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Clase Drene

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Status Updates posted by Clase Drene

  1. bah!!! off to the second interview find out when it is tomorrow ... so yeah I made the first interview for the job today :) hehe...I woke up today like"i don't want to work NOOOOOO" and then the interview was fun :)

  2. Be who you are, or at least act like yourself again. sometimes, sorta....

  3. Becoming lost,. Might be hospitalized soon,.. Forgetting the easy to remember reality settings/actions and prompting them again in a overly redundancy in life events,..Think there might be more need inside then out?

  4. Been focusing too intensely on the God of suicide and I am just going to assume that this is not what everyone else is doing? Which sorta adds to feeling lonely,. Alone and cast-out for being and also Knowing what a life of torture really is,.. I can not tell if posting these current thoughts is helping me at all,.. With The constantly increasing isolationism's feeding itself with itself followed by night terrors again and over again,, sleeping is, really useless -- mind tricks that torture...

  5. between this one and the next there is other things to see.

  6. bill bear needs a new world.

  7. blast out of my mind - shoot the works - ride the red pony - chew gum - don't look now - have yourself a hoot - victory like defeat have multiple meanings - look for the giant alien wandering the local woods 0 - run for your life - It has got to be found - the all american dream - little do you know. so so on on soon but not now ever.

  8. Blessed are the innocent for their ignorance of love.

  9. Bliss will eat your mind, part B.

  10. Bus the people on the bus here.Start the meaning of life over.Have you ever been too lost?Do you know what I know?Do I know what you know?I will stop asking you questions.Sure is a long year ahead.Cyber pairs are ripe and ready.Often it is off by ten.next ten years flushed down toilet,.My machines will get you, again.Matrix is what we know truthfully.More is coming out my fingers.Texture to surface - light to dark.I know he put it in.vertical ideas structured tangentially sort...

  11. Can life be worse? Of course, would it matter? No

  12. can you reach it?nope not high enough yetok well get higher thenI am trying toyoda: try not but do well you will young skylingseems like eight miles is still the limit are you there yet?I want to come down now!!!just grab it!!got it and I am holding tightdon't let it go you will never get it againI have it,,,it is the very tip top of the morning to you..

  13. Can't believe he finally made it to more then one post per day status

  14. candle like flowers align what is real with what is not real...

  15. caveat emptorcarpe diemoks

  16. choose the day the time of day the day of the year what is it but the same all the same. Choose the meaning of time the meaning of the time of day the meaning of the year yet it is all the same at life's end ... begin the new by ending the old yet it never begins or ends in the now of then and the after the facts of fake people fake planets that are still finding out how fake it is all the way we know what we look at then when there is time there is no more meaning to what time is press on k...

  17. clouds vs trees win lose or lose loss loose

  18. creating creation inside the meaning of what is meant by this..

  19. dammit I have to eat again really sucks this food idea..

  20. Data rips from nothing to nobody to the light of a thousand suns and again accomplished nothing quickly.

  21. Déjà vu dueThe universe starts here.

  22. desperately seeking ride to any ANY meeting specifically twelve step kinds of meetings contact number 732 207 2029 reasons being the pain in my feet from too much walking isn't going away...

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