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Rahman and Rivi Vataix

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Posts posted by Rahman and Rivi Vataix

  1. Memorable quotes and moments from shore leave thus far...

    Calderan: No, it’s ok…. I am more…. flexible like this.

    :: A trait of the Byzatium culture, perhaps. Caitians had little body shyness, so if so, he could understand. Of course, Mei’konda did have the advantage of having fur, whereas (as far as he knew) Calderan did not. Then again, who knew what might lurk beneath the uniform. He preferred not to speculate. ::

    Egan Manno: Is there anything more I can help you with?

    Moonsong: ::hesistates:: Captain, I don’t know… I mean I haven’t had a chance to look at the logs of the Garuda’s last mission… and I don’t know what my security clearance level is yet, but I’ve noticed a lot of tension and unease. I really haven’t seen the… the relief I think we should normally see on a shore leave. I was wondering… Is there anything special I need to do?

    Sister, you don't know the half of it...

    Meanwhile, love is in the air for some...

    Skyfire: Would you mind explaining how you received a Klingon love bite on your cheek while keeping every bone in your body intact, the only serious damage being a low-grade concussion and couple torn ligaments to go with your collection of bruises?

    :: Nia suddenly felt a bit uneasy. A bite in the heat of a fight was one thing, but for it to be so clearly meant as something more than just anger made her feel a tad weird, and even more unsettling, a little curious.::

    DELANO: I was always partial to the Rockies, but I wouldn’t mind seeing Switzerland again. I’m sure I can handle it. (Playfully) Assuming you haven’t worn me out too much by then.

    MEI'KONDA: Uh, I’ll do my best to let you saave some of your energy, Evan.

    DELANO: Or we could always rest up on the way home. Did I ever tell you how long Vulcanoids can go without sleep?

    :: The suggestive tone in his voice was subtle, but the sideways glance he gave to the other officer was far from it. ::
    Core: I'll talk to her tonight, see if she's willing, and then if she agrees, we'll come here.

    ((Later that evening))

    ::She turned back to him and pointed to the door.::

    Rahman: Now *get out*.

    Well, not everyone I guess.

    • Like 4
  2. So whenever I'm writing a JP with someone, I tend to compose it quickly in the back and forth to keep the momentum going, and then it's only afterward when I read the complete thing again I get surprised with some amusing things my fellow writers come up with. Here's the most recent one that made me chuckle upon reading it again.

    ::The chief engineer rushed over to the transporter console, shoving Tristam aside trying to get a relock on the mine to no avail.::

    Rahman: Da*mn it... it detonated after the transport.

    ::The Rodulan gave the Kriosian an incredulous look.::

    Core: Of course it did! *It was a mine*!

    • Like 3
  3. Ross: Captain. ::He looked toward Quinn.:: I need a word. Join me in the shuttle?

    ::Reynolds gave Ross somewhat of an odd look before nodding and closing her tricorder. Tristam narrowed his eyes as he watched them head back towards the shuttle. There was a slight pause before he broke the silence.::

    Core: Not to sound as if I'm being disrespectful towards a higher-ranking officer, but does anyone else think that they're heading back to the shuttle for some "personal debriefing" or something?


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  4. ::That was . . . odd. No. Spiders didn't save people - they killed them. This was bad. The spiders had a master plan. They were forming an army to destroy everybody aboard and make the Garuda their nest. They had to be.::

    ::snort:: Hahaha, thoughts from a paranoid Rodulan...

    • Like 2
  5. RAHMAN: Good to see you again, Mr. Belasi. If you ever start getting a bit restless sitting at your desk up there in strategic operations, well… ::She winked again.:: ...you know where to find me.

    Belasi: oO Another wink? Does she have a condition maybe? Oo Yes ma’am, I will keep it in mind.

    Oh, I think she's got a condition, all right. Does Dr. Belasi make house calls?


    • Like 3
  6. What I (or rather Roshanara) meant by that was that she was relieved they were both now properly attired! Not necessarily that Mr. Handley-Page had impressive man cleavage... o_O

    I'm still amazed I once wrote her character description as quiet and seemingly reserved... she's become far more cheeky and mischievous than I would have imagined!

    • Like 3
  7. :: Trel'lis continued to look on, inwardly amused at some of the officers' discomfiture, while relishing her own ability to virtually disappear, while in plain sight. ::

    Trel'lis: oO It pays to be stealth-trained! Oo

    I just picture Trel'lis with a very self-satisfied grin as she sneaks around the others.

