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Federation News Service

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Everything posted by Federation News Service

  1. Narala embarks on pre-inauguration tour of Federation planets https://t.co/c2EZxbrDc4 https://t.co/3Oj6C5YAND

  2. Starbase 118 saves Romulan colony from destruction https://t.co/slRdfCB7I7 #pbem #startrek

  3. #Trill Festival of Life kicks off with dancing, food, and costumes: https://t.co/QQUGD6EUu2 #startrek

  4. Starfleet captain killed; crew searches for answers https://t.co/92WZiiDwc6 #pbem #startrek

  5. President Bacco finishes Romulan visit with address to new Imperial Senate https://t.co/1cDdbQFPbm #startrek #romulans

  6. Romulan Republic criticizes Bacco's visit to the Empire https://t.co/8e2NTo6Sr1 #startrek #romulans

  7. Invicta crew seek shelter from neutronic storm on moon https://t.co/QFl3TaDV6Z #pbem #startrek

  8. USS Darwin-A stands off against familiar foe but unable to save Talaxian base https://t.co/zbyVuxps4c #pbem #startrek

  9. President Bacco prepares for state visit to Romulan Star Empire https://t.co/8PYGFHGTFx #startrek #romulans

  10. End Program: Nash Blaxland reports on the worrying risk of holo-addiction among Luna's children https://t.co/aqdqQqBySa #startrek

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