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W. A. Carrington

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About W. A. Carrington

  • Birthday 03/21/1965

Personal information

  • Location
    Jacksonville, North Carolina
  • Interests
    Science fiction
    building models
    classic cars

Fleet information

  • Current Vessel
    USS Ronin
  • Current Post
    Tactical Officer

W. A. Carrington's Achievements

StarBase 118 Groupie

StarBase 118 Groupie (20/28)



  1. Badges we don't need no stinkin' badges.....

  2. I like the idea of a writers choice topic, once a year would be fine. As for Ben's comment, even with the current way it is we could end up withthe worlds best comedy and the worlds best tragedy with the way it is set up, that depends on the writer and their style. I feel that an open topic would encourage more participation.
  3. Oh, ok, how many enterants are needed for a second place? Case in point Nov-Dec 06 had just as many and it had a Runner up.
  4. Congrats to the winner, nice story....on a related subject who came in second?
  5. I am resubmitting this, due to finding several errors and thinking that the contest ended on the 9th, not realizing it had been extended, enjoy the less error filled edition, ..............without further ado enjoy: Confusion was his normal state, little did he know of his life before his capture, it was a haze, he did not even know his name only his number, test subject 3528. 3528 used to be free; he knew that, at least he dreamed he had been; now he was a captive a test subject in some unknown experiment. He was being moved yet again, he never stayed in any one place to long, his captors never revealed themselves to him, always behind the one way window, they said it might be for the last time. “We must prepare him, it is time to start weaning him off the drug, we cannot have any trace of it in him when they find him...” he overheard, that explained the confusion he was drugged, but how, it had to be in the food or the air, no it had to be the food, it was the only constant. “You idiot the translator is on, he might hear you!” “Relax the drug will make him forget.” They had relaxed and let something slip, this gave him hope, and he prayed he could remember to use it as he drifted off to sleep…. “Wake up 3528, time to eat, you must keep your strength.” 3528 stirred, his food was before him on the lone table in his room, he stayed in his room most of the day, but his captor allowed him to exercise an hour each day. At first he had not wanted to but, he was forced through electrical stimulation. He decided not to fight; it was better and provided the few moments of clarity in his long captivity. It was during one of these times that he figured out that he had not always been a captive; that he had been free at one time. Now was the another one of those instances, he remembered the food was drugged, he was caught in a dilemma, how long could he not eat before the drug wore off, he did not know. Not knowing and realizing that a clear mind might help him, he decided to reduce his intake of food perhaps that would help. He ate sparingly then threw his food on the floor. “3528, you are a savage. Why do you continue to test our hospitality?” The voice said. Savage, no I am Savich, his name, or at least part of it he remembered it! His memory also lifted his spirits, he tried to remember more but it was too fragmented, bits and pieces flashed in his mind, soon he had a massive headache and had to stop. He suspected the headache was the drug’s effect on his body, for soon after he stopped trying to remember the headache went away. This fueled his desire; he pushed to remember more, as the door to his cell opened and a maintenance robot entered to clean up the mess on the floor, returning the cell to its antiseptically clean condition. Days merged with each other as he struggled to remember, fragments of his former life becoming clearer. He knew three things now; his name Thomas Savich, that he was a Starfleet officer and that he had been betrayed. Other images flashed in his mind form time to time but he could not put the fragments together. “Up and about 3528, time to move you again. Put your arms forward.” He hated that they referred to him as a case number, but Thom put his arms forward and the shackles were put on him. He had done this countless times in the lost years that were his captivity. He was led to a large hangar bay, cut from the living rock that was this station, the shuttles were lined up in neat rows, and one stuck out like a sore thumb, obviously of different design, a Federation design, a type 9. The others were Tzenkethi! Now he new who his captors were! If only he new why, the charade what was their purpose, why did they need him alive and in good health? His questions were interrupted by the sudden sound of a claxon, and the scrambling of Tzenkethi all about, he could not understand their language but he knew this place was under attack. The small station was rocked