Ensign Ambrosia Hayley Posted June 6, 2014 Posted June 6, 2014 (edited) ((Sickbay - Corbin’s office - USS Darwin))::Corbin sighed heavily as he swung his large feet onto his desk and leanedback into his chair. He took his PADD and had it start playing the latestfootball game he got downloaded from earth recently and then pulled up Dr.Manius’s file. He was still tired from this last mission and ran his freehand through his hair as he looked down at the PADD. ::::Dr. Manius’s file was full of contradictions. Half was full of praise athis work ethics and his doctor knowledge and skills. The other half wasfull of complaints both from patients and staff about his course attitudeand short insulting remarks. Corbin knew that Dr. Manius was a doctor ofextraordinary abilities, better than he was in many ways, however being adoctor was more than just diagnostic and surgical skills, it was also howthe patient perceived you, how you dealt with others and how you convied asense of….healing/wellbeing. He felt this was probably the reason why hehad not been promoted already. ::::Corbin felt a bit weird recommending someone for promotion. He had neverdone that before especially when the promotion was going to make theofficer the same rank as him. However he felt based off the outstandingjob that Dr. Manius had done in the sickbay in the past few missions he atleast needed recognition and sending that up the chain of command couldonly be the right thing to do. :::: However before doing that he felt he should talk to Dr. Manius tell himhis intentions and perhaps get a better feel for the doctor. Putting thePADD down he reached over to his desk communication button and pressed it.::Corbin: =/\= Dr. Manius, could you meet me in my office at your earliestconvenience, thanks. =/\=::Dr Manius was in the same place as always and to be honest it wasstarting to feel just a bit cramped. It wouldn’t be so bad if it were tidy.That was the thing that made him feel so uncomfortable with the place. Hewas used to tidy roommates and having more of a run of the place. When heheard Dr Corbin call him to the office he wondered what the agenda wouldbe. Maybe he was looking for a change in shift patterns now that they hadMargariti and she was settling in. ::Manius: =/\= Of course sir. I’m free now if that is convenient for you? =/\=::Just because the senior doctor had said for him to come up, it didn’tmean he was necessarily free right that second. ::Corbin: =/\= That is great Doc, see you soon. =/\=::Corbin was a bit surprised that Dr. Manius was free right that moment butthey might as well get it over with. Corbin flipped his legs off the deskand turned off the football game. He started to sit rather rigid and tallbut quickly slumped into his more relaxed posture within moments. He slidthe PADD with Dr. Manius’s file right before him and bowed his head inthought as he waited for the doctor::::Todd arrived outside the office a few minutes later and had made acursory effort to ensure that he was presentable. He chimed the door andwaited to be called in. ::Corbin: Come on in.Manius: Sir. ::Giving Corbin a respectful nod. ::::It wasn’t much of a greeting and there were no pleasantries. It wasn’tthat he didn’t want to be here or that he wasn’t interested in Dr Corbin.In fact his tone was as pretty neutral, which was as close as it ever gotto being friendly... with a few notable exceptions. He simply didn’t wantto waste Dr Corbin’s valuable time and figured that he would want to getdown to whatever business it was that had called him up here. ::Corbin: ::Smiled brightly at Dr. Manius and pointed to one of the twochairs opposite his desk.:: Please sit Doc.Manius: ::Taking a seat at the desk:: Thank you sir.Corbin: Now Doc, you don’t have to call me sir, Jack is fine.::The idea of calling Dr Corbin by his first name actually felt reallystrange to him, after all they hardly knew anything about each other andwere not exactly friends. The only person he referred to by their firstname was Kaitlyn and that was more a result of his Ravensville experiencethan anything else although it seemed slowly he was making a friend. ::Manius: Okay, if that is your wish.:: Corbin took a deep breath as he ran his fingers through his hair andfigured he might as well get straight to the point. Dr. Manius probablywould prefer it that way anyways::Corbin: I called you down here because I have been looking at your file. I want to recommend you for promotion. Honestly Doc, you are outstandingwhen it comes to the medical side of things, I could not ask for a moreskilled medical practitioner to call my peer.::Todd was delighted to be getting a little recognition for his hard workand to hear he was going to be recommended for promotion certainly made himsmile. He’d been trying so hard for so long now and despite having treatedso many high profile patients he’d been getting nowhere. ::Manius: Thank you sir! ::Proudly::Corbin: ::Smirks and sighs trying to come up with the right wording:: Ithink you know however that your, hmmm, bedside manner, could be improvedupon.::It felt like a bit of a backhander hearing that and it made his mood andexpression sour a little. He felt that he gave patients an excellentservice even if he wasn’t touchy-feely by nature. No one had ever made acomplaint to him or said they were unhappy, so where was the problem? Itwas probably because of his insistence on sending people like Phos onupskilling