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StarBase 118 Staff

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Everything posted by StarBase 118 Staff

  1. I have noticed that there has been talk of maybe a new Star Trek series in the works. Whether this is true or not, is anyone’s guess. But in this week’s Poll of the Week, let’s think hypothetically there will be one. Should there be a new series? And where would you like the new Star Trek series to be set? Would it be based on the universe portrayed in the new movies? Or would you prefer it being based in the prime universe post Dominion War? Would you rather see the new series explore more of the past in a Romulan-Federation War setting? Or how about a Star Trek series set in the far future? Or maybe you have a different setting you would prefer? So head on to the polls and vote away and let us know at Poll of the Week what would be your dream scenario for the setting of a new Star Trek series, should one ever be broadcast over the small-screen airways ever again. The post Poll of the Week: Where Would You Like It? appeared first on UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG. View the full article
  2. DEEP SPACE 285 – The USS Doyle-A crew returned from the Omicron Herculis System to regroup from their mission. The past month for the USS Doyle-A (NCC-80221-A) has been one mixed with both success and close calls. Upon arriving at Omicron Herculis, both away teams sent to examine the planet became infected with bio-agents which caused their exploration to end early. With emergency beam outs to the medical bay, all infected personnel were put under quarantine until a cure could be found. Meanwhile, help had been sent from Deep Space 285 with the arrival of the USS Sacred Heart. The medical vessel was quick to action, or much to the chagrin of Commander Faranfey, too forward in their actions as the commanding officer, Lieutenant Commander Joan Hart, beamed off one of the infected personnel to her ship without notifying the Doyle. Although purportedly it was to assist the patient Ensign Aurora, a Deltan with a unique physiology, tensions did rise between the two officers. In sickbay, emotions were at a high trying to treat the patients which had become infected. Lieutenants Bishop and Craig worked tirelessly to treat the infected. When attempting to contact the Chief Medical Officer on how they managed to find a cure in such a short period of time we were told, “If you are looking for what happened on our latest mission, then you will have to talk to Starfleet command. Please excuse me, I have something more important to do.” It appears the secret to the cure will have to wait until those documents become declassified. However, the mission was still a success with the capture of wanted criminal Fairioni K’Ariadust, who is known to have ties to Klingon extremists. Additionally, there was a successful rescue of the Doyle’s Chief HCO officer, Ceciri Hakashri, Fairioni’s daughter. While the mission was a success, many people on the planet died due to the bioweapon, and K’Ariadust awaits trial for her actions. As of now, there have been no requests to have her extradited for her crimes by Cygnet XIV. Due to the emotional stress put upon the Doyle’s crew in their last mission, a number of officers had to take time off to step away from their positions. Most notable was the resignation of the First Officer, Lieutenant Commander Sabrina Holly. She will be missed by her crew and they hope that she will be able to return soon. Additionally, Lieutenant Commander Ceciri Hakashri decided to step down from her chief role to focus on other matters. Lastly, Lieutenant Commander Nemitor Atimen has also stepped away for personal reasons, perhaps due to the surprise visit of his brother on Deep Space 285. Lieutenant Commander Phos has also stepped down and has been unable to be located for comment. While it was sad to see so many people go, the Doyle is more than happy to welcome the following new personnel. Lieutenant Kyle Barret who will be replacing Commander Atimen as the Chief Engineer. In the Sciences division, Lieutenant Commander Tsuki Kazeyama will be stepping up as the Chief Science Officer. For another twist of fate, Colonel Nugra, former Commanding Officer of the USS Victory has also joined the crew as the Marine Commanding Officer. With talent like this, the Doyle is sure to have its next mission be a roaring success. The crew would also like to welcome aboard two new ensigns fresh from the Academy. They are Ensigns Saavei and X’al Empic! F’ren‎, who will be joining the Science and Intelligence departments respectively. The post USS Doyle returns from Omicron Herculis after costly victory appeared first on UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG. View the full article
  3. Many thanks to Alora DeVeau of SB118 Ops, who just made another donation to help us keep our community online and ad-free. We’re so appreciative for our dedicated members whose generosity sustains this community. Can you join Alora by donating $5, $15, $50 or more to our community? Click here to get started – it only takes a few minutes. The post Donation thanks: Alora DeVeau! appeared first on UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG. View the full article
  4. The staff of UFOP: StarBase 118 would like to take a moment and recognize the officers – please be sure to congratulate these folks when you see them around the fleet! CONSTITUTION Jerome Milsap to Lieutenant JGRustyy Hael to LieutenantINVICTA Alora DeVeau to Lt. CommanderRaissa Moonsong to Lt. CommanderSaveron to CommanderThe post Promotions for November, 2015 appeared first on UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG. View the full article