with energy weapons fire and shook violently, a support column nearly crushed him, his escorts were not so lucky. Crushed by the fallen column they died almost instantly. Thom dove for cover in a small niche in the wall, pulling rubble around him to hide. He knew this was probably his one chance to get out of here; to go home! First he must find a way to remove the manacles that bound his hands. Briefly leaving the security of his hiding spot he searched his guards for a key. Not finding it on the first one, he searched the second and almost gave up hope when he found it. Freeing himself he retreated to his niche, and surveyed the situation. He decided to try to make it to the shuttles, his only hope of getting out of here, lay on the hangar bay. Stealing the hooded cloak of his captors as a disguise he inched his way to the Hangar Bay avoiding direct contact with everyone. His progress was halted be the sudden beam in of twelve figures. Savich dove for cover not wanting to be captured again. “Legh vad` ghah` d`ah,” Savich knew the language, it was Klingon, look for him the leader said. Who are they looking for, Savich held back and watched as the twelve Klingons break up into three four man teams and began searching. His hiding place was suddenly blown as four Tzenkethi entered into the hangar immediately behind. As he tried to make a break for it, when one of them grabbed the cloak disguising him and pulled it off. Shock appeared across the face of the large reptiles, then they lowered there rifles at him. Savich dove out of the way, as disruptor fire from some of the Klingons mowed down his attackers. In English the Klingon leader spoke: “Commander Savich, we have been sent to retrieve you, you have nothing to fear. An old friend has sent us to fetch you; it is a matter of honor he told us to tell you.” “Who sent you?” “K`Vas sent us, do you not know him?” K`Vas….the memories, almost blinding him as a reaction to his still drugged mind, but he knew that name at least once he did. “I knew a K`Vas once a long time ago.” “Good, than let me take you to him, you will be free Commander, and my guest. I am Durrat.” Still confused, Savich new one thing, if this was true then he would be free of the Tzenkethi. “Ok.” “Qapla’ ” The Durrat spoke into his communicator. “Over here commander.” Looking at the returning teams, “Any more prisoners?” “No, commander, and the station is secured, the charges have been set.” “Good it is time to leave this place.” At that the transporter beamed them on to the orbiting Klingon warship, dark and gloomy, “this way we have prepared some quarters for you.” Thom followed Durrat through the gloomy corridors of the Klingon ship. They entered the quarters set aside for him, small but functional. Another Klingon waited for them, he held a hypodermic needle in his hands. “What is this Durrat?” Durrat obviously angered at the Klingon, “H`Gat can this not wait.” H`Gat, “Unfortunately not, pardon me Commander Savich; let me explain, we know from intercepting the Tzenkethi communications that you have been drugged. So we must get a sample of your blood, one to ensure your safe being and two you will need it as evidence upon your return.” Durrat, “Relax Commander Savich, all will be explained in good time.” Angered “Oh, very well!” Thom rolled up his sleeve and extended his left arm. H`Gat worked quickly like a starving vampire he drew Thom’s blood into three vials. H`Gat, “There all done, this will help, Commander Savich I suggest you get some rest, you are going to need it.” With that the tall Klingon left. Durrat, “Yes Commander you need your rest, for soon you shall be tested.” With those ominous words still hanging in the air, Thom found himself alone in the small room. A test, what test, what would be required of him, what did these Klingons want with him. The questions flooded his mind and the effects of the drug kicked in, his head throbbed with pain as the neural synapse fired. Yes perhaps he should rest, he thought to himself and with that he laid down on the room’s shelf like bed. Thom slept hard his dreams were vivid memories that he had long forgotten, he woke spent and sweaty like he had a hard work out. Leaving his small room he was immediately greeted by what he took to be a guard. “Am I under arrest here too?” “No Ambass…I mean Commander Savich, I am your escort and aide while you are aboard the Emperor’s Hammer. I am merely here to aide you, that is all.” Curious he almost called me something else, Thom wondered but he put it aside, “Very well were can I get something to eat and drink I am famished? And what do I call you?” “I am Garras, Sub-Lieutenant Garras, Commander I will take you to the mess decks sir, we all eat together on Klingon ships sir.” “Ok, Garras, lead on.” Garras led Thom to the mess decks several warriors were eating, and cajoling when he entered which suddenly stopped as he entered. Thom felt all eyes on him. Thom remained sullen and ate his food quietly. He was almost finished when a warrior shouted. “I