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About Marine Captain Llewelyn

Personal information
Sacramento, California
Fleet information
Current Vessel
USS Challenger
Current Post
Starfleet Marine
Marine Captain Llewelyn's Achievements

Warp Speed Poster (13/28)
[2009: MAY-JUN] Writing Challenge Discussion
Marine Captain Llewelyn replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in 2009
Congrats Thelev, and thanks for the kind words. I just wish that we were able to get feedback from the judges, but given how long it took to get a decision I won't be holding my breath. I'm just hoping that Admiral Wolf won't cancel future competitions as next to simming, the writing competitions are my favorite activity in the UFOP and I promote them as a way of enticing other trek writers to consider checking us out. If we do get to continue having the competition I'm sure you will make a great judge... -
[2009: MAY-JUN] Writing Challenge Discussion
Marine Captain Llewelyn replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in 2009
We Celts... The Scots and Irish and Welsh and Cornish... and primarilly "We" do it while watching any national match in Footy or Rugby against the English National team... Certainly not in ordinary social settings, unless we are in a Pub, and no self respecting Irish. Scot, Welshman would be caught dead in an English pub, though the poor Cornish, by virtue of the fact that Cornwall is considered part of England might be forced to... -
[2009: MAY-JUN] Writing Challenge Discussion
Marine Captain Llewelyn replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in 2009
You just described my perfect Saturday night... minus the sheep. We prefer to scream obscenities at the English... -
[2009: MAY-JUN] Writing Challenge Discussion
Marine Captain Llewelyn replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in 2009
Wow, I have no IDEA what any of that means, which means I should steal it and incorporate it into Llewelyns sims, isn't it? My sources tell me that one or more of the judges are not available right now. We need someone to step up, but of course those of us who might be so inclined are all entered... Oh and nice banner, where can I get one of those?????????? It means that filibuster was spelled wrong, and to filibuster means to delay, not speed up the process. And once again the inadequacies of the English language to make any sense whatsoever are illustrated. If I followed the same spelling exception with the world Illustrated as you did with Filibuster it would be spelled Ilustrated... Stupid Sais language! There is difficult it is to know which one of the convoluted rules and exceptions one is supposed to adhere to, is it. Cymru am byth! -
[2009: MAY-JUN] Writing Challenge Discussion
Marine Captain Llewelyn replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in 2009
Wow, I have no IDEA what any of that means, which means I should steal it and incorporate it into Llewelyns sims, isn't it? My sources tell me that one or more of the judges are not available right now. We need someone to step up, but of course those of us who might be so inclined are all entered... Oh and nice banner, where can I get one of those?????????? -
[2009: MAY-JUN] Writing Challenge Discussion
Marine Captain Llewelyn replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in 2009
A Sais who claims to be British, whodathunk it? lol. And that's okay, you don't really think that the Scots gave the Crown the ACTUAL Stone of Scone do you? But as long as we can laugh and smile while we discuss these things, there's no need to throw rocks...lol Cymru am byth! Alba go Bragh! Erin Go Bragh! and the rest of them can just yell their own slogans because I don't know them.... STILL WAITING JUDGES! Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster * deep breath* Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster Fillibuster * fingers cramping* Prod, Prod, Poke!Prod, Prod, Poke!Prod, Prod, Poke!Prod, Prod, Poke!Prod, Prod, Poke!Prod, Prod, Poke!Prod, Prod, Poke!Prod, Prod, Poke!Prod, Prod, Poke!Prod, Prod, Poke!Prod, Prod, Poke!Prod, Prod, Poke!Prod, Prod, Poke!Prod, Prod, Poke!Prod, Prod, Poke!Prod, Prod, Poke!Prod, Prod, Poke!Prod, Prod, Poke!Prod, Prod, Poke! -
[2009: MAY-JUN] Writing Challenge Discussion
Marine Captain Llewelyn replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in 2009
Is it and isn't it are used almost indistinguishibly, much the same way that Americans end statements with a question, such as "you know what I'm saying?" or "You feel me"? or "you know?" or the brits like to say "yes?" or "eh wot?", (by Brits I mean the English, because no-one outside of the English ever claims to be a Brit, and the English like to play down the resurgence of Celtic nationalism within Britain by saying, we're all brits... whereas the peoples of the former Brythonic Celtic nation of Kernow, locked within the confines of England, is it? they say, I'm from Cornwall, or from Scotand I'm a Scot, or from Cymru, I'm Welsh or more properly Cymraeg. The one exception might be the "Northern Irish" which are really misguided transplanted Scottish presbyterians given lands in exchange for occupying and subjegating the republican minded revloutionaries of the late 1700's through today, consider themselves Brits, loyal subjects to the Crown of England, which would probably cause William Wallace and Robert the Bruce, not to mention Bonnie Prince Charlie to roll over in their graves...Ed. note...) or the Canuks like to say, "Eh?", or the Spanish like to say, "Entiendes?" and L is a nod to my heritage, which came to this country from Ireland and Wales, but being that my grandfather was from the Welsh side, isn't it? I ended up with the name Williams rather than MacMurrough, which is the Irish on my grandmother's side. Of course many Irish and Welsh settled in the south, though our family split on the Irish side right before the Civil War, with half going to the Dakota's and half left to face Sherman, who's statue I booed loudly while touring the nation's captial last year I am proud to say. I live in California yes, but believe me I hate almost everything about it politically and economically. We have the highest prices in the nation, aside from the state of my birth which is Hawaii, and the highest taxes, and yet we are broke. We have a republicrat governor, who even if he channeled the Terminator and Conan was no match for the lobby groups which run this state like Tamany hall, (at least we Irish were good at more than growing potatoes...). So Llewelyn represents my dream of rejecting homogenaity and he is the descendant of people who left the political correctness and mish mash melding of the Federation to preserve Celtic heritage and culture. That is why I include very distinct speech patterns for him, as noted in such phrases as There is good, by my way of thinking though none to loudly, is it? Now imagine that line being read by john Rhys davies, and you pretty much have nailed Llewelyn's timbre... And while some may say, HEY this isn't a place to put treatises on obscure triva and linguistical derivations, I concur with the previous two persons and say, hey, we don't have anything ELSE to read because we are still waiting for the reviews. I think we should fillibuster and just post random silliness until they are sufficiently prodded, *poke poke* -