  5. The Captains Council of UFOP: StarBase 118 is pleased to announce the promotion of Lieutenant Commander Saveron to the rank of commander! Commander Saveron is currently Chief Medical Officer and Second Officer of the USS Invicta. Saveron has been a member since January of 2011, and has served on a number of different vessels exclusively in medical roles. Saveron’s writer has been decorated with the TOSMA 1 and Prantares Ribbon (Medical Officer of the Year) awards. She has also been a Featured Bio, the winner of three Writing Challenges, and currently has two joint-sims in contention for the Top Sim of 2015 title! Many congratulations are in order! Be sure to stop by the forums and add yours. The post Congratulations to Cmdr. Saveron appeared first on UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG. View the full article
  6. This is it, the final round of voting for 2015’s Top Sim! The winner of this vote will be considered the Top Sim of 2015 — one of the most highly coveted writing awards in our community. Please read all four sims before choosing the one you like the best: Set 1 winner: Tracey Townson, “Awaiting Deception“Set 2 winner: Saveron & Alora DeVeau, “Sad Songs Say So Much“Set 3 winner: Maxwell Traenor & Noros (PNPC), “Max“Set 4 winner: Alora DeVeau & Saveron, “Where Vulcan Flowers Grow“These sims were submitted by members of the community. A panel of judges, consisting of one judge from each ship, voted on the best sim from each round. The sims they selected from each round were then voted-on by members of the fleet. Voting closes automatically at 23:59 Eastern Time on Wednesday, December 30, 2015. Click here to head to our forums and record your vote for the Top Sim of 2015. The post Vote now to crown the Top Sim of 2015 appeared first on UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG. View the full article
  7. VALDIS SYSTEM – The USS Albion intercepted the USS Stormcrow, trying to prevent the latter from committing an act of war against a defenseless Romulan colony. Following a stressful shore leave, Captain Leo Handley-Page left StarBase 118 for Byzantium to seek a cure for the mutations afflicting several members of the crew. Shortly afterwards Commander Sal Taybrim received a priority message from Starfleet Command to expedite the launch of the USS Albion. Rousing irritated crew from their beds in the middle of the night, the USS Albion sped off to intercept the Cheyenne class USS Stormcrow. The Stormcrow went rogue after its commanding officer Captain Haz Arrhimen found out his younger brother was murdered by Romulan terrorists. Arrhimen confirmed his plans to start a war by broadcasting his intentions to Starfleet Command. The Stormcrow was slowed by an altercation with the fast frigate USS Tribal, but they quickly dispatched the smaller ship leaving the Tribal dead in space. The Albion launched two Arrow class shuttles to render aid to the Tribal while continuing on to face the Stormcrow. Arrhimen got the jump on the Albion, attacking as the Albion emerged from a mine-filled asteroid belt. After a short, violent ship-to-ship battle, the Albion deployed a pulse wave that knocked the Stormcrow’s shields offline and shot to disable the vessel. However, something went wrong and the Stormcrow’s engines were destroyed, leaving only a handful of survivors in the saucer section. “I’m tellin’ you, put a Gorn behind the weapons console, and you gotta expect a BIG boom!” StarBase 118 crewman Nigel Forray commented on the Stormcrow’s destruction. “Arrhimen’s lucky that lizard didn’t bite ’em to boot!” Recovering from the shock, the Albion took the lifeboats from the Stormcrow onboard, and Captain Arrhimen requested a conference with Commander Taybrim. Once on the bridge, Arrhimen proceeded to make insane demands and offer a plethora of threats which may or may not be true, including bragging that he had created a bioweapon virus and brought it on board the Albion with him. Biohazard alarms confirmed this threat, and portions of the Albion remain under quarantine. Meanwhile, a security team from the USS Albion is scouring the Stormcrow’s saucer section for survivors and access to the computer banks, and the threat of Romulan interference looms in the shadows. With all eyes on the Albion, her crew seeks to clean Arrhimen’s mess up quickly and return home. The post USS Albion engages in dogfight with USS Stormcrow appeared first on UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG. View the full article
  8. Head to our FallFest portal to check out the sessions and connect! http://www.starbase118.net/events/fallfest-2015/ The post FallFest is happening now! appeared first on UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG. View the full article
  9. We hope you’ll join us tomorrow, starting at 8:30 AM EST (1:30 PM GMT) for FallFest, a yearly simming event which UFOP: StarBase 118 is hosting! The event runs through 5:30 PM EST (10:30 PM GMT) – attend the whole thing, or just the sessions that interest you. Connecting is easy. Just head to our on-site chat panel, for which no extra software is required. Enter a user name and join the event in under a minute. Not only are we hosting our first ever live debate on the Federation Presidential race, but also more than a dozen sessions on simming and writing. There’s lots to learn and plenty of fun to be had by all. See you there! The post FallFest is tomorrow! appeared first on UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG. View the full article