don’t care who he thinks he is he needs to be tested first….” With that the overweight warrior approached Thom. “So, this is the one who claims to be Thomas Savich, the one who was declared a defender of the empire by the Emperor, ptah.” Spittle hit Thom in the face; Thom noted that the Klingon’s hand hovered over his blade. Standing “Look I don’t want any trouble with you, all I wanted was something to eat.” Something was wrong, and he could sense it, the Klingons hand moved to closely to his knife tipping off his move. Reacting Thom grabbed the Klingon by his long hair and driving the Klingon’s head into the table he had just vacated, a resounding crunch was heard as the Klingon’s nose broke; the overweight Klingon fell to the floor in an unconscious mass. Spinning around, “Anyone else, how many more tests!” Garras, “Relax Commander, No one will harm you, K`Vas has ordered it.” The last bit was obviously for the others in the room as well. “Commander if you are up to it Ambassador K’Vas will see you when you are ready, he can explain everything.” Savich, “Let’s go see him then, get this test over with!” They left the mess hall and proceeded to another section of the huge Emperor’s Hammer. They entered a small ante-room, large double doors led to another room, emblazoned on the doors was the symbol of the Klingon Empire with crossed stylized war-hammers superimposed on it. Beyond must be K`Vas, always one for the dramatic he remembered. The doors opened slowly and silently this was it he thought his test, and if he knew the Klingon’s, and he did, it would determine if he lived or died. Savich entered the dark cold room; a single bright light lit a dais with a lone Klingon sitting atop it. Another light lit a single point in the large room, illuminating the same symbol that had been on the doors. Savich knew there were others in the room in the shadows out of sight, ready to pounce. Savich waited, the lone figure upon the dais turned around his brilliant blue eyes seemed to glow, “Come forward old friend, and let me see you with my old eyes.” Cautiously Savich strode forward; he stopped just short of the ring of light in the center. “I will go no further.” He announced, memories of K’Vas told him to stop. “Why, is that Commander? Afraid?” His hand rose, giving the Klingon warrior’s sign language to stop. “No, because the K’Vas I know will see me the same whether I am in the bright light or in the dark, for the K’Vas I know is blind!” A lone laughing cackle broke the darkness. The lights equalized bringing the room to normal illumination. Six Klingon warriors ringed the room each holding a bat`leh, a lone Klingon stood to one side of the dais along with a lone Starfleet Admiral, his service color was grey, intelligence. “Thomas Chandler Savich, good to hear you old friend it has been too long.” K’Vas walked forward confident as usual, “I need no help Admiral I know every inch of the Hammer.” Stepping firmly forward K’Vas extended his arm Thom grabbed it and they greeted each other in Klingon fashion grabbing each others arms. “It is good to finally be with you again friend, this is Admiral McKee with Starfleet Intelligence.” “Finally, why finally?” “Always the questions, eh friend very well you may as well hear it from me. Seven years ago while commanding a reconnaissance mission in Tzenkethi space you were captured and held, in the mean time a doppelganger, a Face Dancer has replaced you in the Federation. Upon your return you resigned from Starfleet and entered the diplomatic corps you are know, or your doppelganger is the Ambassador to Tzenkethi and about to introduce a new treaty with far reaching effects chief amongst them is the severance of diplomatic ties with the empire. One can only guess what would follow. It is a dark time and we must stop this before war breaks out neither of our governments can withstand another all out war.” “If I was replaced by this face dancer, why was I kept alive?” “Well, friend they needed you alive, for the face dancer to appear to be you, it needs regular samples of your DNA, fresh samples, the fresher the longer it can maintain your form. We suspect your ex First Officer, Leland Rush, is also a traitor, for you two, pardon the expression Thom, are inseparable, also soon after you returned you divorced Catherine, she has had a difficult time these last few years. It is unfortunate you destroyed the Winter Hawk.” Memories flashed through Thom’s mind, “That [...], Catherine my love….but, I didn’t destroy the Hawk, we used the engineering section for a life boat, and separated the saucer section I sent it on, what of the rest of my crew?.” “But, sir you are quoted as initiating the destruct sequence in the last log entry sent, only you and Rush survived.” The Admiral said, pulling a PADD up, “And I quote, Initiate Savich security breach protocol one. Destruct, destruct, destruct, send last log and this message to Starfleet.” Laughing his head hurt, but it was only a dull ache, “Yes, but that did not destroy the