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“Don’t just plan to write—write. It is only by writing, not dreaming about it, that we develop our own style.” ~P.D. James

Writer’s block is something that every writer deals with.  Sometimes it goes hand in hand with real life stress or exhaustion.  Sometimes ideas just don’t flow.  Sometimes you just sit looking at the posts, knowing you should write something but nothing comes to  mind.  But any good writing game is built on having players contribute, and the more you participate in the story the more your character can grow – and the more fun you will have!  So let’s look at tips for overcoming writer’s block and getting back in the swing of posting when your ideas run dry.

Try getting up early and writing first thing in the morning OR late at night right before bed.

Mornings can be times of great energy, free of distractions that accumulate over the course of the day.  Also you are most likely to remember and be inspired by what your dreamt last night early in the morning.  Late nights tend to be the point where most people wind down and let their minds relax.  Either one of these periods may trigger new and creative ideas.

Read!  Re-read recent posts from your game, favorite posts by yourself or other players, or try reading some of your favorite authors.

Oftentimes we can be inspired by what we read, or we can catch small details that will spark our creativity.  Writing in a collaborative play by e-mail game gives us the unique opportunity to not only be inspired by our own ideas, but to play off of other writer’s contributions.

Take a break!  Move around or listen to some music.

Getting away from the keyboard may help relax your mind.  Some writers find that moving around – anything from taking a stroll to vigorous exercise helps to relax their mind and allow new story ideas to flow.  Others prefer to use music to get into a writing mood.  Some players create soundtracks for writing – perhaps songs that you find fit the theme and mood of the current story or maybe music that you believe your character would listen to.  At the very least finding music for your writing can be a fun way to develop your character!

Free write.

Sit down and write whatever comes to your mind.  It doesn’t need to be related to your character or even Star Trek.  This works in the same way that making a mark in the middle of a blank canvas can help an artist to start drawing or painting.  Sometimes freewriting allows you to explore new ideas, sometimes it just eliminated the fear of ‘writing something wrong.

When in doubt, ask for tags.

The script style format this game uses allows for a unique interplay between characters and players.  Unlike traditional fiction where one writer must shoulder the entire burned of the plot, in this game you can always bounce your ideas off of other players and use their ideas to spark your creative fire.  If you;re really stuck, fresh tags might be exactly what you need to move forward and keep writing!

The post Witty Wordsmith: Writer’s Block appeared first on UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG.

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