  10. There’s nothing better than nominating a fellow member for an award and seeing them receive it a short while later, basking in the glow of the fleet’s admiration and appreciation for their hard work! And that’s exactly why you should make sure to submit a few award nominations before we close the form and start the process of selecting the winners. Click here to submit award nominations now. Nominating takes only a few minutes. Just choose the award you’re submitting a nomination for, add in the information about the person you’re nominating, and add some good information about why you’re nominating the person — that last part is to help the awards committee decide which nominee is the best among everyone nominated. General category awards are announced on each ship, and will begin being distributed by your Commanding Officer in the next few weeks. Our Special, Duty Post, and Staff Awards are announced at the end of the year in a ceremony presented to the whole fleet. Don’t delay — nominate your fellow crew and your ship’s staff for an award before the nomination period closes this Sunday night at 11:59pm Eastern time! The post Award nominations close this Sunday night appeared first on UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG. View the full article
  11. Space. The final frontier. We’re familiar with the voyages of the Starship Enterprise and its mission – to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before. During the years of Star Trek: The Original Series and subsequent spin-offs, mankind has used its imagination in an attempt to answer just what might be out there. Through the course of various incarnations, new planets and new civilizations were indeed discovered, but revelations in real life haven’t been quite so dramatic. Or have they? In comparison with television, one may not think that certain pieces of information gleaned by NASA would be significant, but perhaps if you take a closer look, you might discover exactly how marvelous what discoveries have been made truly are. Think about it, what do we know about this universe, or even our own solar system? In comparison with what we could know, it’s hardly anything. That hasn’t stopped man from attempting to find out. So what have we found out. Not as much as we would like, but maybe more than you might imagine. Back in 1977, two space probes were launched – Voyager 1 and Voyager 2. Originally, the mission was to fly by some of the outer planets to get more information. That mission became extended as both Voyagers continued to function. Eventually, these two spacecrafts went so far, scientists believe they have reached the edge of our solar system – and may be the first man made objects to ever escape. These two probes provided the world with far more information about the planets in our solar system than even NASA had thought possible. From the array of colours to the existence of active volcanoes (something scientists previously thought only existed on earth), the Voyager probes have increased knowledge of our planetary community in ways completely unexpected. Currently, those two probes are still traveling and seem to have reached the edge of the heliosphere, the area of space where the Sun has no influence – and they’re still transmitting information back home. Want to know more? Check out the following links to learn about this fascinating mission: Is There An Edge To The Heavens – 2012 Radio Lab podcast about the Voyagers. Voyager – Dedicated portion of National Geographic website to the history of the Voyager mission Voyager: The Interstellar Mission – NASA’s website provides you with the latest news from both Voyagers. The post Voyager: Boldly Going appeared first on UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG. View the full article
  12. Tinkerer, protector, outdoors man, all terms that could describe Lieutenant JG Rustyy Hael, and engineering officer aboard the USS Constitution. Born in Grayling Alaska, Hael was the first of seven children born to a charismatic bartender and a lighthearted waitress. Growing up, Hael was always getting into scrapes standing up for his siblings and tinkering with machines until the day his parents decided to have him join Starfleet in order to make something of himself. Since graduating from the Academy, Hael has seen a lot. From fighting to keep his ship in one piece during his first outing, to battling Borg nanites, to traveling back to 1914! What does the future have in store for Hael? Only time will tell! Congratulations to Rustyy Hael of the USS Constitution-B who has been selected as the Featured Bio for December 2015, and Sinda Essen also of the USS Constitution-B, this round’s featured nominee! As always, you can find out more about the Featured Bio Contest at its wiki page or in its forum. Head there now to learn more about the contest and nominate bios that deserve recognition! The post Featured Bio Winner, December: Rustyy Hael appeared first on UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG. View the full article
  13. The holidays are coming, and they are not waiting until missions are over. You won’t be able to lay down your tricorder, lower your weapon, stand up from the negotiation table and take a break to enjoy the holidays. How would you celebrate if you are in the middle of a mission and have none of the traditional options are available? “Mission Holiday – Possible” is our theme for the Winter Graphic Contest! Get your creative thinking hats on, and show us, how you or your character would celebrate! This can be in any way you can imagine, surprise us! Deadline is January 22, 2016 and we are looking forward to see what you’ve got. For more information check out the announcement forum, if you have any more questions check out the discussion thread. The post Graphic Contest: Holidays are coming appeared first on UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG. View the full article
  14. Don’t forget to set your calendars for next weekend: Fallfest 2015 is upon us! Bringing together members of the simming community, FallFest will be held on December 5th from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM EST (1:30 PM to 10:30 PM GMT). This is an opportunity for simmers to share their love for writing and for role playing. The event will be filled with action, adventure, and great topics and discussions. There is something here for everybody! For more information, check out our FallFest forum. The post FallFest is next weekend appeared first on UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG. View the full article
