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Everything posted by indulekshmi

  1. I agree...Staying on the frontlines may be "glamourous", and just because Kirk did it does not mean everyone has to. And Janeway didn't have the "weight" of commanding the flagship, like Picard, which would have helped him in negotiating with Starfleet command to keep his rank all those years.
  2. Riker is not a copy of Picard. He has his own unique command style.
  3. the trials and tribulations of being a successful career woman these days! you don't any credit for the good stuff.
  4. doesn't fighting the borg, vidiians, hirogen and more, and having brought home a lone ship across the galaxy count for anything around here?
  5. Yeah right. That's because Kirk is the first captain we all saw. Give me Janeway anytime.
  6. I have two or three more years to prep myself anyway.
  7. you are forgetting about the 50% success rate when u were FO in my class.
  8. Let's just say terrible acting dominates each and every Trek movie.
  9. I knew Mia was *ahem*.... booted, .....but richard didn't pass? i thought he was assigned to the same ship as Frazier. hmmm...thanks anyway. you know what, tyr, there must be sthg about you that makes the cadets under you want to quit.
  10. Those who graduated with me, under LCDR Makal Kora and LCDR Tyr Waltas this February....still here?
  11. I also happen to think the whole movie was stupid, protracted, and quite choppy, topped off with bad acting on the part of everyone. The plot was alright....but the movie wasn't.
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