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Clase Drene

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Status Updates posted by Clase Drene

  1. Did you hear? - we have a new mosquito design so just wait till summer because it will bite you..

  2. Do something new and different, today. Something interesting and fun,.. OK?

  3. do the new. be the box without an inside or out. know the mind like it was in your head all along. find the facts, and set them free...or not

  4. Do you watch/keep up with ,,, the news? and if so ,, How?

  5. does anyone feel like following me about and recording the spew of wisdom words by I all the time..? mmmm They did that in college but I ended up paranoid people were following me ,,. go figure... the current spew... If you don't take a break from your intense life style still it will break you..

  6. Does anyone know where the closest sex shop is?

  7. Don't try and convince me of where you are... I know you couldn't do that or anything beyond what is happening in the real and unreal faking it and them not even wanting to fake the making of what we accept as your "serious," altitude in your gratitude, you do not know me; I am the one that means well and looses the shadow at the bottom of the hill we go up. Making it on top of the hill bill that is capital Bill bounced out of life and off death greets many a kind in the relationship of wake...

  8. Don't waste time at all, read and write till you drop the pen from your hand... given contextualizations as nominal or worse. adher to second level meanings as they exist,.. maybe there is reason but perpendicular to the know thoughts that neither touch either. have a pudding or some kind of push off into the unknown hahe

  9. drinking some ginger tea with camomile flowers and lemon juice and strawberry tea bags.boiled for a bit on the stove

  10. easily washed away the ,,, 1200 marked number of movie uploads at youtube this morning ,,, hahahaha oh and am in transition going into a new phase of composition :)

  11. Emo Elmo and the ruling class, keep moving, duh.,,

  12. empty letters in words of nothingness, less sound such a lesser evil but bad woot.The pride king is pronounced dead at the sight of life in the mind of her nobles. Something is changing faster then I can type but being alone is like the squishy squelchy life.So now there is nothing meaning nothing is the thing to note of now however there is anything at all ill in the mind or post mind beings of theory and thoughts of temporal temporaries there of.Seen there still is more to go on th...

  13. Enter Sandy, exit sand soot, smog.Opens flood gates to new life.Understand this never happens to us.NYC under water, Queens on fire.Wave after wave drearily marched on.Out of obscurity, into the stream. Write your six words about Sandy.

    1. Bryce Tagren-Quinn

      Bryce Tagren-Quinn

      Sandy was one heck of a storm. Stay safe! Nor'easter hitting today. :(

  14. errrmmmeehhh back.. woot. back get back i say... woot.

  15. EVERYTHING ,,, everything is on my mind fb so just get out of my mind.. OK?

  16. FB: You have one notification from God.Bill: FB tell God I am busy and he should of known that.

  17. Fear is a beast that knows how scared we are.The truth is never in time.The reality of meaningful thought has no meaning, at all.Visions of peace are true illusions of time.

  18. feeling [...]ty going to eat something - to get fatter.. what ever.

  19. Find the free, lock them up, for being so free, I know, it has happened to me.

  20. Fly away further down the river of life, never to return,..

  21. four of them what is the best one? what one..????

  22. Freedom is outside the box.

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