  15. We’re closing-in on the end of the end of Run-off Round 4, 2015! The sim that wins this poll goes on to the final vote of the year, in which members select the Top Sim of 2015! Polling closes at 11:59pm Eastern on Sunday, December 6. Go to the forums and vote now on your favorite sim of this set. Six sims are competing. Here’s the list: ​Round 21: Charlotte deBarres, “Bird Droppings“​Round 22: Didrik Stennes, “Contrition Vol. 1“​Round 23: Ceilidh Riverview, “The power of memory“​Round 24: Alora DeVeau & Saveron, “Where Vulcan Flowers Grow“​Round 25: Hannibal Parker, “Recognition, Resignation“​Round 26: Wyn Foster, “What Friends are For“Vote on your favorite before the polling closes next Sunday! The post Don’t forget to vote in the Top Sims Contest run-off poll appeared first on UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG. View the full article
  16. Today we’re talking with Jon, who you may know as Captain Nugra formerly of the USS Victory, now playing the character Tribune Shiarrael aboard the USS Columbia. With his new role on the Columbia, and his position as Captains Council Magistrate, we have lots to learn about his history in the group and what he looks forward to. Let’s get started! FIORR: You are a member since 2003 no doubt you have seen a lot happen over the years. Could you tell us about one of your greatest moments in the fleet so far? That is not an easy question to answer. I have seem a lot of great things in my time and I have enjoyed every moment of it. If I had to pick one, I would say the greatest moment in my time here in the fleet was when I was given the opportunity by the Executive Council to assume command of the USS Victory. The USS Victory was the first ship that I ever served on. I had taken a hiatus in simming between 2006 to 2012 because of real life and when I returned I found that she was still around. Since then, I worked towards becoming a Captain and the day that they gave me the keys to her was the most important moment in my career. FIORR: After 12 years of writing I can imagine at times you have to make a few moves to keep things fresh. How do you avoid simming something you already did a few years ago? In other words what keeps you inspired? It is more like six years of simming total due to the six year hiatus, but the way that I avoid simming something I already have is by sitting down and studying my character. To me, characters are much like us, we go through life experiencing things and though some might be things we have done before, it is never the same way. I try to show that same thing with Nugra. I always try to look at him and think, “What life experiences can he experience” or “what are the consequences of some of his life decisions?” FIORR: In the past year you made a new character. While we all do that from time to time you came up with something special. The Romulan Shiarrael Ei-Ihhliae she is quite different from Captain Nugra. Why did you make the change? I made the change because of where Nugra was in his life. His past has been haunting him and it was coming to the point that he was either going to collapse in on himself or snap. When my RL situation changed to the point I could no longer command the USS Victory, I took this opportunity to have Nugra step aside and recover from all the things he had been through. He needed the rest. Shiarrael is very different from Nugra as she has been his nemesis, my friends at the Duronis II Embassy who simmed with me when I was stationed there would remember her as T’Ana, the woman who defected from the Romulan Empire. She was such a strong and fascinating character, I could not resist playing her full time. FIORR: Besides your important role as a writer you are also the Magistrate of the Captains Council, can you tell those not in the Council what that role is all about? The best way that I can explain it is that I am the mediator for the captains on the Council. As you may know the Captain’s Council works and discusses things that affect our world in character, like new awards, special approvals, etc. As Magistrate, my job is to make sure that votes are counted properly, enough conversation on the subject has been made, and to make sure that things are on schedule. It is more of a guiding position where I make sure that we come to a resolution on a subject as the Captain’s Council discusses everything that comes to us in great detail. FIORR: As an experienced captain you no doubt know how much comes with the job. Could you give us a rough estimate about how much time you need to invest in leading a group? More than you would think. A ship goes through phases where it runs smoothly or it hits rough points. Dependent on what stage you are and how much your crew has integrated, will determine the amount of time it takes to run it. When I was in command of the USS Victory, on good weeks, I just needed three or four hours a day to keep up on the IC, OOC, and Captain’s Council items, on rough weeks (when we’re low on crewmembers or that something has happened in OOC), it could much more just to keep on top of it all. For anyone considering a role in command, I not only applaud you, but want to warn you that there is much more than just simming when it comes to managing a ship. It can be hard at times, but I would never trade that opportunity for anything! FIORR: It’s time for a final question. No doubt many of our writers dream of a career like yours. What you advise all the new people thinking about that kind of career? Love your character and love what you do. The only reason that Nugra has stayed around as long as he has and I have is that I love UFOP: StarBase 118 RPG and my character. I have experience many good crews, from the original Victory under Captain Jordan Hurne, to my new, great and fearless leader Commander Brek of the USS Columbia. You need to love what you do, treat your character with respect, and love what you write! FIORR: Thank you very much for sharing some of your time with us and best of luck in what we hope will be a long career at StarBase 118! The post An interview with the Captains Council Magistrate appeared first on UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG. View the full article
