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Ser Vilari

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About Ser Vilari

Fleet information

  • Current Vessel
    In Training/Unassigned/On Leave

Ser Vilari's Achievements

Member of the USS Fastfingers

Member of the USS Fastfingers (7/28)



  1. I haven't the foggiest but I think it's hilarious.

  2. QUESTION: How is your reputation -1??

  3. Ah but the Russies did do some assimilation, chiefly eastern Europe...odd that I didn't think of that til now. That's very true I find that most Author's try to slip in something that is relevant to their specific time.
  4. Does anyone else see the Borg Collective as a tie in to the USSR? Great enemies of Star Fleet(a tie to the USA) More emphasis on the group than the individual The higher powers have luxury while the lower powers have none (the borg queen has individuality to an extent, drones do not) Or am I just making a connection that isn't there?
  5. Thank you for all the welcomes.
  6. Welcome to the fleet, are you enjoying it so far?

  7. Welcome to the fleet, are you enjoying it so far?

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