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About Tamp

  • Birthday 02/13/1967

Personal information

  • Location
    Victoria Australia

Fleet information

  • Current Vessel
    StarBase 118 Operations
  • Current Post

Tamp's Achievements

Warp Speed Poster

Warp Speed Poster (13/28)



  1. Congratulations and welcome to the group
  2. So, how is our Training Team going, I am doing ok here on SB118 OP's though I still have to remember to think like an El-Aurian when SIMming, the crew I got are great and they love SIMming alot which is good, plenty to keep me busy IC. How are the rest of you going ?
  3. My thought's on this Online Trek Game are this: Who has any kind of control on it, you would get people who just run around killing and maiming those who they are not supposed to just for the fun of it, a bit like World of Warcraft really. If there are no rules and no-one to govern the game it really wouldn't be Trek like in my opinion. I like it here in UFoP, always have, probably always will too, it gives me the escapism that I need from my boring mundane real life job, though my life is good recently, and looking to stay that way for quite a while too I hope.
  4. Your results: You are Geordi LaForge________________80% Worf________________________________65% Chekov______________________________60% James T. Kirk (Captain)_________________55% An Expendable Character (Redshirt)_______55% Jean-Luc Picard________________________50% Uhura________________________________45% Will Riker_____________________________45% Deanna Troi___________________________40% Leonard McCoy (Bones)_________________35% Mr. Scott_____________________________35% Spock_______________________________32% Data________________________________26% Beverly Crusher______________________25% Mr. Sulu_____________________________5% You work well with others and often fix problems quickly. Your romantic relationships are often bungled.
  5. I got Starbase 118 Operations, Chief Medical Officer W00T W00T
  6. C'mon Denix, you did superbly during training, what do you have to stand in the back and look nervous about. Let’s show them what the Graduating Class of 238304.01 are capable of.
  7. Congratulations Class of 238304.01
  8. Voyager
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