Rahman and Rivi Vataix Posted December 2, 2015 Posted December 2, 2015 ((School rooms, USS Invicta)) ::Alora hovered outside the door to Saavok’s classroom. There was no window for her to peek in at the students and their dark, petite teacher. She was early, that she had to admit, so her impatience was unwarranted - as was her nervousness. Or was it? Despite a lack of obvious telepathy, Alora was usually fairly adept at reading people. Vulcans, however, were among those who were not so easily understood as they held their emotions easily in check. Saveron somehow seemed a little more available, even before they had officially begun their romantic relationship. Perhaps it had been because of that fleeting mental contact they had shared during their exploration of virtual Vulcan. She had an enjoyed a similar contact with Saavok, but even so, she couldn’t predict the child’s reaction. He had yet to say anything, but that didn’t mean the child did not harbour emotions about recent developments. Her thoughts were interrupted as the doors slid open with a sigh and children spilled from within. As the flurry of bodies rushed out, Alora straightened and waited for one in particular.:: Alora: Sochya, Saavok. ::Her greeting was accompanied by the ta’aland she continued conversing in Vulcan, her translator already disabled.:: ::Saavok looked up as Alora greeted him, and automatically responded with the same gesture. He was becoming accustomed to her as a presence in his life.:: Saavok: Sochya, Alora. Alora: Mind if we talk? Saavok: I have no objection. ::Alora motioned down the hallway with a flick of her hand, then spurred her feet into motion.:: ::The young Vulcan obediently followed, falling into step with the Terran scientist.:: Saavok: What subject did you wish to discuss? Alora: If it’s all right, I’d rather do it in private. Wherever you are comfortable. ::Her quarters, his, it didn’t matter to her.:: ::That earned her a raised eyebrow for a moment, then Saavok seemed to consider the question more seriously.::Saavok: My father will not be home for another hour. May I come to your quarters? Your plants are interesting. Alora: Sure, that’s fine, though many are still recovering. ::At least a couple of the African Violets had started blooming again. Alora walked alongside the child, keeping pace with him. Rather than wallow in silence as they walked, she at least continued pleasant conversation.:: Alora: Did you have a good class? Saavok: It was not disagreeable. ::He allowed. He wouldn’t say that he found it particularly fascinating either.:: Alora: What did you guys learn today? Saavok: The class studied basic mathematics; I had matrices from my distance classes. Then we investigated some early Terran literature. ::Which was interesting because it was different.:: Tasnim learned not to delve into other people’s thoughts without asking. Alora: Wait..Tasnim learned how to delve into other people’s thoughts? I didn’t realise she was telepathic. Did the teacher teach her that? Saavok: Tasnim is half Betazoid. My mother taught me basic mental self defence; I will learn more when I am older. Alora: Oh! ::Alora knew Vulcans were touch telepaths, but she hadn’t thought about how early mental training must start, though it made sense. They came to a stop when they arrived at her quarters and the computer bleeped, but the doors didn’t open. Since the doors had been replaced, Alora no longer had to pound them just to get them to open. In a way, it seemed to take away some of their personality. Ah well.:: DeVeau: Come on in. ::She actually waited for the child to enter before she did so herself, and the doors hushed closed behind her. It was cool compared to the quarters the child was used to sharing with his father, but warmer than most Terrans might like. As a child of the South, she did tend to prefer warmer weather, even though it got awfully cold in Japan sometimes. Also, it was better for most of her plants.:: DeVeau: Have a seat. ::Alora lowered herself onto the couch and patted the space beside her.:: ::Saavok obediently settled himself onto the couch, his PADD in it’s case on the floor below his dangling feet. He looked at Alora expectantly; judging from her behaviour that this was a serious matter.::Saavok: What is it that you wished to discuss? DeVeau: Okay...so...how do I ask this. Um...so, you know your father and I, we’re courting right? Saavok: Affirmative. ::The little Vulcan’s blank expression was entirely unhelpful.:: DeVeau: Well, what I want to know