  17. Starfleet’s greatest captain now has his very own autobiography: The Autobiography of James T. Kirkis now out and available in both hardcover and Kindle editions. The Autobiography of James T. Kirk chronicles the greatest Starfleet captain’s life (2233–2371), in his own words. From his boyhood on an Iowa farm, his youth spent on Tarsus IV, his time in the Starfleet Academy, his meteoric rise through the ranks of Starfleet, and his illustrious career at the helm of the Enterprise, this in-world memoir uncovers Captain Kirk in a way Star Trek fans have never seen. Kirk’s singular voice rings throughout the text, giving insight into his convictions, his bravery, and his commitment to the life—in all forms—throughout this galaxy and beyond. Packaged in a handsome hardcover format, with a center section of photographs, sketches, and original illustrations, this in-world biography will serve as a profile of courage and celebration of a beloved Star Trek hero. This book presents an engaging read and is styled as an actual autobiography, even featuring pictures of Kirk’s early years as well as editor’s notes that give a different perspective from Kirk’s own account. Full of warmth and humor it is a wonderful nostalgic trip through Star Trek lore as well as providing great stories and characterization of the legendary officer James Kirk. William Shatner even read excerpts of the book at the San Diego Comic-con. Whether you’re a fan of the original series or someone looking for a new perspective about Star Trek, this novel delivers a fan-pleasing narrative and a beautiful tribute to a character we love. Click here to purchase the hardcover, paperback, or Kindle version and help support UFOP: SB118. The post The autobiography of James T. Kirk, now on sale appeared first on UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG. View the full article
  18. This is Part 2 of an interview with Capt. Renos. Click here to read Part 1. Captain Renos of the USS Darwin has recently assumed the OOC position of Promotions Coordinator. We had a moment to sit down and ask him a few questions about his new position. Jansen Orrey: So what can you tell us about the position of the Promotions Coordinator? Renos: This position’s goal is ​to create a central resource officer for all promotions in the fleet, but primarily for staff promotions to commander, captain, and above. To that end the Promotion Coordinator works closely with​ players ranked Lieutenant Commander and above as well as their COs and mentors to help everyone ​move ​more smoothly and effectively through the promotion process. ​It’s important to us that we ensure the group is building up a strong bulwark of talented command candidates. Jansen Orrey: How does your position help to expedite the process through the promotion chain to command? Renos: By being an additional point of contact for aspiring candidates to go to if they have questions they can be assured that they will always have the right support to move forward. Since the promotions coordinator assesses command interest in potential candidates, keeps track of aspiring candidates and keeps an eye on the bigger picture it means those who are looking for opportunities get offered them as appropriate as they become available. Jansen Orrey: So you help members fulfill the requirements to take them as far along the command path as they want to go by steering them toward options that suit their interests? Renos: I can help candidates find suitable opportunities but it’ll be the candidate’s own hard work that sees them progress. Jansen Orrey: Who is eligible to speak with the promotion coordinator? Renos: I work primarily with candidates who have reached the rank of Lt. Commander but any player of any rank is welcome to get in touch with me. Jansen Orrey: When should potential commander candidates contact you? Renos: The first person they should contact is their commanding officer, to let them know they’re interested in the command track. Then any interested Lieutenants and Lieutenant Commanders can contact me any time they have questions. Jansen Orrey: What should folks interested in promotion to commander do? Renos: Aside from talking to their commanding officer about their interest in promotion to commander they should review the promotions guide on the wiki this details the skills we’re looking for in potential commanders as well as the responisbilities that go with the rank. Jansen Orrey: What are you goals for the position? Renos: The goals of the position are to keep track of all the candidates actively working towards promotion, monitor the progress of these candidates, check in with candidate’s mentors periodically to assess next steps, managing reference material and keeping it up-to-date, and coordinating with test facilitators. Jansen Orrey: What would you like to see happen with the commander pool for the group? Renos: I’d like to see the commander pool for the group grow and see many more officers achieving this rank. Jansen Orrey: Why did you agree to take the position on? Renos: It’s something I feel passionately about. Having a strong pool of Commanders is important for the group so it’s important to me. We have many talented people in the group, many who would love the chance to command their own ship one day and I want to be able to help them reach that goal. Jansen Orrey: Why is building a pool of commanders important? Renos: These are our leaders of tomorrow and if we have a strong group of commanders at all times then it’ll do wonders for the strength of our fleet. Having many capable commanders would provide great support for our ships and captains while at the same time giving us options when looking for the next commanding officers. Jansen Orrey: Is there anything else you would like to tell us about the position? Renos: No, however if I could give one bit of advice to people wanting to move forward it would be to be willing to learn, keep an open mind and have a proactive attitude – ask your Commanding Officer about ways you can help. We can teach players and help them refine skills but they have to bring the right attitude. The post An interview with our Promotions Coordinator: Renos appeared first on UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG. View the full article
