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Clase Drene

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Status Updates posted by Clase Drene

  1. I just noticed that I am not sniffling anymore yeah.. clean bill of heath in the new week.. Ha

  2. I know creation is the creator. So quit trying to trick me wit slack like that.

  3. I know everything > I know nothingAnd how do I know nothing? Why do I have to know more and more as a progression thru life. I am from above - where the angels fear to go as much as demons fear - in this even more so. We can find the way back but, so what, there is no matter that is not solved in neat little packages of temporal tasks like there is something more or ..

  4. I know I am crazy, what's your excuse? hehehe- no harm intended :)

  5. I know I know ,,, I know what caused the runs this morning = was eating like fifteen chocolate covered espresso beans the other day, must of just been processing the beans .. nice I know but these are the magic kind of bean jack and the bean stalk look out.. :)

  6. I know there is nothing more real then this....

  7. I know! I will just pretend I am happy and joyous and free thus making the world happy...*yeah that makes sense everyone knows I [...]ing want everyone to be [...]ing happy* what matters is if your happy, are you happy?, does anything really matter at all in its actual form. NO and so what; things need not matter, mean anything, have direct, indirect, obscure, relations to each other, that, in the end, we form dust particles on the edge of water drops falling into the ocean of being. So ca...

  8. I like peanuts - elephants like peanuts: does that mean I have elephant jeans on?

  9. I lose you win... so what .... it is not how you won it is how i lost... so what ... does it matter next year ...nope nothing matters at all...If I am living like a tumor in the tome little to know and less to see the candy is no soul solutions afar and higher...surf broads of a kindly ocean that likes the direct sun light in the mid summer dream of dreaming something important.

  10. I miss you now! So what I think, a useless thought but whatever. You don't know? YOU Remind me of who I am, anyway, I go on ,,,..without thinking that anymore,.. We should know freedom is meaningless when treated like nothing, and it often is,..nothing or this idea that nobody understands at all, so what,.. Again.

  11. i mixed butterscotch pudding and banana pudding yep mixed them like i mixed the oatmeal and farina end of boxes yummy good.

  12. i need a surge protection on my life for reality surges that can be overwhelming at times.

  13. I need the special magpie that never stops shinning.

  14. I need to be in the right now... any other "now" is wrong... you know?

  15. I really like "cookies" what do you like. (I also feel like a 12 year old asking this question, hehe)

  16. I relapsed last nite. In my coda program. I really can't say more, made me angry, guess you could tell with my posts...

  17. I say, so there is nothing, nothing at all matters are meaningless as usual nothing ever matters like the total concrete evidence of an idea that is wrong in my mind, heart and soul, I am feeling this absurdity of very even ideas that don't want to exist but still has not been even real enough for me. anyone is and everyone really are faking that they care about anything , the world the universe the idea that it is ok to care, so I try to pretend that I care now and then even consistently ca...

  18. I screamed in my sleep last nite, how do I know? It woke me up, I don't know if sleep is an option, anymore, the fabric of life is a deeper shade of red,..

  19. i spent all day stuffing pink whales with radishes ... and have no more time to think forward ,, everything is backwards and or spelt wrong and backwards

  20. I try but nothing happens, it is not me, it is something bigger than all the things we know,.. greater than anything we can dream, now...

  21. I want everyone grateful right now ,,, now or or else...

  22. I want to teach blind people how to fold origami ... think of their tactile acuity ... although it might be a difficult lesson plan.

  23. I was eating oreos and I was dunking it in milk and the cookie broke and sunk to the bottom so now I'm just staring at the glass and wondering why bad things happen to good people

  24. I was eleven when mom died... twenty one when dad passed I do not know what fifty will be like but half a month away seems like forever and so so so on..

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