[2009: MAY-JUN] Writing Challenge Discussion
Marine Captain Llewelyn replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in 2009
My sources in Starfleet Intel have it on good authority that Rocar, Aitmen and DeMarc have been tapped... and is it really necessary to call Captain Taboo a has been? Surely a Captain deserves more respect...Tsk Tsk Tsk... ::Ducking for cover:: -
[Round 3] Top Sims Contest Discussion
Marine Captain Llewelyn replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in 2009
While I am gratified to have my post entitled "the Alamo" put forward for consideration, in the interest of being fair, the post does contain at least one open dialog tag, and is therefore inelligible under the rules. I wanted to bring this to the attention of the moderator and respectfully ask that it be removed from consideration, as I do not want any potential votes that could determine the winner for this round to be discarded because of the post's disqualification. I will not re-submit it, but if Boby wishes to, there was a subsequent post that I believe included all tags... Respectfully, -
Holy Frak! Okay, I have to say it. Although I am humbled and honored to have two of my posts nominated in this round, the rules clearly state that you should vote for the post you feel is the best, and I have to say, THIS ONE IS GOING TO GET MY FRAKKING VOTE! Excquisite and delicious torture! Yes! Yes! Yes! That is how you do it! As the writer of a Marine character myself, a Marine also recently involved in a painfully tortuous roller coaster of a romance with a Vulcan human hybrid, I SO TOTALLY GET THIS STORYLINE! The misteps, the misunderstandings, the logic trumping the uncertainty of dealing with the very real raw emotions, the jealousy of a misinterpreted situation, the inevitable imposition of a cold wall shielding the Vulcan from facing her deep and conflicted feelings of insecurity rather than risking the vulnerability that might have equally great rewards, the tough Marine, doing his best to keep up his defenses, willing to face death on a thousand different battlefields than face his own feelings of vulnerability in the face of the one person who can kill him with a look, wound him far deeper with a word than the razor sharp claws of a Gorn ever could, the spark of what was or could be that breaks through the death wish that every Marine must face at one time or another, because they have become death, the destroyer of worlds, the deep desire to find in the arms of another that one refuge that would allow him to be just a man, a haven where he can lay aside the trappings of war that he not only wears upon his body but encase his very soul... Frakkin Aye, that is good writing! The best part, the most delicious aspect is evidenced in the writer's understanding that it is not the payoff that makes for a great romantic story arc, but the maintenance of the TENSION. THAT IS THE HALLMARK OF ALL GOOD DRAMA. Its straight out of the UCLA screenwriting class curriculum! Will they, won't they... hours of tension, anticipation, the opportunity is there, the sexual tension so thick you can cut it with a knife and then, WHAMMO! NO PAYOFF! Tune in next week. Pure cliffhanger, leaving one's mind wracked with an overwhelming desire to read more... Bravo! Where others might give in to the temptation to have their characters engage in whirlwind romances, and bodice ripping pg13 love scenes, these writers are going to make the readers EARN it. In for a penny, in for a pound. While there is certainly something to be said for bodice ripping, the payoff is going to be so much more satisfying for having endured the journey through the eyes of the protagonists as we see layer upon layer of who they are as characters revealed along the way... Really Top notch stuff...
*whispering so as not to lose a fan* Thanks for the clarification...
Thank you for the definition, Boby..., but my point was more with the word "queen", which has a bit of slang to it as well, though I think I can see where you got the whole idea based upon Llewelyn's personalilty not his sexual preference, which I can assure you is hopelessly hetero... And I really appreciate the kind words...
Thanks, Boby...um, though usually being called a drama "queen" would not be something I would be comfortable with, but I appreciate the spirit in which I believe it was offered...(all I will admit to is a little literary "cross dressing" in that my second major character is a female... ). Also, I wasn't going to respond to the language critique, but I appreciate you "having my back" on that. Since the subject has been broached twice now, I will offer a small explanation. The Marines are a bit of an anachronism, or throwback to a more primative and less flowery way of doing things. As a former member of the military I can tell you that f-bombs are as common as periods at the ends of sentances and in fact are often used as punctuation themselves. Additionally, if you ever watch the BBC, the F word gets common play, provided its used as an adverb or adjective, but never in its four letter form, so... the fact that Llewelyn is descended from Welsh expatriate colonists, culturally he wouldn't consider the language to be anything to much bat an eye at, but 'nuff said about that...
[2009: MAY-JUN] Writing Challenge Discussion
Marine Captain Llewelyn replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in 2009
I'm in. But what a challenging topic... got a couple of ideas kicking around, but no set direction yet. Looking forward to it though!