Winter Hawks saucer, only it sent it to a safe place. Only Rush and me, that [...], most of us survived, I know this know the memories are coming back.” “What! The saucer is safe we must get it where is it?” “Well only two people know that’s, me and K’Vas.” K’Vas, “Me? How no you wouldn’t….no you would.” Laughing out loud, “All these years we thought she was gone and she is right under our noses… Commander lay course for the Tong Beak Nebula maximum speed! Only you would put it there! Ha Admiral all is not lost with the computer core of the Winter Hawk we can blow this conspiracy wide open.” “Why, why there Ambass…I mean Commander?” Admiral McKee inquired. “Well, through my foggy memory, soon after we started the mission I realized it was compromised and not knowing who I could trust I sent it to where the only person I knew I could trust without a doubt.” “Why, how did you know that?” “K’Vas would never betray me, for I hold a debt of honor for him. K’Vas when this is over the debt is paid. I just hope Catherine can forgive me.” K’Vas, “Why not ask her yourself, Thom. I have had her in my care for several years.” “What …care what are you talking about K`Vas.” “It is best she explains it to you. Commander send in Catherine the final test must be passed.” Shocked speechless, final test sweat poured down his face what was this. A side door opened and Catherine entered gracefully her elbow length black hair glistened in the light, his heart skipped a beat his throat was dry as the first time he had met her so many years ago, her eyes though did not show any indication that she recognized him though. He stepped forward, “Cath….” He stopped dead as she raised a disruptor aiming it at him. “What is this, it’s me Thom…” “Stop, I know you look like him, you have one chance and only one chance to pass this test if you fail I will kill you...” Her words were cold and steely. “What is our word?” “Our word?” confused Thom was sweating the woman he loved, the woman he had forgotten and now remembered had a disruptor aimed at him. “OUR WORD!” She demanded. “Uhhh,” stopping Thom did not want to fail this, a word his head ached, his vision dimmed from the pain…..it had to be…. “Tw….Twitterpaited, that’s it Twitterpaited!” He fell to his knees, Catherine rushed in, dropping the gun, joining him on her knees, grasping his chin she pulled his face to hers and kissed him as tears rolled down both their cheeks, tears of joy, tears of redemption……
  6. Please note some words in this post are made up, and while the Klingon in this pot is a real as I could find on the web it is not gramaically correct, for those that do speak it. I only put it here for the dramatics.
  7. Confusion was his normal state, little did he know of his life before his capture, it was a haze, he did not even know his name only his number, test subject 3528. 3528 used to be free; he knew that, at least he dreamed he had been; now he was a captive a test subject in some unknown experiment. He was being moved yet again, he never stayed in any one place to long, his captors never revealed themselves to him, always behind the one way window, they said it might be for the last time. “We must prepare him, it is time start weaning him off the drug, we cannot have any trace of it in him when they find him...” he overheard, that explained the confusion he was drugged, but how, it had to be in the food or the air, no it had to be the food, it was the only constant. “You idiot the translator is on, he might hear you!” “Relax the drug will make him forget.” They had relaxed and let something slip, this gave him hope, and he prayed he could remember to use it as he drifted off to sleep…. “Wake up 3528, time to eat, you must keep your strength.” 3528 stirred, his food was before him on the lone table in his room, he stayed in his room most of the day,ut his captor allowed him to exercise an hour each day. At first he had not wanted to but, he was forced through electrical stimulation. He decided not to fight; it was better and provided the few moments of clarity in his long captivity. It was during one of these times that he figured out that he had not always been a captive; that he had been free at one time. Now was the another one of those instances, he remembered the food was drugged, he was caught in a dilemma, how long could he not eat before the drug wore off, he did not know. Not knowing and realizing that a clear mind might help him, he decided to reduce his intake of food perhaps that would help. He ate sparingly then threw his food on the floor. “3528, you are a savage. Why do you continue to test our hospitality?” The voice said. Savage, no I am Savich, his name, or at least part of it he remembered it! His memory also lifted his spirits, he tried to remember more but it was too fragmented, bits and pieces flashed in his mind, soon he had a massive headache and had to stop. He suspected the headache was the drug’s effect on his body, for soon after he stopped trying to remember the headache went away. This