is… ::No no she had to ask in a Vulcan way. Child or no, communication might be aided if she used terms they tended to use. DeVeau: Are you agreeable with this arrangement?Saavok: I find the arrangement agreeable. ::He used the same convoluted grammar that his father did. He also had the same grey eyes, which were watching Alora carefully.:: Saavok: You considered that I might object? ::He asked after a moment.:: DeVeau: I considered it as a possibility. I’m not telepathic - well...not in the usual sense of the word - and while I care about you bunches, I don’t know your thoughts about me. ::She leaned over to cross her arms over her knees.:: But you’re his son and I want you to be okay with this. You’re too important not to be considered in the equation. ::His not being okay with it wouldn’t really change anything between her and Saveron, but she had hoped the child would be amenable to the idea.:: ::The little Vulcan gave the matter serious consideration.:: Saavok: I find your presence and company agreeable. ::He said eventually.:: You are an interesting person and… you seem to find us equally interesting. ::Not everyone found Vulcan idiosyncrasies particularly tolerable.:: Saavok: My father finds your company agreeable. ::He added thoughtfully.:: He has been… more centered, since you became ko-ri’telsu. ::The word meant an unbonded female partner.:: DeVeau: Wow...I don’t think I’ve heard that term in forever. Saavok: It is not in common usage. ::He admitted. Such arrangements were relatively rare in Vulcan culture.:: The Nel Gathic term is ‘t’aehtlu fheigh’. Will you Bond with father? DeVeau: ‘T’aehtlu fheigh’? Bond...well, I don’t know. It’s a bit early for that, don’t you think? ::Not that Alora opposed the idea, but she also didn’t want to move too fast.:: Saavok: It means ‘desired one’. It is the equivalent Nel Gathic term. I do not know, I am unfamiliar with Terran courting rituals. Since Surak, Vulcans have traditionally been preliminarily bonded as children, to become bonded mates as adults. The practice is becoming less prevalent however. DeVeau: Are you bonded? Saavok: I am not bonded. Neither were my siblings. My parents were and they… were not fully compatible. ::Which perhaps explained why their children weren’t.:: DeVeau: I see. ::Alora leaned back into the embrace of the couch and pondered the question a little further before she expanded on her previous answer.:: DeVeau: At this point, I would like to, but not necessarily right now. It’s something I can see for the future. Maybe sooner, maybe later. I think...I think we’ve both been hurt and we need to make sure we’re both sure before we take a step like that. Does that make sense? ::The little Vulcan gave this some thought.:: Saavok: Affirmative. ::He decided.:: It is preferable to determine that one’s relationship is agreeable to both and will remain so. ::The boy was acutely aware of the effects of the breakdown of their relationship on both his parents.:: ::Alora was pretty darn sure it would remain so for her, but there was no sense in rushing things. Saveron also needed to be certain - and she would not lock him into something where he had doubts.:: DeVeau: You’re right. It’s better in the long run that way. Well, I’m glad you’re okay with it. You’re his son, I didn’t think it would be right to leave you out of things. Saavok: I appreciate your consideration. ::He said gravely.:: You… said that you had also been hurt. ::He observed after a moment.:: ::He had wondered how Alora viewed his own presence but she had just told him. Admittedly in a very alien way, but never-the-less making it clear that she found his own presence agreeable.:: ::How much should she tell him? While Saavok was a child, he was a Vulcan child and more mature than most children his age would be. However, that didn’t mean he had to be privy to the details of what had happened. For a moment, she pondered what to say and finally simply stated,:: DeVeau: There was...a boy before. Our relationship did not end well. I think that’s probably all I should say about it for now. ::Even if he had been an adult, she still wasn’t comfortable divulging too much information.:: ::Saavok considered this for a moment, then nodded. He was not familiar with how Terrans conducted their interpersonal relationships, but he understood that a relationship could end badly. His parents were a prime and personal example. Clearly such was not something restricted to his own species.:: ::But how did Terrans do such things?:: Saavok: What are