Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf Posted January 27, 2011 Posted January 27, 2011 DATES: The class began on January 16, 2010, and ended on January 26, 2011.LIST: sb118-academy4COMMANDING OFFICER: LtCmdr. Marcus DickensFIRST OFFICER: LtCmdr. DanziaRETURNING MEMBER:- Finchley Kerr- Danika Nori- Inarr "Sssteve" Rogg
+ Rogg the Dachlyd Posted January 29, 2011 Posted January 29, 2011 Oooo, my name in lights! Looks like ensign Rogg is climbing up in the world (er, galaxy).So... how are the rest of y'all doing? In the southern half of Florida we finally have some chilly weather. The skies are beautiful, but it is a bit too cold for the beach. Not that I would let that stop me. The beach is awesome! I am so glad that our beaches did not become covered in tar.
Alleran Tan Posted January 29, 2011 Posted January 29, 2011 Welcome back all! Well, here in Australia things are recovering from a series of fires and floods throughout the country, by and large. Fortunately I was in none of the affected areas.The weather where I am has been raining non-stop for about three weeks, but it's finally clearing up.
+ Rogg the Dachlyd Posted February 5, 2011 Posted February 5, 2011 Welcome back all! Well, here in Australia things are recovering from a series of fires and floods throughout the country, by and large. Fortunately I was in none of the affected areas.The weather where I am has been raining non-stop for about three weeks, but it's finally clearing up. Glad you were largely unaffected. Flood and fire are two nasty disasters. (The two are also like adding insult to injury...)
+ Saveron Posted February 6, 2011 Posted February 6, 2011 Glad you were largely unaffected. Flood and fire are two nasty disasters. (The two are also like adding insult to injury...) Australia's good at that.::Sings:I love a sunburned country, a land of sweeping plains, Of rugged mountain ranges, of droughts and flooding rains. Still, best country in the world, right Alleran? Glad you weren't too badly affected.
+ Rogg the Dachlyd Posted February 12, 2011 Posted February 12, 2011 ::Sings:I love a sunburned country, a land of sweeping plains, Of rugged mountain ranges, of droughts and flooding rains. Still, best country in the world, right Alleran? Glad you weren't too badly affected.Hey! You only think Australia is so great because it is the only country which is also a continent.I must admit, Australia has possums. In N. America we have opossums. The majority of people here refer to them as possums. (Presumably 'posssums with an apostrophe, but I have my doubts that these people are aware Australia has a similarly-named and entirely different animal.) Opossum babies are kind of cute, but when they grow up they resemble slow, waddling, dim-witted rats.
+ Saveron Posted February 12, 2011 Posted February 12, 2011 I've seen pictures of opossums, I see what you mean by the description.Whereas possums are smart, tame-able and the epitome of cute:Except when they get in through your roof, make a home and play soccer in the roof space at three in the morning. And bite the cat. And eat all the fruit off your trees. Although the absolute masters of destructiveness are the friggin' [...]atoos. They eat people's balconies. Apparently they have a thing for Western Red Cedar.But yeah, 'Straya's great mate! (You have to use the correct pronounciation). It's an island, a country and a continent, it's got every type of climate in the world (sometimes all in the same day) and the wierdest animals going. And great beaches. And great food. And people from every culture. Even if half of it is underwater and the other half is on fire. My family is from the UK. I go back to visit every so often. Nice to visit, interesting place with a lot of history, wouldn't want to live there.Never been to the US, have to go some day, there's a lot of things I'd like to see. Actually I tell a lie, I've been to Hawaii. That was pretty. I'd like to see Canada too.
+ Rogg the Dachlyd Posted February 17, 2011 Posted February 17, 2011 Canada.February.It's cold.Big surprise.I recall a few years back some of our most active membership were in Canada. Noble Canada, with its great cold, and even greater comedians who help entertain their neighbors down in the United States. Seriously, what is it that makes so many funny people up there?Do we have any members in Mexico? Maybe we could all get together at their house...Australia is nice, but a bit farther than Mexico.
+ Rogg the Dachlyd Posted February 17, 2011 Posted February 17, 2011 I've seen pictures of opossums, I see what you mean by the description.Whereas possums are smart, tame-able and the epitome of cute...Except when they get in through your roof, make a home and play soccer in the roof space at three in the morning. And bite the cat. And eat all the fruit off your trees. Although the absolute masters of destructiveness are the friggin' [...]atoos. They eat people's balconies. Apparently they have a thing for Western Red Cedar.From that description, they sound a bit like raccoons! Raccoons can get into almost anything. And they are unfortunately omnivorous; one kept on trying to eat my dad's chickens. (Unlike the fox, who was much more likeable and was mostly interested in the cat food.) Raccoons eat fruit before it's ripe enough to pick. I used to think they were cute and smart, until I found out they have a tendency to defecate in their water supply. Gross!No [...]atoos here, unless someone buys one. We have monk parakeets though. They spread like crazy in my neighborhood after Hurricane Andrew. They have a loud, obnoxious call - but probably not so loud as the [...]atoo....My family is from the UK. I go back to visit every so often. Nice to visit, interesting place with a lot of history, wouldn't want to live there.Never been to the US, have to go some day, there's a lot of things I'd like to see. Actually I tell a lie, I've been to Hawaii. That was pretty. I'd like to see Canada too.There are a lot of great things to see wherever you are! Of course, a lot of things are weather-permitting.I would like to see Australia some day. I have seen great photos of it from photographer websites. Australia always gets a mention whenever Animal Planet or some other channel mentions crocodiles or sharks. And there are platypi (or are they platypuses). Plus, Australia is close to Tasmania.So many interesting things all over the world
Liam Frost Posted March 11, 2011 Posted March 11, 2011 My cousin keeps sending my pictures from Australia. mostly around where she lives now. Always seemed like a nice place to visit.
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