  19. MENTHAR CORRIDOR — After a trip through a rare space-time anomaly, the USS Invicta found itself in an alternate reality where the Dominion War had ended in the Federation’s defeat. “It’s a pretty terrifying thought,” said Professor Marius Stana of the University of Alpha Centauri. “Every historian this side of the galaxy, not to mention a tactician or two I’m sure, can’t wait to pour over the data once it’s released to see why the outcome was so different in this other universe.” The Invicta had begun investigating the stellar anomaly, a quantum fissure, when the ship was suddenly pulled through it. The quantum fissure acted as a keyhole into another quantum reality, in this case, one in which the Dominion and her allies were victorious. With the core Federation worlds either decimated or firmly under Dominion rule and Starfleet destroyed, only a handful of ships remained in pockets of Federation resistance scattered across the galaxy. The Invicta soon encountered one of these resistance vessels, the Defiant class USS Ronin-A, a ship that had yet to exist back in the prime universe. The Ronin, commanded by an alternate version of the Invicta’s Doctor Saveron, was in the middle of a battle with the Jem’Hadar when the Invicta appeared. The two ships quickly teamed up to defeat the Jem’Hadar and then worked together to figure out what exactly had happened. The Ronin and Invicta returned to the Federation resistance’s base of operations, the Menthar Anchorage, which was also home to various refugees the resistance had managed to save. As Captain Kells and the Invicta crew tried to figure out how to get back, a question soon came up of whether or not the Ronin should be brought back with the Invicta. Though Captain Kells was reluctant to do so, Captain Saveron of the Ronin made the condition binding if the Invicta were to use the Ronin’s help in sealing the quantum fissure that threatened to collapse and destroy the entire region if not the galaxy and beyond once the barrier between quantum realities was broken. The Dominion and Cardassians in the alternate universe soon learned of the appearance of the Invicta and moved to intercept her and the Ronin. As the two Federation ships attempted to use their warp fields to seal the fissure, the Dominion attacked, but they were too late. Once the Invicta reappeared back in the prime reality, however, they discovered that the Ronin had not arrived back with them, seemingly having remained behind. “You don’t often get a chance to live through a ‘what if’ scenario of history,” said Crewman Second Class Priya Uddin, an engineer aboard the Invicta. “My father never really told me any of his old war stories from back when he was serving during those times, but seeing what could have happened if we’d lost makes me appreciate even more the fight he and the rest of his brothers and sisters in arms gave for our freedom.” The post Alternate universe discovered where the Dominion won the war appeared first on UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG. View the full article
  20. Have you come across a great character biography on the wiki? Been working on your own bio for a while now and want to show it off to the fleet? Then head on over to the Featured Bio Contest’s forum and submit a nomination! All that’s required is that the bio be of an active player character, such as Siris of the USS Avandar, who is this month’s Featured Bio Winner. You can see a list of previous winners and featured nominees at the contest’s wiki site as well as an overview of the judging criteria the Featured Bio Contest Team uses to vote for a winner. The nomination round closes Tuesday, December 1, so don’t delay! Submit your nomination today! The post Submit your nominations for this month’s Featured Bio Contest! appeared first on UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG. View the full article
  21. This is part one of a two-part interview with Capt. Renos, the newest member of the Executive Council. In Part 2 of the interview, Jansen Orrey will talk with Renos more about the role of Promotions Coordinator. -Wolf WOLF: Tell us a little about your OOC-self. Where are you from and what kind of work do you do? RENOS: My name is James and I come from Scotland. I’ve been with UFOP: StarBase 118 over four years now and those who’ve been for a few years may know me as Amy/Aims or Aimsley, which is the name I used up until early last year. Confused? I’m transgender – I was born with a female anatomy but have always felt inherently this was wrong, a terrible mistake had been made and that I should have been born male. For the last few years I have been transitioning, which is a journey that allows me to be seen and accepted fully as a male. I work in my local supermarket and have done for over 10 years now in various departments. Currently I work on the fresh food counters, so delicatessen, hot deli but primarily the butcher and fish counters. When I first started with the counters some years ago I felt deeply uncomfortable about the idea of serving on the fish counter. I could hardly stand to look at the whole fish with their beady eyes staring back at me, never mind stomach the thought of