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Idril Mar

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Everything posted by Idril Mar

  1. I think I'll write one in here too... just a matter of getting the time to get it down on paper... or computer... you know.
  2. *takes nobody's hand and just shakes* Surprising how a good shake can be therapeutic.
  3. **puts on moderator hat** I would ask everyone to try to keep in mind that this is a game, a friendly one at that, and to not let your own attitudes or tempers get in the way of your or anyone else's fun. **takes off moderator hat** Now, I actually agree with Salak that I will not submit my own sims in any regard. I'd like it if other people had the same sensibility as I did, but... *shrug* we're all different.
  4. Here's the link to the winning sim from the last contest. Due to a system issue, we lost all the other sims. http://www.starbase118.net/members/events/...s/jan-feb03.php Jenn
  5. What does utopian furniture look like, anyway, Kai? At any rate, though, I'd like to see a Romulan Wars movie...
  6. I guess it depends on whether you want a call from Sickbay or a kick in the ribs while you're down on the deck, there, Ben. Honestly, though... I never really found a plot with mine... I knew I didn't have a chance, since my submission was not very cohesive at all.
  7. Very nice. Congrats. It feels good to lose occasionally as well. Jenn
  8. *twiddles her thumbs*
  9. I don't know about the bulkhead... that is weird come to think of it. Maybe it was a leverage thing?
  10. If the judges hold to pattern, the new challenge should be up sometime in the middle of next month or so. Jenn
  11. ((In Orbit)) "The course is laid in and locked. In fifteen minutes, the ship will fire its engines, shutting them off ten minutes later, then..." The lieutenant at the helm trailed off, swiveling in her chair to look back at her commanding officer, Admiral Keratch, the only other person on the bridge. The older man nodded, understanding the emotion rippling through the woman's voice, catching in her throat. This was a short-sighted decision, one that the whole world would likely regret sooner than later, but orders were orders. He stood up, running a loving hand along the manala-wood armrest of the Captain's chair. "Well, Lieutenant, say goodbye to her then... we'll not see her like again for a long time." “Probably not in our lifetimes, sir, no… and that’s what worries me. This isn’t a good decision. We shouldn’t…” The old man cut her off. “I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that, Ms Nom.” He continued, understanding her position and let the harsh edge drain out of his voice. “We have our orders… let’s get down to the shuttle-bay and go home.” The two walked back to the elevator and the Admiral, taking a last look at the ship that had been his command for the last fifteen years, issued his last order aboard his bridge. “Main Shuttlebay.” ----- ((Trill Senate Chambers)) The mood in the chambers was tense; there had been high emotions, with accusations and yelling flying about in both directions. The murders.... no, the genocide that had occurred on Kurl was necessary, yes. The parasites, called such because no one could bring themselves to say out loud that those destructive insane creatures had once been Joined Trill and symbionts, needed to be destroyed; that everyone agreed on. There was no way that they could be allowed to move out into the galaxy with the hatred that they harbored for the Trill. The arguments were over what should be done now... the current debate was over appropriations for the deep-space navy, the very instrument that had deployed the firebombs and the biogenic weapons on Kurl. "We should not be in space! It risks the purity of our race and the safety of the symbionts... the legacy of our people! What would we do if something like were to happen again?" "It won't so long as we remember and learn from this mistake. We cannot retreat from this exploration... to do so is to dishonor the memories of those that died on Kurl in so much pain!" ----- The doors slid shut on the two Trill officers and the lift started moving down through the bowels of the ship towards the large hanger-deck where only one shuttle remained -- their own. "Permission to speak freely, sir?" The admiral looked at the young woman. He knew exactly what she was going to say. He even agreed with it. However, there was nothing either of them could do. With a deep sigh, he nodded. "Go ahead, Lieutenant." "Think of all the things we'll be giving up when this ship goes into the sun. Interstellar travel is not the only thing we'll lose... contact with other cultures, scientific exchanges..." "Not to mention other things like defense from hostile races and early warning of impending threats from asteroids and the like... I know, maybe better than you, all that we are giving up, Lieutenant. Trust me, I do. Unfortunately, I can't fund the fleet out of my pocket and, with the politicians and their minds made up, no matter how short-sighted they are being, we can only follow orders." They stepped out into the cavernous hanger deck of the ship. This had been a heavy carrier, the flagship of the fleet, with four full wings of shuttles and attack craft that flew from its decks. No more... all those vehicles had either been scuttled or converted for strictly atmospheric use. There would be no reprieve here. Their shuttle, the only one, sat like a large frog, waiting to run them back to the ground and the rest of their lives'. Nothing more passed between them except the quiet echoing of their footsteps. ----- "Since the body has decided that there will be no appropriation to the maintenance or the staffing of the interstellar fleet, the chair will entertain suggestions as to the fleet's fate." ----- The admiral looked up from the console to the looming ship in the shuttle’s side window. Nom could not face the thought of losing her place in space. She had chosen to stay behind, to commit suicide by staying aboard a doomed ship rather than lose that place. He respected her, and after locking the ship’s course with his own command codes, had given her permission to stay. Squinting as the ship’s sublight engines flashed into life for the last time, he watched as the giant slid slowly into the blackness of space, headed towards its rendezvous with the sun. With a deep sigh, he turned back to the console and the blue-green marble below that was his home. ----- The fire burned long into the dark night and the morning brought no relief to the suffering. Such was the fall of civilization... such was the price of forgetting. The cities, nearly all of them, were burning. The few remaining would soon, too, be caught up in the conflagration. This destruction, much like that which rained down on Kurl, came from the sky, but this struck an unsuspecting and unprepared planet. The small comet had been investigated after it had stuck a remote region of the southern continent, flattening a forest with its impact. The destruction not withstanding, one person had been killed, mercifully, by the actual strike, nothing like the possible destruction that could've happened had a planet-killing asteroid hit rather than the dirty snowball. That snowball, however, carried with it something far more insidious than the asteroid’s overt power. The first to die were the investigators, the scientists who had shared samples of the material across the planet with the first week or so. They began falling, dropping suddenly like puppets whose strings had been cut. The virus, at least they assumed it was a virus, spread across the planet like wildfire, killing and destroying, with the survivors causing more panic and more destruction in their manic desire to survive. Civilization came to an end... and as the years stretched into centuries, the centuries into eons, even the symbionts began to forget. The ones who remembered grew beyond Joining, retreated into the caves of Mak'relle Dur, the semi-mythical afterlife where the Oldest symbionts, the Annuated, nearly immortal as they were, collected the memories of the world. New symbionts were born, Joined, and remembered new things as civilizations rose and fell on the surface. Though the old ones remembered, lost from the surface world was the time of Trill's first warp ventures. ----- The small boarding party had slipped into the huge derelict by way of what seemed to be a hanger-deck. Scans of the scarred and pock-marked hull told them that this ship was over five millennia old, stretching further back than any current records on Trill, at least the public ones anyway. They made their way to the bridge, trying to find some trace of the origins of this ship, found orbiting Trill’s sun on the far side from Trill itself, hidden for the eons by the star’s body itself from the planet’s view. When they got there, a grisly sight met them: a skeleton, seated at what appeared to be the helm, with another smaller, non-humanoid skeleton nestled in its pelvis. “Oh gods… I think this is a Trill.”
