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This is an area for members of this training class to keep in touch with each other.

DATES: The class began on March 30, 2005, and ended on April 12, 2005.

LIST: sb118-academy4

COMMANDING OFFICER: Commander Jennifer Greene

FIRST OFFICER: LtCmdr Torin Jamar




Kevin Brackwell

Marcus Dickens

Kei'Lann Pulak

Congratulations to you all, and welcome to our fleet!


Congratz guys :) Welcome to the fleet, where the fun begins :w00t:

Congratulations to you all, and welcome to our fleet!
Congratz guys  Welcome to the fleet, where the fun begins

Thank you people! Can't wait to be assigned somewhere! :w00t: Really... Everyone performed very well at the training!

Also, does anyone else from my group is seeing this thread? :) We can keep in contact.


Congrats to the Officers. Look forward to seeing you around SB-118.


Hmm... no one from my class here?

Guess I have too much time in my hands while I wait for an assignment letter... :: looks around trying to find something to do ::

I'll change my signature to Ensign, yeah... :P


lol. you can talk to any of the crews on any of the topics, best ones to get to know people are mostly on the Games and chat. Btw, you can always join the PIP 4 ENSIGNs club located on the Victory forum, (it's just a bit of fun) :)


Hi there,

Okay, so i took long to find my way here... ~squints at the map. Looks up... at the map again... frowns... turns it around... and smiles~ ahhh! Another mysterie solved!

Ensign K. Pulak



Yeah I did, and got my requested posting, the embassy!

Ensign K. Pulak

Security officer

Embassy of the U.F.O.P.

Til'Han, Duronis II


Greetings people!

I got my assignment at the USS Kodiak! Sirek (our fellow Science cadet from the training) is there too! :D Glad you all could find the topic! :)



So what kind of missions are you guys on?

The constitution are on shore leave, then we are leaving for six months to set up an outpost on the other side of the wormhole!

You guys?

Ensign Kevin Brackwell

Tactical Officer

USS Constitution


Wow.. sorry for the long time with no reply.

We at the Kodiak are currently at Deep Space 17, finishing repairs and awaiting another ship. Until then, a strange "person" arrived at the station. That's it for now. :) So, are you all enjoying your position assignments? :) I certainly am. :D


Good to know you guys are having fun on your new ships and homes :)

As stated before, please feel free to explore these threads. There are lots of interesting subjects and threads around here. Drop by any of them at any time.

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