programs when they foolishly injured themselves. ::Manius: What do you mean?::Corbin had dreaded this. He had hoped that Todd had known that he rubbedpeople the wrong way. Heck Corbin knew he made people uncomfortablesometimes with his touchy-feely nature and his down home attitude. He eventurned it on worse when he was dealing with people that were uncomfortablewith it especially if he really did not care much for the person. :::: Dr. Manius however he sorta liked, he had gotten used to his bluntattitude and could see the great doctor under it. Standing Corbin movedaround his desk and leaned against it standing in front of Dr. Manius hecrossed his arms and looked down at them not really wanting to look athim::Corbin: oO Perhaps the direct approach is not the way to go Oo Doc, Iknow, you know, how to heal peoples bodies. Heck Doc, like I said you areone of the best physicians I have had the pleasure of working with, but wedon’t just treat a patient's body. We also have to treat them emotionally,mentally and even spiritually at times. That means sometimes we have tothink about what we are going to say to someone, whether a patient oranyone. We have to think about how our words will impact that person and ifthere is a way we can say the words we want to say that would be easier onthem.::Corbin stopped talking, he looked at Dr. Manius, he wondered if he wasmaking a bit of sense to him.::Manius: oO Easier on them… ? Oo::He didn’t think his words were generally so hard to swallow. He just toldpeople things as he saw it. Dr Corbin was suggesting something here andwhatever way he looked at it, he didn’t really like it. Furthermore thesenior Dr had now come around to stand in front of him, effectivelytowering over him with arms crossed, making him tip his head up to see theman. He didn’t particularly like that either and after a pause went so faras to stand up, so he could speak to the man as an equal. ::Manius: Dr Corbin. If a patient needs emotional, mental or spiritual help Ican think of a number of people qualified to give it, ranging from thecounsellor to a religious representative depending on the patient’s needs.I’ve never had a problem referring patients to what you might call ‘sisterservices’.I hope you are not suggesting that I do not think about what I say tosomeone carefully enough because I would have to disagree with that. I havean honest and direct approach that gives people the information they needto have.::Corbin sighed and scratched the short beard he had grown since startingto serve on the Darwin. He reached out and patted Dr. Manius on the arm. He stood and walked around the small office the action helping him get histhoughts in order::Corbin: How about this Doc, lets say you have a patient who has adiagnosis that does not have a very good prognosis. Lets say only 10% ofpatients survive with their condition. What would you tell that patient?::In the situation presented it sounded like the patient was going to needto start coming to terms with the fact they weren’t likely to be aroundmuch longer. Jack hadn’t given a timescale and said whether the conditionkilled someone slowly or quickly. That sort of detail would make adifference, but only up to a point. ::Manius: I would tell them that the survival rate for people in thiscondition has not been very good in the past but that we will do everythingin our power to try and beat it. I would ask them if they have any friendsor family that they would like to have around them for support. I wouldalso offer the services of a counsellor.::Corbin heard the textbook approach to dealing with the a patient withterminal illness. He had seen many doctors take the unemotional, distantapproach with patients. However, he had seen first hand how doctors thatconnected with their patients on an emotional level actually had higherlevels of survival.::Corbin: Doc, what I would call that is the safe approach. You are keepingyourself distant, you are keeping yourself safe. You are not helping thepatient cope with the situation you are just spitting out the facts to thepatient and letting them deal with it. If you don’t mind, let me tell youa story that happened to me while back on earth.::Corbin went and sat down in the chair next to the one that Dr. Manius hadrecently vacated and leaned back looking up at him::Corbin: I was a very young doctor at the time. Just out of medicalschool. I was following the head of the department and he was discussingwith the wife of his patient about the course of treatment that the staffwas going to do with the patient. The patient had been given a terminalillness and was sitting there slumped over, dejected and looking down athis hands. After the other doctor was done I went up to the patient andsaid. “You look like a man without hope”. He looked up at me angry andshouted, “Of course I am without hope, I have been given less than a monthto live.” I took this in stride and looked straight at the man and said“That is a typical patient, however, 5% of people who have your illnesssurvive. You might be one of them. That is why we still do the care.” Ithen left him and went about the rest of my rounds. 