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Clase Drene

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Status Updates posted by Clase Drene

  1. long night still deafening silence feel sickly obfuscation ptolemy grim grave looks inviting...very much the tempting lure.

  2. Lost my shake,, in casual ways * beat* still waits at their hospital.

  3. love you... more... better then ever..

  4. March 1Anxiety attack! “[The] Power that brought us to this program is still with us and will continue to guide us if we allow it.”Basic Text, p. 27––––=––––Ever had a panic attack? Everywhere we turn, life’s demands overwhelm us. We’re paralyzed, and we don’t know what to do about it. How do we break an anxiety attack?First, we stop. We can’t deal with everything at once, so we stop for a moment...

  5. maybe, naaaaaa maybe not.. what ever it is .. so what .. even then, the indifference is deafening to the sane. Insane don't care. sane don't know how indifference is meaningless.. maybe .. naaaa maybe not anyway... it is all none the less wasted time and space...

  6. More logging of the eye dr,.@faybennettr

  7. Mother is dead. Since seventy five....37 years. I think I heard her voice again today.

  8. must get to shower mindlessness is too dirty need to wash it away..

  9. my belly button just fell out.. off or what it is it is not. :P quit poking me, I had to get a new belly button, just, just because you know. :)

  10. my head feels like it is a square box ;) but I am NOT the box beat it on the side of.

  11. My new guitar needs a name... the tentative name suggestion is...Sarjana - creative; creation - which I might run with .. but . I am thinking to let the FB peeps suggest something or other. too.. what do you suggest I call the guitar.. it is a 22EDO = that is a tuning from India. The frets have been reworked to allow quarter steps in it, being the division between two half steps.

  12. my new year resolution is not for public scrutiny ha.

  13. my psychiatrist explained I do not sleep correctly I did not know there was a correct way to sleep.. I like to sleep on my left side sorta crunching my heart on the left side and thus putting me to sleep... I was told I could end up having symptoms of my disease 'they' call schizo-effective.. I like my diseases... enjoy the symptoms... and use said symptoms as a force of emotions in my artistry... otherwise there really is very little emotions left for me to feel ,, usually.. My dr. would ra...

  14. my recent stuff is @ www.traxinspace.com under the artist called acid

    I am also uploading to the artist group I am in called http://soonlabel.com

    My artist name there is h92o. there are some things in their forum where I have videos and such also h92o@youtube.

  15. My spirit just vomited inside my mind,.. What do I do?

  16. NEW BRANCH OF THE GOVERNMENT!!!!The People's branch,Like a jury but real people.by allowing everyone to vote from their computer/like device.by people voting on what they want to. andhaving the choices easily understood.

  17. News flash: Keep me out of direct sunlight.

  18. No Arab loves the desert. We love water and green trees. There is nothing in the desert and no man needs nothing. (Prince Feisal in Lawrence of Arabia) - quoted in the movie Prometheus ...

  19. not here today because I've gone insane but don't worry I've done this before it is easy just watch out for those green cheese worms connecting the real with the unreal, ok?.. we will be fine.

  20. Nothing is perfect... I am nothing but - I am not perfect.. the first cause does not exist... because for the first cause to exist It would have a beginning and an end.. a cause and an effect - both cause and effect are one thereby the beginning is the end is the beginning ... this is not the cause. - this is the reason.

  21. Now these days I wait , for some unbelievable act of divine intervention, like jimmy buffet finds the lost salt shaker, or not.

  22. Obi-wand - Now forgetting, how. It is always mostly realish or not at all,..

  23. ode to joyas the self of nowmattered not, so thought the other ones onwhat is this matter being or is it able of and how?green is the eyes lighting in the rim of sky where tis.savor the realm of night for its moon has gone on and in.favor the realm of day for the sun waits in any nightless day.waver the surf and surf a waver from the hand it savors a favor.

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