the Terran conventions? Will you ask S’Rel and Teron also? DeVeau: Has your father said anything to them? Saavok: I do not believe that father has spoken with them yet on the subject. Perhaps, like yourself, he wishes to see how the relationship will progress. ::Alora nodded slowly. It was so easy to fall into the idea of plunging forward and it felt good to be with Saveron. Obviously he cared for her as much as she did for him. However, diving headfirst haphazardly into something so serious could lead to a detrimental outcome, and that was the last thing Alora wanted.:: DeVeau: I’ll admit, I didn’t think to ask them. Mainly because they are grown, they have their own families, and thus are no longer a part of their father’s household. That is not the case for you and so our relationship has a direct impact on you. Saavok: That is true. It has not been a detrimental impact. ::Far from it, from the little Vulcan’s point of view. Having spent the first six years of his life with his mother, he had still felt an immediate connection with the man who was his father, a man to whom he was so very similar. Born after the breakdown of their relationship, he had never known his parents when they were together, but he had seen his mother’s contentment with Serok. He wanted something similar for his father.:: ::Alora was intriguing in herself. Saavok’s exposure to aliens had only begun three years ago, and he didn’t get to know many adult aliens closely. She was one of the exceptions and an insight into Terran nature and culture. He was aware that there were marked differences in both psychology and physiology. Some of them his father had tried to explain.:: Saavok: Alora, how old are you? ::He asked suddenly.:: DeVeau: Twenty five. ::Alora had no qualms about sharing her real age, unlike some women. Still, the question was not one she had expected from the child.:: DeVeau: Why do you ask? Saavok: I am aware that many other species mature at a faster rate than Vulcans; it is still an unusual concept. You are younger than my siblings. ::And from a Vulcan point of view, almost too young to mate.:: DeVeau: How old are your siblings? Saavok: Teron is thirty Terran years, S’Rel is twenty-eight. Naarin would have been twenty-three. I am eight. DeVeau: And your father is…. Saavok: Father is sixty-six. DeVeau: Ah that’s right. ::It was quite the age difference and for some it might have been a concern. Not so for Alora. A smile tickled her lips.:: DeVeau: Well, I always did have a thing for older men. ::That earned her a blank look of the same type that the boy’s father gave her when he was trying to work through something that she’d said that didn’t quite make sense to him.:: Saavok: What is, ‘a thing’? ::He asked eventually.:: ::She couldn’t help but giggle although Alora did her best to stifle it as much as possible.:: DeVeau: I’ve always found older men to be more attractive. ::Although the one guy she’d been with prior had been far closer to her age, but Alora wasn’t going to return to that topic.:: ::Saavok’s first impulse was to ask what the logic was behind that statement, but if there was something that he was learning about aliens it was that, when it came to personal preferences, there often wasn’t any. Misha hadn’t been able to provide him with a logical reason for his preference for sugary foods, but was quite adamant about it. He’d also become cross with Saavok when the young Vulcan persisted in asking. So although the child opened his mouth to frame the question he quickly shut it again. So be it.:: ::Instead he considered the whole situation thoughtfully.:: Saavok: So what happens now? ::It was hardly the most logical or well structured question; at the end of the day he was still just a child and, although he liked Alora, he was aware that such things fell well outside many conventions.:: DeVeau: What happens now is we keep spending time together with the purpose of finding out whether or not we want to spend the rest of our lives together. ::Honestly, she had a hard time imagining a future without Saveron, but there she was trying to rush things again. Time would tell, and there wasn’t a hurry. She was young and while Saveron wasn’t exactly a teenager, he wasn’t old for a Vulcan either.:: DeVeau: Sound okay to you? ::The little Vulcan considered this statement.:: Saavok: I have no objection. ---------------- PNPC SaavokVulcan ChildUSS InvictaR238802S10 & Lt. Alora DeVeauScience OfficerUSS InvictaM239008AD0
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