5 years later a mancame up to me and shook my hand. He told me that I saved his life that day5 years ago. Everyone else had told him that he was going to die, while Itold him that he still had a chance to live. He ended up being in that 5%. Do you understand the point I am trying to make? We need to treat thewhole person not just the body.::Todd listened to the story with care and by the end of it he felt he wasno better off. He didn’t see what was missing, what Corbin was looking for.He couldn’t see how his approach failed to live up to expectations and hestill felt he was doing a good job. ::Manius: I don’t see how my approach fails to meet that end. What’s missing?::Corbin looked up at Todd and tried hard not to sigh. He was just unsurehow to get his message across to him without recording him actually seeinga patient which would break a dozen rules::Corbin: Doc, it’s just how you present the information. I told you, youare a great doctor. You have fantastic skills, the problem is people comeaway from your care feeling, uncared for, instead of feeling as they shouldand feeling amazingly cared for and that is just about how you presentyourself and your care. Honestly Doc, I am just trying to help you be aeven better doctor. Just think on it will ya Doc?Manius: Yeah.::Todd would think on it because he was committed to his work and cared awhole lot about giving patients the best care possible. It was a bit of ashock actually, to hear that he wasn’t doing as well as he’d thought hewas. He felt pretty displeased about it actually, but he had to admit thatJack had guts. He was the first boss he’d had that had ever given some kindof guidance. He didn’t think he could pull a white rabbit out of a hatthough. If Corbin wanted him to present information in a different way,then someone was going to have to show him what they wanted. How could hemake someone feel more cared for? That seemed to be the question he neededto answer and right now he was drawing blanks. ::::Corbin looked up at Dr. Manius. He could see the flicker of differentemotions cross the man’s face. He could tell he was not exactly convincingor perhaps getting his message across as well as he could. Corbin stand upand puts a hand on Dr. Manius’s shoulder.::Corbin: Look Doc, I don’t want you to worry too much about it. I justthink you are a great doctor and I want you to go far is all. When youhave a chance perhaps you can watch Dr. Margariti or I with a few patients. See how we interact and compare it to your own style is all. ::Chuckling:: Just look at the patient interaction and don’t criticize ourdoctoring okay Doc?::Todd couldn’t remember ever having criticized his peers doctoring style,so maybe he was taking that comment a little too personally but it rubbedhim wrong completely. Surely it had to be a reflection of his own fearsbecause otherwise he feared people had developed some very strange ideasabout him. He wasn’t against observing the other doctors a bit more and onreflection, maybe it would be interesting. The truth was he’d never reallytaken an interest in the other doctors style. He let them do their jobwhile he did his. He’d really been more focused on his own job. His jawtightened and he took a deep breath but despite his best efforts hecouldn’t hold back from asking in a slightly sour way. ::Manius: And just what makes you think I would criticize your work?::Corbin could not help look surprised at the question. His dark eyeswidening. He then clearly sighed and placed his face in his palm.::Corbin: Todd! I was teasing! Joking. I know you would not criticize us. Maybe it was a poor joke, but I never claimed to be good at comedy. Imeant it as a compliment if anything. Look I meant nothing personal farfrom it.::Corbin stops at that point and starts scratching his chin and tilting hishead looking at Dr. Manius with renewed thoughts. .::Corbin: oO Perhaps that is the problem, perhaps Todd takes things tooliterally. I am just not sure how to help that. OoCorbin: Anyways, I did not mean to cause any ruckus.::Todd hadn’t liked everything he’d heard but the fact it seemed to comealongside a recommendation softened the blow. He appreciated the honestyand respected Corbin more because he had the guts to speak up, wherepreviously no one else had. It had been a similar case with the counsellora while back too. He hadn’t agreed with her either. What had she said tohim again? He was going to have to think it over and see if there wassomething he could do to improve his performance and have a smootherjourney to the next recommendation. ::Manius: It’s okay sir. I do appreciate the honesty and i’ll think it over.Is there anything else?Corbin: ::Again Corbin had to fight the urge to sigh. He did however runhis hand through his hair and shook his head:: No Doc, I will be gettingthat recommendation to the Captain today. I hope that soon I will be ableto call you Lieutenant. And thanks for thinking it over.Manius: Thanks for your time.::As Corbin watch Dr. Manius go, he sat back down at his desk with a heavythump. He looked at the recommendation he had wrote for Todd and pressedthe send button::::Todd headed off. In some ways it had been a strange meeting but overallhe was quite happy. He was finally getting a recommendation and even ifnothing came of it he felt proud to know that Dr Corbin valued his workenough to put him forward. He couldn’t help but get his hopes up a littlewith the prospect of getting a promotion at long last. ::A JP BY:Lieutenant (jg) Jack Corbin MDMOUSS Darwin - A"Never give up! Never Surrender!"AndPNPC Ensign Todd ManiusMedical OfficerUSS Darwin-ASimmed by Reinard Edited June 6, 2014 by LtCmdr. James
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