fueled his desire; he pushed to remember more, as the door to his cell opened and a maintenance robot entered to clean up the mess on the floor, returning the cell to its antiseptically clean condition. Days merged with each other as he struggled to remember, fragments of his former life becoming clearer. He knew three things now; his name Thomas Savich, that he was a Starfleet officer and that he had been betrayed. Other images flashed in his mind form time to time but he could not put the fragments together. “Up and about 3528, time to move you again. Put your arms forward.” He hated that they referred to him as a case number, but Thom put his arms forward and the shackles were put on him. He had done this countless times in the lost years that were his captivity. He was led to a large hangar bay, cut from the living rock that was this station, the shuttles were lined up in neat rows, and one stuck out like a sore thumb, obviously of different design, a Federation design, a type 9. The others were Tzenkethi! Now he new who his captors were! If only he new why, the charade what was their purpose, why did they need him alive and in good health? His questions were interrupted by the sudden sound of a claxon, and the scrambling of Tzenkethi all about, he could not understand their language but he knew this place was under attack. The small station was rocked with energy weapons fire and shook violently, a support column nearly crushed him, his escorts were not so lucky. Crushed by the fallen column they died almost instantly. Thom dove for cover of a small niche in the wall, pulling rubble around him to hide. He knew this was probably his one chance to get out of here; to go home! First he must find a way to remove the manacles that bound his hands. Briefly leaving the security of his hiding spot he searched his guards for a key. Not finding it on the first one, he searched the second and almost gave up hope when he found it. Freeing himself he retreated to his niche, and surveyed the situation. He decided to try to make it to the shuttles, his only hope of getting out of here, lied on the hangar bay. Stealing the hooded cloak of his captors as a disguise he inched his way to the Hangar Bay avoiding direct attempting contact with everyone. His progress was halted be the sudden beam in of twelve figures. Savich dove for cover not wanting to be captured again. “Legh vad` ghah` d`ah,” Savich knew the language, it was Klingon, look for him the leader said. Who are they looking for, Savich held back and watched the twelve klingons break up into three four man teams and began searching. His hiding place was suddenly blown as four Tzenkethi entered into the hangar immediately behind. As he tried to make a break for it one of them grabbed the cloak disguising him and pulled it off. Shock appeared across the face of the large reptiles, then they lowered there rifles at him. Savich dove out of the way, as disruptor fire from some of the klingons mowed down his attackers. In English the Klingon leader spoke: “Commander Savich, we have been sent to retrieve you, you have nothing to fear. An old friend has sent us to fetch you; it is a matter of honor he told us to tell you.” “Who sent you?” “K`Vas sent us, do you not know him?” K`Vas….the memories, almost blinding him as a reaction to his still drugged mind, but he knew that name at least once he did. “I knew a K`Vas once a long time ago.” “Good, than let me take you to him, you will be free Commander, and my guest. I am Durrat.” Still confused, Savich new one thing, if this was true then he would be free of the Tzenkethi. “Ok.” “Qapla’ ” The Durrat spoke into his communicator. “Over here commander.” Looking at the returning teams, “Any more prisoners?” “No, commander, and the station is secured, the charges have been set.” “Good it is time to leave this place.” At that the transporter beamed them on to the orbiting Klingon warship, dark and gloomy, “this way we have prepared some quarters for you.” Thom followed Durrat through the gloomy corridors of the Klingon ship. They entered the quarters set aside for him, small but functional. Another klingon waited for them, he held a hypodermic needle in his hands. “What is this Durrat?” Durrat obviously angered at the klingon, “H`Gat can this not wait.” H`Gat, “Unfortunately not, pardon me Commander Savich; let me explain, we know from intercepting the Tzenkethi communications that you have been drugged. So we must get a sample of your blood, one to ensure your safe being and two you will need it as evidence upon your return.” Durrat, “Relax Commander Savich, all will be explained in good time.” Angered “Oh, very well!” Thom rolled up his sleeve and extended his left arm. H`Gat worked quickly like a starving vampire he drew Thom’s blood into three vials. H`Gat, “There all done, this will help, Commander Savich I suggest you get some rest, you are going to need it.” With that the tall klingon left. Durrat, “Yes Commander you need your rest, for soon you shall be tested.” With