preparing them. I started by getting used to handling the whole fish and later learned how to prepare them. It was uncomfortable at first but what I really like about it is that I was able to push through barriers I didn’t think I could to learn a new skill. I really think we are all capable of more than we think we are and I apply this mindset as much as possible, including here in the fleet. I’ve worked with some players who struggle with the English language for varied reasons and I admire the attitude and enthusiasm they bring to the group even though it’s hard for them. As long as someone is willing to learn I will happily be there to support them to the best of my ability. Now I really enjoy working on the fish counter and love getting the chance to set it up in the morning and put on a nice display. I’m also a health and safety rep and departmental forum rep. I represent my colleagues viewpoint and look for ways to solve problems, particularly where health and safety concerns are involved. When I’m not working, my seven year old daughter and her multitude of after school activities keep my busy. Simming with UFOP: Starbase 118 is my favourite hobby and I enjoy it more than watching t.v. Other activities I like to indulge in include running, reading and playing computer games (mainly MMORPGs). WOLF: What brought you to UFOP: SB118, and had you done any roleplaying before? RENOS: I was bored and remembered an old friend talking about a thing called simming a few years prior as I thought about an old Star Trek guild I’d been a member of. I’d had a look around at various groups previously but hadn’t taken the plunge. So when I looked it up again UFOP: Starbase 118 caught my eye. I read all the about pages and it really drew me in and made me want to give it a try – so I did! I remember feeling a heady mixture of excitement at trying something new and creative – something different from MMO gaming, and nervousness! I hadn’t done any writing since my school days, so that was getting on close to a decade. I was worried that my writing wouldn’t be good enough and that I’d be laughed out of town but nothing could be further from the truth. Training was so much fun, everyone was so welcoming and since then I’ve grown as a writer and now I’m in a position to welcome new faces into the group in a variety of capacities including my role as cadet steward. WOLF: Why did you choose Darwin as the vessel you wanted to command? RENOS: I’ve never been a massive ship buff – I didn’t want anything too large or too powerful. I wanted to add something unique and quirky to the fleet and there isn’t anything more unique than the Horizon Class. It’s a science oriented vessel with a containment sphere – something no other ship has and its roleplaying possibilities fascinated me. spatial anomalies, corrosive gases and other such discoveries can be examined safely. Volatile sections of salvaged debris can be transported without risk of harm. The scientific possibilities are endless and we’re a long way from being done exploring our options with it. WOLF: In addition to acting as the Promotions Coordinator, you’re also the Publicity Team facilitator – that’s generally been a difficult team to manage. What’s been the hardest part about helping that team be successful? RENOS: I’m passionate about the publicity team because without the work we do there we would not be able to maintain a stable membership, or expand the fleet and create new opportunities for up and coming players interested in command. There are a lot of different things we can do to get the word out there about our group but it’s impossible for me to be do it all myself. Here it really is a case of many hands make light work and the challenge has been in getting enough volunteers who can help up with the many and various tasks we can complete to get the word out there. WOLF: How can the general membership help with Publicity? RENOS: You don’t have to be a member of the publicity team to help with publicity, you don’t need any particular skill set or experience. Every month we highlight a particular project and give step by step guidance as to how the general membership can complete the project. We have the publicity forums where details of all the projects can be found – anyone is welcome to help with any of them at any time. I would be delighted and immensely grateful to see more people participating in the projects then checking in to let everyone know how they got on. WOLF: As one of two Cadet Stewards, you talk with a lot of our new and prospective members. Are there any questions you get repeatedly? RENOS: The one that sticks in my mind the most is questions surrounding when training will start, usually on a Monday from cadets who are highly eager and worried that they might have missed something. They email in to ask about when training will start and I reassure them that training will be starting at some point. The thing to remember is that we have an international membership with people all around the world. While it might be getting into the evening for a player waiting on training starting, it may be the morning or early afternoon for the people who will be starting the class. So fear not eager cadets, we always remember you and you’re training will begin on Monday – at some point. WOLF: Now that you’re a member of the Executive Council, is there anything that you didn’t know that surprised you? RENOS: Not really. I always thought that EC members deliberated most carefully on policy and important matters relating to the group. Being an EC member now myself I can see more than ever just how true this is. No decision is taken lightly and everyone is really committed to and passionate about doing the right thing for UFOP: StarBase 118. The post An interview with our newest Executive Council member: Renos appeared first on UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG. View the full article