    • Like 1
  8. What would Captain Manno be like as a superior officer? She'd only really had Kells to compare with, to be honest. She gleaned there was a sense of uncertainty from the woman, but about what? Her new officers despite the assurance of her Vulcan companion? Herself? Something else? Maybe Alora should give her a plant. Plants were happy.

    Happy little trees...


    • Like 4
  9. DeVeau: Well, before you move on to your next party, why dont you come

    back to my quarters for a few minutes.

    Handley-Page: Really?

    DeVeau: Yeah, really.

    Smooth, Leo. Real smooth. :P

    Also, who knew Alora could be such a flirt?

    Handley-Page: Superb! They have chicken legs!

    Ah, I see why these two get along so well.

    • Like 2
  10. I must say I really enjoyed how Amanda fleshed out the scene in which Alora and Roshanara get captured. It starts out with some humor and light-heartedness after they just survived a fall into the cavern before it turns scary with the Orion. When Alora answered the RESPONSE tag with a bloodcurdling scream, I could hear it reverberating off of my walls, too. Nicely done!

    Rather than just quote a bit, read her whole sim again with the missing tags filled in for context in its Top Sims nomination thread!

    • Like 1
  11. ((Nygel II aka the Gateway Planet))

    DeVeau: Ow.

    ::Her eyes still refused to focus completely, but they eventually condescended to doing so enough that Alora was able to recognise Rahman.::

    Rahman: Ow is right.

    DeVeau: Ow infinity.

    ::Those blasted lights kept wriggling and writhing, which almost made Rahman look as if she had a strange case of dancing Venuvian glow pox.::

    DeVeau: Dare I ask where we are?

    Rahman: We're on the cavern floor. Commander Ross and Dr. Saveron are above us. I'm not sure about the others.

    DeVeau: I was afraid you'd say something like that.

    ::Her entire body screamed, assaulted in some places by fire, in others by knives. Slowly, Alora made an attempt to sit up and a cry escaped while tears stung her already clouded eyes.::

    Rahman: Don't try to move just yet. You took a nasty hit to the head, and I don't have a medical tricorder--or even a regular tricorder--to guess how severe it is.

    DeVeau: Lovely.

    ::She nodded.::

    Rahman: The point is, we're alive.

    ::A blurred hand moved and the chirp of the combadge followed. Her badge. She had a badge. That's right there was a badge. Her fingers fumbled for it and she managed to tap into the conversation.::

    Rahman: =/\= Rahman to Commander Ross. Are you and Doctor Saveron all right, sir? =/\=

    Ross: =/\= We're alive, if not exactly in one piece. What's your status? =/\=

    Rahman: =/\= Lieutenant DeVeau and I are on the cavern floor. We've both sustained injuries--possibly severe. I don't know if we'll be able to reach your location. =/\=

    DeVeau: We fell down the hooooole.

    ::There was a sudden almost irresistible urge to giggle, but at the first attempt to do so, her body complained. Loudly.::

    DeVeau: Ow.

    Ross: =/\= We'll come down to you. =/\=

    Rahman: =/\= Understood. Do you see Lieutenant Zeme or Doctor- =/\=

    ::Rahman didn't have a chance to finish. As a flash of light was accompanied with the distinct tone of a disrupter rifle, Rahman slumped to the ground. Alora's scream reverberated throughout the cavern walls.::

    Pasht-Nos: Quiet!

    ::Alora's teeth chomped on her tongue and she drew blood, but it kept her from voicing another scream. She winced as he snatched her combadge and proceeded to make the appropriate threats.::

    Pasht-Nos: =/\= Commander Ross, is it? =/\=

    Ross: =/\= ...that's right. =/\=

    Pasht-Nos: =/\= This is Captain Pasht-Nos of the Free Trade Union. I'm going to make this very simple for you today, commander. You're going to repair this Gateway and secure my passage off of this planet... =/\=

    ::Alora's eyes crossed as they stared down the blackness of the barrel.::

    Pasht-Nos: =/\= ...or you're going to have two dead Starfleet officers to beam back up. =/\=

    Ross: =/\= That's impossible. Iconion technology is thousands of years in advance of- =/\=

    ::Impossible was not a word that Pasht-Nos wanted to hear. He stepped back and fired up and past the walkway, showering Ross and the others with hot rocks freed from the cavern walls.::

    ::Somehow, Alora managed not to scream, but she couldn't help but cringe. The motion sent more fire through her body and she had to bite her tongue again - that time to keep from voicing her pain.::

    Pasht-Nos: =/\= This is not a negotiation! The Gateway lies at the center of the network of tunnels. Meet us there, and perhaps you will see your women alive again. =/\=

    ::He flung the badges on the floor and shot them. They were destroyed and so went any hope of communicating with her colleagues on the ground or in space. That task completed, the man focused on her once more.::

    Pasht-Nos: Can you walk?

