Okay, for all of you out there who still watch Enterprise, or at least watched the last two episodes that aired on UPN (Azati Prime and Damage), I'd like to start a little discussion of what we see about the Trek future and such. In Azati Prime, Archer is brought to the future by Daniels once again - this time to the year 2454 (approx.), and onboard the Enterprise-J, during what he calls the historic Battle of Kroton 5. During the brief few minutes he's there we learn a few interesting things about the future. First of all, its interesting that the Enterprise of 2454 (less than 75 years in the future from current Trek) has the suffix of -J to it. That means that in less than 75 years, which is only about 3/4 of a starship's expected lifetime, Starfleet manages to go through the Enterprises-E, -F, -G, -H, and -I. That's five ships in 75 years, which averages to about one ship every fifteen years. Now compared to most ships that's about a sixth of its expected life time, but for an Enterprise that's actually not bad. The Enterprise-D lasted 7 years (one for each season of the show), and not a single one lasted more than 10 years as far as we know. Now let's talk about the brief glimpse we get of the inside of the ship. Am I the only one to notice that Starfleet's traditional silver bulkheads and decor has been replaced with a dark brown? How about the control interfaces? They're no longer blue and orange for the most part, but entirely green and black. Is anyone else reminded of the Borg's interfaces by this, especially the circular fashion of the controls? Does this mean that the Borg have been conquered and assimilated into the Federation, or is it merely an alliance or technology exchange? Was Seven of Nine's expertise used to "Borgafy" Federation technologies? Or where Ginan right, and the Borg and Federation have reached a mutual understanding? Now yes, I may be over analyzing this last bit, but, why was there such a huge window in the room? Next, let's look at the Master Systems Display that we see. Traditionally, they've only been found in Engineering and on the Bridge, so why is there one in such a deserted section of the vessel (for not once do you see or hear anyone but Daniels and Archer)? Now, the vessel is a logical take on hull construction advancement, with its saucer section, and the two pylons/nacelles, with no visible drive section. Daniels mentions a bunch of races in his dialogue, when he explains what the Federation is to Archer. He says that they all lived peacefully together as part of the Federation, until the Sphere Builders arrived. Then he says a bunch of races - humans, andorans, vulcans, trill - that we already know belong to the Federation. But that's not all, he also says the Cardassians, Klingons, Romulans, Bajoran, Xindi, and one called the Altrans (you can't make out clearly what he says - but that's what the Closed Captioning states). Who are these Altrans? When did the Cardassians, Klingons, Romulans and Bajorans join the Federation? Now for my brief thought on "Damage". When the holographic girl appears to the Council (without the Reptillians present), did anyone notice how much she resembled the female Founder? I checked it out and she is the same actress, but why would they reuse the same facial/skin make-up theme? Just for budget purposes, or for another reason? Now assuming that she was one of the "sphere builders" would that mean that they were the Founders or the Founders were descendants of them? Anyone else want to bat around any ideas for these episodes?