those ominous words still hanging in the air Thom found himself alone in the small room. A test, what test, what would be required of him, what did these klingons want with him. The questions flooded his mind and the effects of the drug kicked in, his head throbbed with pain as the neural synapse fired. Yes perhaps he should rest, he thought to himself and with that he laid down on the room’s shelf like bed. Thom slept hard his dreams were vivid memories that he had long forgotten, he woke spent and sweaty like he had a hard work out. Leaving his small room he was immediately greeted by what he took to be a guard. “Am I under arrest here too?” “No Ambass…I mean Commander Savich, I am your escort and aide while you are aboard the Emperor’s Hammer. I am merely here to aide you that is all.” Curious he almost called me something else, Thom wondered but he put it aside, “Very well were can I get something to eat and drink I am famished? And what do I call you?” “I am Garras, Sub-Lieutenant Garras, Commander I will take you to the mess decks sir, we all eat together on klingon ships sir.” “Ok, Garras, lead on.” Garras led Thom to the mess decks several warriors were eating, and cajoling when he entered which suddenly stopped as he entered. Thom felt all eyes on him. Thom remained sullen and at his food quietly. He was almost finished when a warrior shouted. “I don’t care who he thinks he is he needs to be tested first….” With that the overweight warrior approached Thom. “So, this is the one who claims to be Thomas Savich, the one who was declared a defender of the empire by the Emperor, ptah.” Spittle hit Thom in the face; Thom noted that the klingon’s hand hovered over his blade. Standing “Look I don’t want any trouble with you, all I wanted was something to eat.” Something was wrong, and he could sense it, the klingons hand moved to closely to his knife tipping off his move. Reacting Thom grabbed the klingon by his long hair and driving the klingon’s head into the table he had just vacated, a resounding crunch was heard as the klingon’s nose broke; the overweight klingon fell to the floor in an unconscious mass. Spinning around, “Anyone else, how many more tests!” Garras, “Relax Commander, No one will harm you, K`Vas has ordered it.” The last bit was obviously for the others in the room as well. “Commander if you are up to it Ambassador K’Vas will see you when you are ready, he can explain everything.” Savich, “Lets go see him then get this test over with!” They left the mess hall and proceeded to another section of the huge Emperor’s Hammer. They entered a small ante-room, large double doors led to another room, emblazoned on the doors was the symbol of the Klingon Empire with crossed stylized war-hammers superimposed on it. Beyond must be K`Vas, always one for the dramatic he remembered. The doors opened slowly and silently this was it he thought his test, and if he knew the klingon’s, and he did, it would determine if he lived or died. Savich entered the dark cold room; a single bright light lit a dais with a lone Klingon sitting atop it. Another light lit a single point in the large room, illuminating the same symbol that had been on the doors. Savich knew there were others in the room in the shadows out of sight, ready to pounce. Savich waited, the lone figure upon the dais turned around his brilliant blue eyes seemed to glow, “Come forward old friend, and let me see you with my old eyes.” Cautiously Savich strode forward; he stopped just short of the ring of light in the center. “I will go no further.” He announced, memories of K’Vas told him to stop. “Why, is that Commander? Afraid?” His hand raised, giving the klingon warrior’s sign language to stop. “No, because the K’Vas I know will see me the same whether I am in the bright light or in the dark, for the K’Vas I know is blind!” a lone laughing cackle broke the darkness. The lights equalized bringing the room to normal illumination. Six Klingon warriors ringed the room each holding a bat`leh, a lone Klingon stood to one side of the dais along with a lone Starfleet Admiral, his service color was grey, intelligence. “Thomas Chandler Savich, good to hear you old friend it has been too long.” K’Vas walked forward confident as usual, “I need no help Admiral I know every inch of the Hammer.” Stepping firmly forward K’Vas extended his arm Thom grabbed it and they greeted each other in Klingon fashion grabbing each others arms. “It is good to finally be with you again friend, this is Admiral McKee with Starfleet Intelligence.” “Finally, why finally?” “Always the questions, eh friend very well you may as well hear it from me. Seven years ago while commanding a reconnaissance mission in Tzenkethi space you were capture and held, in the mean time a doppelganger, a face dancer has replaced you in the federation. Upon your return you resigned from Starfleet and entered the diplomatic corps you are know, or your doppelganger is the Ambassador to Tzenkethi and about to introduce a new treaty with far