  22. You’ve decided that you’d like to create and contribute a new alien species to our suite of both canon and novel species available for play in StarBase 118 sims. What is the process for submitting this species for approval and how do you go about it? Initial Considerations The first step is to consider what you want achieve with this new species that cannot be achieved with any canon species. What new opportunities will they present and how will they enrich our storylines as a whole? Look through the Intelligent Lifeform Index at all the available species and check that there isn’t already a species available that will allow you to fulfill your goals. There are a large number of underdeveloped species which would benefit from player input! Once you’ve decided that no species currently exists that will fulfill your goals, your next step is to put together a species proposal. Species Proposal This is submitted to your Commanding Officer. It is your case for introducing a new species, and should contain the following information: A summary of your new species suitable for the Wiki. (For examples see the Intelligent Lifeform Index). This should include any special abilities beyond the (Human) norm and any unusual physical and cultural traits.A Character Bio for your proposed PCAn explanation of what subjects, areas or issues you are hoping to explore, with reference to the following:Are there any similar species already in the ILI?What is it about this new species that you particularly want to play and explore?Can you play and/or explore those themes with an existing species?.Your Commanding Officer will then consider your proposal. 90-Day Trail and Final Assessment If the New Species Proposal is approved, you will be able to create your new species character and then begin a 90 day trial during which your species concept is road-tested through your simming of that character. This is your opportunity to make the character and species shine and demonstrate how they provide an angle of play that is not otherwise available. Your Commanding Officer will observe closely as your new species is played, and at the end of the 90 day trial period they will submit a report to the Captain’s Council, who will then discuss the new species concept and decide whether it will be approved for play and, if so, what classification it will be. The post Introducing a New Species: A How-to Guide appeared first on UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG. View the full article
  23. L’HEIA SECTOR – Investigating an explosion in deep space, the USS Avandar discovered something of troubling evidence. Resuming routine duties after the events at Telden, the USS Avandar, in conjunction with the USS Halo, detected a large explosion in deep space. Moving to investigate, the Avandar was informed by the Halo that there had been a message transmitted to the Galaxy-class ship at the same time as the blast – a message that, whilst fragmented, suggested the involvement of Starfleet personnel. Scans of the area revealed that the explosion had not been natural in origin. In fact, the battered wreckage of a civilian freighter was discovered, along with evidence of the use of tricobalt explosives in the area and warp trails leading toward a nearby system. Long range scans of that system showed the presence of a settlement on a supposedly uninhabitable planet, though no explanation as to why it was there. Of more immediate concern to the Avandar‘s crew were the survivors still aboard the stricken freighter – survivors that turned out to be slaves, though no sign of their captors could be found in the limited time available before, despite the best efforts of the team sent over to investigate, the ship’s warp core went critical and exploded. According to Captain Della Vetri, the USS Avandar‘s Commanding Officer, “Someone who’ll use weapons like that against runaway slaves is someone that bears watching – so we’re going to have to find out just who they are before they decide to use them against someone else.” A task that the data apparently recovered from the freighter before its destruction, plus the testimony of the rescued survivors themselves, will hopefully make a good deal easier to accomplish. The post USS Avandar responds to deep space disaster appeared first on UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG. View the full article
  24. Many thanks to Baylen Anders of SB118 Ops, who just made another donation to help us keep our community online and ad-free. We’re so appreciative for our dedicated members whose generosity sustains this community. Can you join Renos by donating $5, $15, $50 or more to our community? Click here to get started – it only takes a few minutes. The post Donation thanks: Baylen Anders! appeared first on UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG. View the full article
  25. If we want to launch new ships, we have to grow our fleet with new members. That’s why it’s so important that our community members participate in our publicity efforts. Getting involved is easy only takes a few moments. The Publicity Team has a number of small tasks that, each month, can help grow our influence, spread the word about our group, and pique the interest of Star Trek writers around the net. From posting on Star Trek forums to gathering social media content, most of our tasks don’t require any particular expertise, and can be completed by anyone in 15-30 minutes. But if we don’t have enough people to help each month, our goals fall short and it’s hard to sustain recruiting levels to the point of replacing the folks who go on leave or retire from the group. Click here to learn more about the Publicity Team and sign up to help. The post Join the Publicity Team to help us spread the good word appeared first on UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG. View the full article
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