  12. Ok, looks like Piet got most of them... First Contact with the Klingons is in the books as I remember, which aren't considered canon. They fixed the Vulcan issue in the 4th season bby changing the way that Vulcans lead their lives of 'logic.' So yes, they were wrong, but no, this was explained and tied in. As for the Klingons being so close to Earth... the Enterprise A makes it to the center of the galaxy in a simular amount of time... this is often explained by a warp highway. Why is it out of the realm of logic that there could've been one, at least temporarily, between Earth and the Klingon Homeworld? I agree that the 1st two seasons were pretty much a bad lot of writing all around, with a couple minor exceptions. The finale, however, was total lunacy... but that's a different topic. Spock was the first Vulcan who went through the Academy. TPol joined Starfleet, but never went through the Academy. Klingon foreheads were also explained in the 4th season... genetic experiments dealing with the old Eugenics Wars stuff... fun episodes. I have the same complaint about the Akira-prise... though technically that isn't an issue with canon. Who knows? The Akira could've been based on the NX-class... seems logical to me that they'd save time when designing a battlecruiser to fight the Borg by going back to an old design that served well.
  13. I'm still not buying the idea that there were major continuity problems related to ENT. There are a few minor ones, but can anyone give me a list of the ones they saw? Jenn
  14. Spock was the first Vulcan to go through the Academy. If you remember, T'Pol didn't do that. What are the problems with the timeline, Rhys? Tyr... how much has changed? Give me some examples guys because, right now, I'm not buying it.
  15. Ok... for complaints about ENT, they're in a new topic. Jenn Global Mod
  16. Heaven forbid we get a young character that acts his age. Sorry... I digress. I agree that the vision and writing is very important... but age appeal has to be there as well. Keanu isn't going to be making any remakes of Golden Pond anytime soon, and Glenn Close isn't going to be one of the students in the remake of Harry Potter, either. Jenn
  17. Ok... I may be one of the few that think this, but Enterprise was a good series once they let the writers write the way they wanted to. Third season was a vast improvement over 1&2, and 4 was just that much more improved over 3. Enterprise did nothing to 'ruin' the franchise.' People didn't get exactly what they expected... well tough. Enterprise is canon... deal with it. I don't have a huge love for Berman and Braga, but people who are die-hard fans with their own thoughts about how the pre-TOS history 'should have been' need to understand that your personal vision of it might not have been right... you know? Just because TNG or TOS didn't mention the whole Xindi affair doesn't mean it didn't happen. I don't remember TNG mentioning the Eugenics Wars... or DS9 mentioning... gawd, I'm sure someone can think of an example. Fan history is always a problem when doing pre-quels. Get off it... what's done is done, and UPN as a network is as much or more to blame for it as Berman and Braga. Understand that some of the blame is theirs, some is on UPN, and some is your own if Star Trek takes another 30 year to get back to the small screen... or if it never does. *turns off her rant button* Back on the subject... I think that a new movie with younger people in it might do well. We'll see how it goes. It might have a problem, though, because all of the movies so far had series as background so everyone knew the characters already. Jenn
  18. Well, since you won this time, you have to judge next time. Jenn
  19. That was... strangly hypnotic. I had to look away a couple of times because it was crossing my eyes.
  20. Oooo... that might tie in nicely with my entry a couple times ago.
  21. All of them were good. We, as judges, had lots of good things to say about all of them. Yes, that includes yours too, Sable.
  22. Yours was also quite good, Mr. Bareil. Jenn
  23. I don't have any right now, but I will soon.
  24. Do you want us to consider what you have there?
  25. No, they aren't suggesting that. Its only the last episode that played out on the holodeck. The rest is all real (well, as real as sci-fi gets). Don't even give anyone that idea, PLEASE! And I loved ENT as a whole... just loathed this last episode. By far this was the worst ending for all of the serieses and I think the worst episode in this specific spin-off of Trek. It had no business being in the ENT canon. If they had left Troi and Riker out, it would've been a good ending, but they were completely unnessesary and gratuitous... as much as I love them and their characters, they had no place in the last episode and being there they ruined it. It would been like putting Kirk and Spock at the end of TNG and saying, as they stepped back through the gate of the Guardian of Forever, "Well, that was an interesting trip."
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