reaching effects chief amongst them is the severance of diplomatic ties with the empire. One can only guess what would follow. It is a dark time and we must stop this before war breaks out neither of our governments can withstand another all out war.” “If I was replaced by this face dancer, why was I kept alive?” “Well, friend they needed you alive, for see for the face dancer to appear to be you it needs regular samples of your DNA, fresh samples the fresher the longer it can maintain your form. We suspect the your ex First Officer, Leland Rush, is also a traitor for you two, pardon the expression Thom, are inseparable, also soon after you returned you divorced Catherine, she has had a difficult time these last few years. It is unfortunate you destroyed the Winter Hawk.” Memories flashed through Thom’s mind, “That [...], Catherine my love….but, I didn’t destroy the Hawk, we used the engineering section for a life boat, and separated the saucer section I sent it on, what of the rest of my crew?.” “But, sir you are quoted as initiating the destruct sequence in the last log entry sent, only you and Rush survived.” The Admiral said, pulling a PADD up, “And I quote, Initiate Savich security breach protocol one. Destruct, destruct, destruct, send last log and this message to Starfleet.” Laughing his head hurt, but it was only a dull ache, “Yes, but that did not destroy the Winter Hawks saucer, only it sent it to a safe place. Only Rush and me, that [...], most of us survived, I know this know the memories are coming back.” “What! The saucer is safe we must get it where is it?” “Well only two people know that’s, me and K’Vas.” K’Vas, “Me? How no you wouldn’t….no you would.” Laughing out loud, “All these years we thought she was gone and she is right under our noses… Commander lay course for the Tong Beak Nebula maximum speed! Only you would put it there! Ha Admiral all is not lost with the computer core of the Winter Hawk we can blow this conspiracy wide open.” “Why, why there Ambass…I mean Commander?” Admiral McKee inquired. “Well, through my foggy memory, soon after we started the mission I realized it was compromised and not knowing who I could trust I sent it to where the only person I knew I could trust without a doubt.” “Why, how did you know that?” “K’Vas would never betray me, for I hold a debt of honor for him. K’Vas when this is over the debt is paid. I just hope Catherine can forgive me.” K’Vas, “Why not ask her yourself, Thom. I have had her in my care for several years.” “What …care what are you talking about K`Vas.” “It is best she explains it to you. Commander send in Catherine the final test must be passed.” Shocked speechless, final test sweat poured down his face what was this. A side door opened and Catherine entered gracefully her elbow length black hair glistened in the light, his heart skipped a beat his throat was dry as the first time he had met her so many years ago, her eyes though did not show any indication that she recognized him though. He stepped forward, “Cath….” He stopped dead as she raised a disruptor aiming it at him. “What is this, its me Thom…” “Stop, I know you look like him, you have one chance and only one chance to pass this test if you fail I will kill you...” Her words were cold and steely. “What is our word?” “Our word?” confused Thom was sweating the woman he loved, the woman he had forgotten and now remembered had a disruptor aimed at him. “OUR WORD!” She demanded. “uhhh,” stopping Thom did not want to fail this, a word his head ached, his vision dimmed from the pain…..it had to be…. “Tw….Twitterpaited, that’s it Twitterpaited!” He fell to his knees, Catherine rushed in, dropping the gun, joining him on her knees, grasping his chin she pulled his face to hers and kissed him as tears rolled down both their cheeks, tears of joy, tears of redemption……
  8. Being a judge in the last contest and having to judge the entries I too have to juggle RL but found time to submit my feedback as directed for further transmittal to the respective authors. Its unfortunate that you all had to wait this long. For this I am truly sorry.
  9. I agree, atleast with judges you have some quality control over the voting, and a means to address any concerns...but as for the lack of feedback, how about judges submitting their reveiws directly to a forum on theese boards that way they would be posted faster instead of the current method and provide a means of a little peer presure for those that tend to be late......
  10. Tears should be a good one, and once again congratulations to all the winners of the last writing challenge Toni, Nemitor and Hawk great job all of you.
  11. Congradulation to Toni, Hawk and Nemitor great job all of you....
  12. Thanks all agian, Toni looks like dem fingurs struk again...lol
  13. thank you, for the compliments.
  14. So what she's saying is that she is late, I'm just delayed, congrats...
  15. Good catch, but I would expect nothing else from a vulcan.
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