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Elonat last won the day on March 12 2023

Elonat had the most liked content!

About Elonat

  • Birthday 12/30/1998

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  • Location
    NE Ohio, United States
  • Player's Pronouns
  • Interests
    Science and Nature, Illustrating and Sketching, Anime, Cooking, DIY

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Elonat's Achievements

Member of the USS Fastfingers

Member of the USS Fastfingers (7/28)



  1. A very eloquent wedding invite from Lt. Trovek 🀣 @N. Aristren aka Trovek
  2. Congratulations on completing your training and welcome!! Hope you have a great time here.
  3. The repetition here almost made me choke on my breakfast 🀣 @Alan Letts
  4. I've been enjoying this scene a lot, but this sim by @Kettick really stood out to me! The narration was really engaging and I felt like I learned a lot about Kettick! Not just about his personality, but a bit about how he views the world and his place in it.
  5. Congrats on completing your training! Welcome to the 'Fleet, hope you enjoy your time here.
  6. Congratulations and welcome! I hope you enjoy your time here!
  7. I wish! Unfortunately, not a moment of wit but simply a case of "shoes off in the house". 😆
  8. Congratulations and welcome!! Hope you all enjoy it here!
  9. I was re-reading sims from earlier in the week and I had another good laugh at this. @Oddas Aria
  10. I really enjoyed reading through this as well!! Very heartwarming
  11. Congratulations! Excited to have you along!
  12. I hope I'm not being a bother in tagging people! @Alora DeVeau @Quinn Reynolds @Doz Finch @Addison MacKenzie @Samira Neathler @Lt Aine Olive Sherlock @Sal Taybrim @Robin Hopper @Nolen Hobart @Dekas Thank you all so much for the warm welcome!! I'm happy to be officially a part of the Fleet. 😁 Commander MacKenzie and Lt. Commander Dekas were very helpful, thank you both for training me!
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