oO how tophrase this delicately Oo Sort this out. Would an escort because ofthese other reasons help ?:: It was a question she had been asked every time she tried to talk tosomeone about this. The very thought struck panic within her. ::Jolara: ::shaking her head:: I can not go back there. Ever!:: The tension that had been slowly dissipating from her returned with avengeance catching Logan a bit of guard :: oO ok that’s never going tohappen I see not willingly at least oOJolara: Our society is very strict. Any deviation from the 'norm'results in attitude readjustment therapy or worse. I experienced theworse once before and I lost who I am. I can not let it happen again. IfI go back they will force me to go through it again.Logan:: Still kneeling Kurt edged closer and gently laid his left handon her forearm :: Forgive me Ma’am but I can’t see what you have donethat could be that bad, as you’re wearing a Fleet uniform with rank andresponsibilities associated with it. oO What ever they did has herterrified her forearm is a knot to tension or is that fear to match hervoice. This attitude adjustment therapy doesn’t sound like anything tobe going through, and worse ? Oo:: He understood fear well, how to use to it and what it could do toyou. Now Security may be a foreign world but one thing about it heunderstood well, and that one thing he was good at ::Logan:: Gently gripping her arm so the counselor would look up:: There’sa saying in the Corp that a Marine stands, and it’s not to do with themnot being clever enough to know how to use a chair. oO Good a smallsmile Oo It means the Marines don’t give…….period. During the battleswith the Borg a unit was giving protection to a team of Engineersexamining a small Borg craft that had landed on a small planet when theywere attacked by drones. The rescue shuttle couldn’t land to near incase it too came under fire, so to allow time to get to safety themarines stayed behind. When they too had suffered casualties one marinestayed to allow the injured to be evacuated with the others, knowingwhat would happen to him he stood his ground.Jolara: ::tilting her head slight:: I do not understand.Logan: I’m new to fleet and to this type of duty and especially thiscolour, but I do know our responsibility is the protection and safetyall any and all crew with us, that means you’re in that category. So If..ANYONE.. comes with the intent of force, they’ll have to go through aMarine that stands. oO This is one thing I do know how to do Oo And Idon’t go down easy oO Ask the Ambassadors about that Oo :: A smirkplayed at the corner of his mouth :: And I suspect a good few others inthis crew as well.:: Why? He hardly knew her. Of course she knew why. He was Starfleet, afellow crewmember... family. ::Jolara: ::smiling:: I appreciate that Ensign.Logan: I don’t know about your culture Ma’am in regards of turning yourback on things but my mother once said that a custom or practice thatholds you up should be held onto with both hands, one that holds youdown should be left to wither and die. oO What am I doing …what do Iknow about counselling someone especially a counsellor I have a problemI hit it or shoot it Oo All I know is Mathew Flynn.Jolara: ::puzzled:: Mathew Flynn?Logan: He grew up near us on my home planet, not really into jumping offa cliff into a 20ft pool of water :: Smiling at the memory:: He was moreyour Science geek.:: Rune still wasn't sure where this was going, so she just listened. ::Logan: It was just before I left for earth and Marine training thatMathew announced and introduced his boyfriend.Jolara: ::it hit her:: Oh.Logan: Most of us asked if they were both coming to the party, some werepolite, others were openly against it. His parents threatened to disownhim if he didn’t ..:: Searching for the right word :: ChangeJolara: ::nodding:: I understand too well.Logan: Mathew agonised his decision for a while oO It was a sad time OoThen he came to the only decision he could, he told his parents they hadno say in it and that he was going to live his life his way, there nowboth working in the space port back home as civilian contractors andhappy with life. oO Except his parents that still refuse to speak tohim, so they come to ours for home cooked meals Oo Sorry Ma’am I’m nocounsellor, so I probably haven’t helped, that’s just how I see it.:: Rune took a shallow breath. She wasn't sure what she was feeling atthat moment. Everything was jumbled together. ::Jolara: Actually that does help some. That is exactly why I can not goback to Leya-I. It is strictly forbidden to even have feelings such asthat... and I do. That is what makes this all the more complicated. Thefirst time I went through my Season, I did not have a choice to... ::herface reddened slightly:: It was not a pleasant experience. I wouldrather not but I do not know that there is any other way to get through it.Logan oO There’s me thinking you had to be enlightened as a race to gainentry into the federation. What am I supposed to say !!!. She probablyalready thinks I’m an idiot with my babbling about marines standing,protecting her and matthew. Great I can just her entries to my recordsEnsign Logan babbling bumbling buffon, hey that almost rhymes. Oo ::Taking a large breath of air :: oO Borg, Hirogen, Breen fine any day,but this…giving advice . Oo Ma’am excuse this but I can’t believe thereis no one who doesn’t find you attractive and vice versa, talk to themand see what happens.Jolara: I would not even know who to... How could I? Al-Leyans do nothave relationships the same way humans do. We do not... ::trying to findthe right word:: commit in the same way if at all. oOWhich makes thingsthat much more complicated with Nikki.Oo ::shaking her head:: I amsorry. I did not mean to... how do humans say it? Spill my guts?Logan:: Chuckling :: Yes that’s the saying. Ma’am, although my motherwould make us laugh by making us say. I’m terribly sorry to burden youwith these issues that have happened upon my door but I thought youmight be able to help me in shinning a light upon these troubles. Italways made us smile having to say to so a little easier to get ourproblems out. :: Another smile …thanks Mum :: Sometime those with theanswers have their own questions. :: He gave her a warm smile :: I’mHonoured you confided in me especially being the one who turned thelights of when trying to teach a lady to dance :: Letting a small giggleescape :: But one thing Ma’am who said anything about Commitment.Jolara: ::looking puzzled:: Is that not what humans expect?Logan: When my father first met my mother he would only promise to loveher today and tomorrow. And to this day they hold to that. It’s becausewith only those few days to concentrate on they can put their heartsinto making them good days and not looking years ahead.::Rune thought about that and then nodded.::Jolara: That does make logical sense.Logan: For what it’s worth Ma’am find this person and work on today andtomorrow and see where that road takes you two.:: Rune smiled. ::Jolara: Thank you. Hopefully once I get through my season, we can dojust that.Logan: NO..... :: His answer came out in a short burst, looking directlyat the counselor :: No, never wait. Go now and sort it. How manychances do you think you'll get in life ??. Besides today is countingdown. Of course that and your season with your needing to mate, it couldwell be the perfect time to talk :: He gave the counselor a wink ::Jolara: This certainly has not gone the way I thought or intended.Perhaps it would be better to do your official evaluation later.Although if you have anything you feel you need to talk about, ::smilingwarmly:: it is only fair I listen.Logan:: Shaking his head :: That seems to be life, Ma'am I've told youwhat you need to do so go and find this person, and make today count..oO I thought this would count as the session Oo Me :: Letting out asmall chuckle :: ....nothing that can't wait Ma'am oO More like wherewould I start. But last time I was honest with a counselor all it got mewas trouble and reprimands Oo Do you need or would you like an escortma'am, to find this friend :: Smilling at her :: of yours?Jolara: ::smiling back at him:: I will.=========================================================================A joint post with great pleasureEnsign Kurt LoganSecurity OfficerWith Great patience, Understanding and Ability from ((thank you Mr. Logan))Lieutenant Rune JolaraShip's CounselorUSS ExcaliburNCC-41903-A
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