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Foreign Exchange Officers  

19 members have voted

  1. 1. If you could choose to be involved in an exchange officer program with any other Star Trek 'nation', which would you choose?

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We're often enamored, or at least intrigued by cultures that we are unfamiliar with in our world. From different ethnic foods, to traditions that we aren't used to, there's a lot to learn from stepping outside of our comfort zone and immersing ourselves in the realm of another group of people. Certainly this isn't a new idea, as exchange student programs have been around for a while and people have been traveling the globe for hundreds of years. But what would happen if that globe suddenly got a whole lot bigger?

That brings us to this week's poll of the week question: If you could choose to be involved in an exchange officer program with any other Star Trek 'nation', which would you choose? Each of the options offers intrigue and the opportunity to learn a great deal, just like exchange programs here on Earth do, but which appeals to you the most? Is it the Romulans and their secrecy, or the warrior nature of the Klingons? Or maybe you'd like to spend a year with a race from the Gamma quadrant? Let us know, or feel free to add in a race we didn't think of and let us know why!


Tough decision between the Breen and the Cardassians for me.

The Breen would be so interesting, because nobody really knows anything about them!

Although, of course, it could be incredibly dull...

So, Cardassians for me! They might be a pretty nasty bunch now, but their history is really interesting, plus say what you like, they certainly care for their families.


I immediately had to eliminate the Klingons since Johanna would starve. She just couldn't eat food that moves. However, Ferengar would interest her because her captain, Brek, is a Fire she'd like to understand better. Also, people tend to think they know everything about Ferenghi culture...business, business, business. Yet, there has to be more to produce people like Brek and other multidimensional characters from that culture.


I chose Romulan, but the choice was made because of the state the republic is most probably now and idea that they may change if they are steered in the right direction. There is also so much unknown about their history after they left Vulcan, Sundering sounds pretty fascinating and I'd love to learn about it from the source closest to it.


From an OOC perspective, I would take Cardassian. The mix of military, paranoia and work dedication is unlike anything I've ever experienced. I'm intrigued by the Obsidian Order. And there might be an opportunity to meet Garak. Though I definitely wouldn't appreciate the heat and humidity.

From an IC perspective, Trellis would definitely take the Romulans, though. Any chance he could get to study them up close he would find fascinating. There's so much history he would love to learn, as well as culture, society, politics and technology.

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