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Reen Sullivan

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About Reen Sullivan

  • Birthday January 30

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  • Interests
    Runing, imagination, Piano, Guitar, Singing, Computers AND writing

Fleet information

  • Current Vessel
    USS Drake
  • Current Post

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Salt this, buddy!

Salt this, buddy! (6/28)



  1. Been quiet, Dee. What'cha been doin'!!??

  2. Hey. I had to use your account on the Wiki. For some reason, I couldn't get into mine. I'll try again tomorrow.

  3. I can't log into my wiki account. I shall try again tomorrow, and see what happens - I don't want to have to resort using my friends account all the time!

  4. Hey, if you want the use of Rowan any time soon, just contact me. He's banned from my ship . . . He broke into the Brig, Armory and half of the Secured Jeffery's Tubes on the Security Deck. He's banned from both the Drake and StarBase 118. So, he probably isn't banned from talking to you!

  5. You were on the Challenger A, weren't you? Yeah, because we did a post joint as a subspace transmission as friends. Turned out great by the way.

  6. That's what I did. I couldn't find any of my class mates apart from my superior officers. I think someone needs to tell Re'Maru to make her way to the wiki and start up a page. I can only find her on here!
  7. I suppose it does. But still. I wonder how many "fake cadets" are in my friends class. The first officer on my ship is the second in command in her training aparently, but as far as I know, a lot of people do that.
  8. Okay, the Academy is starting to confuse me . . . lol. I'll live

    1. Blake


      Indeed you will.

  9. Okay, that's creepy but still . . .
  10. Whoa whoa whoa! How come Belinda Desdemona didn't graduate? Or Thomas Patterson for that matter? Or Laila Renek??? I'm confused: I thought I would be at least the third one to graduate. And I'm confused as to why most of my class is still in the Academy!!! GAH!
  11. I managed to bring my friend Sky on board!

  12. Oh gosh - it's becoming a very lonely weekend!

  13. Ahaha. I had a few technical difficulties, but I survived!

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