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Jon Oswald

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About Jon Oswald

  • Birthday 12/09/1982

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Fleet information

  • Current Vessel
    Andaris Task Force
  • Current Post
    Science Officer

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Jon Oswald's Achievements

Member of the USS Fastfingers

Member of the USS Fastfingers (7/28)



  1. They say good things come in threes. Welcome to the fleet!
  2. Purge them with extreme prejudice. It's the only solution.
  3. But...but...stuff goes boom! Pretty colours, shouty people.
  4. I'd go investigate and when the pirate captain comes on the view screen with their demands, I'd invite them over for dinner and persaude them to change their choice of occupation with my Picard style diplomacy.
  5. Looks exciting and it's going to be on Netflix (for the whole world except North America), which is even better - for us Non-Americans anyway! They're really not doing themselves any favours by restricting their American audience.
  6. Quite liked the clinical look of the Prometheus bridge. Followed by Enterprise E then D.
  7. Birth of the Federation. That moment when you sent your fleet against a Borg cube and watched them get annihilated in the first turn.
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