    DeVeau: I don't know. I haven't tried.

    ::Although she still couldn't focus completely, there was no mistaking the snarling smirk on such a sinister seeming.::

    Pasht-Nos: On your own feet or dragged by your hair: either way, we're going. Now!

    DeVeau: Okay.

    ::The best thing she could do was comply. Keep cool. Try not to panic. But panic was what she wanted to do. Her heart pounded furiously against her chest as she tried to order her limbs to comply with her desires.::

    ::Her left arm refused to move. Dislocated or broken? She couldn't tell and the strange combination of tingling and numbness couldn't be interpreted. The cavern swam as she rose, her motion slow, careful. Her legs complained, particularly her right ankle. It was extremely painful, but she could hobble if she had to - and frankly, she had to. She inhaled deeply, took a step and almost fell. Almost.::

    Pasht-Nos: Stop stalling!

    ::Alora winced and lifted her eyes. Whether she was praying or looking for her friends above wasn't certain and she didn't let her foggy gaze linger.::

    Pasht-Nos: ::laughs:: He can't help you now. Let's move!

    ::She had to focus, had to move had to...nausea gripped her and it took almost everything she had to keep from heaving. Despite her attempt, bile rose to her mouth though she managed to choke it down as she began to hobble while escorted by her captor.::

    Lt. JG. Alora DeVeau

    Science Officer and Captive

    USS Mercury

  12. Also, in regards to [show/Hide], those are often created with collapsible tables: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Collapsing

    If you don't want the table border, you'd set the border to 0. More on table formating here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Table

    Finally, you asked about quote bars. I've imported the wikipedia template quote box to the 118 wiki: http://wiki.starbase118.net/wiki/index.php?title=Template:Quote_box

    which can create quote boxes such as seen here: http://wiki.starbase118.net/wiki/index.php?title=Rahman,_Roshanara/Relationships

    The documentation on how to use it is here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Quote_box

    • Like 2
  13. Don't forget! The 118Wiki follows pretty much the same markup language as wikipedia, so the extensive tutorials for that wiki as well as for other wikis available on the web often apply to our wiki. For instance, here's a good guide to images that answers your questions about how to place an image center, right, with an annotation, etc: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Images

    And yes, please feel free to copy what others do. It's the best way to learn how to edit on the wiki.

    That said, just two issues I see frequently:

    1) Please use "class=toc" instead of "id=toc" in your sidebox templates. There's been a lot of copying and pasting of old character sidebox templates that still have the id instead of class parameter, and what that means is when someone clicks "hide" in your table of contents, it also hides your sidebox's contents.

    2) If you have created a table and you are using the ! marker instead of just | for a row, you are actually creating a column header and do NOT need to put ''' to bold things or center alignment as those two formating options are done automatically for column headers.

    So for instance

    ! style="background:#0F4D92;" align="center" |'''Commanding Officers'''

    can instead just be

    ! style="background:#0F4D92;"|Commanding Officers

  14. DeVeau: =/\= Ready to begin whenever you are, sir. Where shall we meet? =/\=

    Rahman: =/\= Main Engineering. Have Dr. Parks and Professor Cowens join you. =/\=

    DeVeau: =/\= Yes sir. On my way. =/\=

    Rahman: =/\= Good. ::Pause:: And for the last time, stop calling me, "sir." =/\=

    DeVeau: =/\= Yes sir. =/\=

    Well, I think we all know who Alora's Halloween avatar is going to be next year:


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  15. Yay! Mission accomplished!

    Also, I have to say in regards to this...

    :: As he and Ms. Gupta walked onto the bridge, they passed Lieutenant
    Commander -- what was her name? -- Ramen, or something like that

    Rahman actually takes her name from a friend of mine, who, yes, when he makes ramen noodles for himself, enjoys telling us how he's having a cup of his famous "Rahman noodles"...

    ::Groan/pained smile.::

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