Kalianna Nicholotti Posted July 6, 2012 Posted July 6, 2012 ((Somewhere...))::In the darkness of where ever he was, Eliaan felt at least relieved to bealive. The pain, the overwhelming pain, that he had felt in the corridorwas gone but the memory of it stayed with him as if he had been granted atemporary reprieve instead of a full pardon. As the darkness cleared alittle, it was clear that he was no longer on the Starbase. It wasfamiliar though, very familiar indeed.::::The large room in which he found himself was empty of furniture butfilled with memories; he was in the drawing room of his grandparent's homeon Betazed. The pleasure and wonder of being in this place quickly meltedinto a deep sadness as the real reason that he was now seeing this house,empty as it had been after the death of his grandparents, struck him. Thiswasn't how he had imagined the afterlife but it wasn't something he hadallowed himself to think about much.::::Death, he knew, walked one pace behind everyone else but walked side byside with a surgeon. On any given day he knew that he could witness, oreven be responsible, for the death of a patient. If he were to reallythink about how close death always was, he knew it would have stopped himbeing a good surgeon and so he tried his best to ignore it.::::And so, he felt utterly unprepared to be standing here with the knowledgethat he was either dead or very close to it. What had happened to him? Heremembered the pain and being knocked down but he couldn't remember anassailant or why he had been there. He fought hard with his memories,trying to work out what had led him here and then suddenly it clicked.::::Ensign Freo.::::As he remembered the young Bajoran woman and the darkness that seemed tosurround her, the image of a small Bajoran girl appeared in front of him.It wasn't Freo Liandra. It was another Bajoran, one who he had know whatfelt like a long time ago.::::Ollera Kon looked up at him. In a flash, he was shown a quicksuccessions of vignettes of the events that had lead to her death: he wastransported back to Starbase 173 where he was convincing her parent's toagree to the procedure; to the arguments with Kaedyn over the correctcourse of action; to the OR where she died on his table; to hisdisciplinary hearing on Starfleet Medical. Overwhelmed by the images, hecalled out for them to stop and he was immediately back in his parent'shouse looking down at her.::::She was dressed in the little surgical gown that she had worn when he hadkilled her but her eyes carried a wisdom which far exceeded her youngage. He carried her with him at all times. She was the embodiment of hisregret and sadness, her broken little body on the operating table was theimage that stuck in his mind before he fell asleep.::Ollera: Hello, Eliaan.Deron: ::kneeling down in front of her:: What are you doing here?::A wide grin spread across her face but she made no response to hisquestion. Instead, she reached up and grabbed his ear with her thumb andforefinger. He was surprised that she was solid rather than just a mentalimage.::Ollera: Your pagh is strong, Eliaan. But I don't think it is strongenough...Deron: Kon.Ollera: I'm not her; she's dead.Deron: Am I dead?Ollera: What do you think?Deorn: I think that you didn't answer the question::She peered up at him, and as she did she was suddenly the three-year oldgirl who had died in front of him again. With a giggle, she responded in asing-song voice that sounded like the refrain from a nursery rhyme.::Ollera: Neither I didDeron: Why do you look like her if you aren't her?::There was a presence beside him and as he turned to face it, the girlvanished. At his left hand side, his old friend Guy Hunt walked towardshim with the wide-beam grin that was his trademark.::Hunt: Would you rather I looked like this, Doc?::As he spoke, they were no longer on Betazed. Instead, they stood in adarkened sickbay on the USS Braveheart watching the real Hunt struggle totake his last breaths and die. Often frustrating cavalier about his ownsafety, Guy had sacrificed himself to save the life of Andrus Jaxx afterthe Bajoran attacks on the station. They had been through a lot together,not to mention the crush that Eliaan knew Guy had on him, and his death hadaffected the Betazoid more than he could have imagined.::Deron: Guy...Hunt: You just don't get it, do you? He's dead.Deron: Then who are you? Why do you take the forms of people who have died?Why these people?Hunt: I am you failure, Eliaan Deron. I speak for the people you wereincapable of saving, the reason that your miserable life is worthless. Iam your failure.Deron: What are you talking about?::Hunt continued to smile warmly, despite the vitriolic response that camefrom him. Under normal circumstances, Eliaan would be able to dismiss thissince the thing speaking to him was so different from his friend but hefound it hard not to see it as Guy.::Hunt: You let me die. You acted like my friend and you let me die. Youare pathetic.Deron: I couldn't save you, Guy. I would have done anything I could tohelp you but you were so badly injured.Jilenna: And what about me? You barely tried to help me::As quickly as he had appeared, Guy was gone. A voice called from behindhim and he spun around to see Marine Captain Jilenna Zehn. As his eyes methers, he was thrown back to the runabout Thames. They were laughing in the[...]pit, the console exploded, he removed the symbiont from her dying body,he placed the symbiont in Kaedyn's abdomen. The images stopped and theblonde woman stood in front of him.::Deron: The runabout had been damaged, we didn't have the power or thefacilities to perform the surgery you needed. We were able to save yoursymbiont.Jilenna: So you could give it to your boyfriendDeron: It wasn't like that....Jillenn: You wanted my symbiont so you let me die and now you want my sonas well.Deron: I tried to help you.Jilenna: You only wanted to help yourselfDeron: That's not true.Aren: You should admit the truth, Eliaan.::Jilenna melted into the ether and beside him, at his right hand, theimage of a tall, handsome Napean man appeared. Dr Dyami Aren, his firstlove. In his dark eyes, their relationship played out from start to tragicfinish. He saw himself, a young medical student arriving on Vilar 2 andmeeting the handsome doctor, he saw them working side-by side and the dayDyami awkwardly asked him to dinner, their hike in the hills, the day Dyamideveloped hemorrhagic fever and Dr Murdoch informing him of his death.::Deron: ::sobbing:: Please. Not him.Aren: I was your Imzadi but you forgot me as soon as you met your TrillDeron: I didn't. I have never stopped thinking of you, I have neverstopped missing youAren: Stop lying, Eliaan.Deron: I'm not!::Suddenly, the four of them were standing around him. The room felt dark,their presence threatening.::Aren: You said you would always love meHunt: You said you were my friendJilenna: You said not to worryKon: You said I'd live::Tears streamed down the Betazoid's face. They jeered at him, these peoplehe had let down the most, these people he felt the most guilty about, thesefaces that haunted him.::Deron: I tried to help you all. I really did. You have to believe me thatI tried to help you. I would have done anything to have been able to helpany of you::Ignoring him, they shouted at him in turn.::Jilenna: You let me dieHunt: You let me dieAren: You let me dieKon: You let me die::More faces, more voices, appeared and each yelled the same at him.They grew to a large rabble and began to shout over each other at him. Thenoise grew to a crescendo until it threatened to overwhelm him, he slammedhis hands over his ears and screamed over the din.::::And as soon as they had appeared, they all disappeared. Where there hadbeen such noise, it was instantly quiet. He found himself again in thedark silence of the drawing room of his grandparent's house looking down atthe small frame of Ollera Kon.::Kon: And now, Eliaan, it is time that you die too...TBCLieutenant Eliaan Deron, MDMedical OfficerSB118 / USS Victory
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