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Now we come to the final series in this set of epic TV moments: Enterprise.

Enterprise was unique in the franchise in that it started off pretty strong and generally went down in quality for a good long while rather than starting rocky and getting better over time. However, it had its moments of deep thoughtfulness and insight into the human condition. It gave us the chance to see a grittier pre-Federation Starfleet, one in which it was not one of the supreme technological powers in the galaxy and instead had to rely on its adaptability and diplomacy to get many things done. In that way at least, Enterprise is almost truer to the adage of “going where no [human] has gone before.” than even the original series. This gave Archer and his crew many chances to look inside themselves and feel out their emotions and, at the same time, for us to see them and their development.

Here are my favorites from a series most of which I, unlike many ST fans, really enjoyed. If yours didn’t make the list, come share them with all of us!

The post The Epic Moments of Star Trek: Enterprise appeared first on UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG.

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