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Clase Drene

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Status Updates posted by Clase Drene

  1. dammit I have to eat again really sucks this food idea..

  2. ok four minutes to just get this movie into the eye-movie nonsense go figure it took me ten minutes to realize that it would not import said movie from I photos [...]c

  3. So, what makes anything of value in a common kinda way where we agree this is valuable and that is not of value to us, or them.((doing research for a writing article coming from the year 2032!!))

  4. Log in space..4:20pm ate tums ,, 420-reporting..--Near

  5. very depressed very... seems after being dosed with amphetamines(without knowing till the dr said that is what happened)so I almost lost my life and I have totally lost my thought processing abilities... is there a way to get back at them(the dosers)? for doing this to me.. I mean stuff like this is illegal right? IF they wanted me dead they could of asked me to kill myself again you know i would of help offing me ...anyway it is like six - seven months since they dosed me and I still can...

  6. I do not expect only act, I need not expect anything at all.. it is all action - this is a must... otherwise nothing ,,, not one thing will change. ;)

  7. i accidentally on purpose froze my blueberries and wow that is cool goodness.. :)

  8. I have lost hope, I have given up on maintaining my faith. And this is something I alone have the power to change, the trust of being aware of who I am is as pointless as not being aware at all,.. I no longer seek a path - or anything to take with me,.. Beyond 'my' willingness to be free is a lifeless dead end,.. And 'now' has lost the hope that I had trusted in for so long,,

  9. I am watching Ghost Busters for the first time although I saw the end before.

  10. i have the 2000 world almanac is this a good thing to collect? or throw it out as old news..?

  11. Today, it means anything, but nothing is more important because.. a republican does not care about anything where nothing is always more important ... this makes perfect sense for the republican but the democrat is lost, without doubt, in the national liberal hangover and after a party or part party part not - apart of - fell out of the way when there is no way to go: anymore.... so what.. nation wide depression sets in for the political intellectuals and surf noises seem ominous or so it goes.

  12. my head feels like it is a square box ;) but I am NOT the box beat it on the side of.

  13. I could not sleep so - I will let you know what I know - it is that the sounds that are guide the ones that can follow the sounds that are... the voice guide us thru the sky beyond light and dark into the higher planes of experience were existence is not real and reality has no existence as it is. we know ... this experience is now everywhere we all are.

  14. question: In what medium does EM (electro-magnetic) energies move//RL-app how do magnets work in outer-space?

  15. thinking some how to mix these images digitally or something that might be cool.

  16. I know there is nothing more real then this....

  17. It seems like this half the world is parting with Facebook finally they are posting must of been something in the eggnoggg gf

  18. i mixed butterscotch pudding and banana pudding yep mixed them like i mixed the oatmeal and farina end of boxes yummy good.

  19. Lets make believe I am you and make believe you are me.,... now what?

  20. ,..wait for it..,

  21. I have gone crazy but don't worry I have gone there before... same old same old. :P

  22. Ok you might think that i know how to think at times... well NO sometimes I get dumber then nails without a head.. so what dumbutt thing did I accomplish .. well like I got this herbal med over the counter free because it was headed for trash and expired, and because my Pharmacist likes me because of the large orders that I make legally(you wouldn't believe) .. I get home looking through my med supply find the herbal heath pill.. and well it is big but looks chewable. so blip in the mouth a...

  23. Such horrible fun?

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