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Admiral Hollis

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Posts posted by Admiral Hollis

  1. ((Wheeler Colony))

    ::Darius chatted for a few minutes with several individuals who had

    met with him after arriving with his team. Clack couldn't help but notice

    the beauty of the courtyard that surrounded the path that his

    small group walked. Beautiful green trees and exotic flowers grew along

    side the marble walkway. A water fountain marked the end of a circular

    path as it stood in a citadel type position.::

    Jennings: We are so happy that you have arrived.

    Clack: Thank you.

    ::Darius reached down to touch a beautiful yellowish green flower. As

    he touched it, he felt his body shiver with cold chills. It had a sweet

    scent much like the wildflowers that grew along the Amazon River

    back on Earth. Clack felt a tear to come to his eye as the sensation

    sent a ripple through his heart. A long forgotten sin emerged deep within

    his soul and suddenly it vanished as quickly as it had materialized.

    The remorseful feeling was replaced with anger as he quickly stood up

    ashamed of himself for allowing the episode to have taken place. ::

    Jennings: You like our flowers?

    Clack: They are very unusual.

    Jennings: Your party should be here soon with all the details.

    Clack: Good. Is it possible to arrange for quarters for my team during

    our stay?

    Jennings: I will check. Please excuse me.

    ::The man walked away just as Darius caught sight of Commander

    Chen approaching. Darius could tell by the expression on the

    commander's face, the initial contact with the colonies officials didn't go

    as smooth as he had expected.::

    Lt Darius Clack



  2. ((Capital))

    Reed: Gentlemen, I'm Commander Reed. This is Lieutenant Long.

    Long: Greetings.

    Blue eyed man: Minister Debbie O'riley and Marshal Shaun Wood will be


    shortly, they had last minute matters to attend to.

    Reed: We're running on a very tight schedule. I hope it will not be


    ::Reed used the time to survey the room and the four men. They were

    obviously members of O'riley's staff, but she'd never seen anything

    quite so odd. Three of the four had quite visible scars. Two of

    them had those scars on shaking left hands. She certainly hoped they

    were right handed. It was too much of a coincidence to think that

    the scars in relation to the shaking hands were not related somehow.

    Very odd. ::

    :: A door opened from an adjoining room, and Minister Debbie O'riley


    Marshal Shaun Wood entered.::

    Reed: Minister O'riley. Good morning.

    O'Riley: Good to see you again both. Sorry to keep you waiting so

    long, I

    had something to take care of.

    Long: Good to see you again too, Minister, Marshal.

    Reed: And these are…?

    ::Reed indicated the four uniformed men.::

    O'riley: Oh, of course. Commander Reed, Lieutenant Long, these are my

    senior security agents, Captains Mason and Ramsey and Sargeants

    Esposito and Chung. They will be overseeing each Wheeler security


    :: Reed kept her frown to herself as the meeting began and

    progressed. She allowed Long to take over the presentation of the

    plan of action. He had shown himself very capable. Reed was annoyed

    at the changes that had been made since the discussion the previous

    night, but instead of jumping in and demanding an explanation, Reed

    simply surveyed. She watched Wood, O'riley, and the four senior

    security agents, making mental notes on what to include in her

    report. She did not like that it was Long that ended up making

    changes, but this was not their home. Reed knew that if Wheeler were

    to truly recover, their citizens had to be visibly active. They were

    not significant changes, but Reed suspected that this was their way

    of letting Starfleet know that they would not accept being under

    another's control. She let it go for the moment. They had not

    objected to the number of security officers that she had in place.

    On that, at least on that, she would put her foot down. Yes, the

    Cartel was gone, but Reed knew better than to think one man alone had

    been helping them while they were on Wheeler. She would not risk a

    repeat of the mines. She would not. She could not. ::

    Reed: We need to return to the Ursa Major, Minister O'riley. Are

    these your final changes to the plan of action?

    O'riley: They are.

    Reed: Lieutenant Long and I will review them with the commander and

    captain. I'll contact you with finalized plans.

    ::o'riley started, clearly unhappy, but though she pursed her lips,

    she nodded. She understood Reed. Yes, things needed to be placed in

    Wheeler's hands, but the Ursa Major's crew was not about to be

    controlled by Wheeler while rendering Federation aide. Reed was

    going to make this as much a joint effort as possible.::

    ((Capital City Hospital))

    ::The all clear had been given. The teams had beamed down. Reed had

    just spoken with Lt. Bryant. All was on schedule and clear with the

    engineering team. This was perhaps the most risky time. One could

    only plan for so much, but throw one disgruntled citizen into the mix

    and everything could fall the pieces. So far, so good. In fact,

    she'd gotten quite a few smiles from citizens within the hospital.

    One was from a little girl. She was about eight years old. She was

    sitting in a wheelchair, just watching what was going on. Her head

    had several bald patches, and what was left of her brown hair was

    dull and lifeless. She had a tube hooked up to her arm and liquid

    from a clear bag hanging from a hook on the chair, was running from

    the bag into the tube. It was a shock to see how badly behind the

    times this hospital was. It didn't seem to bother the little girl,

    though. Those eyes of hers, they were clear blue and full of hope

    and joy, and when she smiled, Reed couldn't help but smile, too. She

    would challenge even her husband, the proper Vulcan that he was, not

    to smile. Reed saw Calhan stop and speak to the girl. Reed didn't

    hear what he said. She received another check-in report at the same

    time. When she ended the communication, Calhan had stood up and

    moved away from the girl towards the triage station. Reed joined


    Reed: What is her name?

    ::She inclined her head towards the young girl.::

    Calhan: response

    Reed: What's the matter with her?

    Calhan: response

    ::Reed ached for the little girl. To suffer with something that had

    long been eradicated in Starfleet and elsewhere.::

    Reed: Can you help her? Is she too far advanced?

    Calhan: response

    ::A shrill shriek rent the air. Reed responded immediately, running

    around the corner, careful not to draw her phaser until she knew it

    was absolutely needed. It wasn't. The shrieker was Dr. Kale Netial,

    who was on all fours on top of a counter and apparently trying to

    make herself as small as possible. She shrieked again, pointing at

    something on the floor. That something turned out to be some sort of

    animal like nothing Reed had ever seen. It toddled and whirled

    around on three, furry black and brown legs, scuttled and waved

    around its two little furry arms, and blathered in a chirping voice

    up at Dr. Kale, it's big, black eyes looking very much like puppy-dog


    Kale: What IS that?!?!?!

    ::She was almost hyperventilating and almost shrieked again when the

    creature raised its two arms up towards her and jumped a little. It

    stood less than 12 inches tall, and Dr. Kale, crouched on a

    countertop that was almost four feet tall, looked a little

    ridiculous. She was saved by Kiera, who had wheeled herself around

    the corner.::

    Kiera: That's Hirby. He won't hurt you, Doctor Netial. He's


    ::Dr. Kale looked like she'd rather believe Kiera was too doped up to

    give a rational explanation as to what or who IT was or where the

    creature rated on a scale of deadliness.::

    Kale: Hirby? IT has a NAME?!

    Kiera: Sure. Hirby lives here.

    Kale: Lives HERE? Why? That isn't very sanitary, you know. This is

    supposed to be a hospital.

    ::Kiera laughed, and looked very much like an adult trying to calm a

    frightened child.::

    Kiera: Hirby is a marmek. They are the cleanest animals on the

    planet. They wash themselves about twenty times a day.

    ::Reed looked at Calhan, wondering how he was taking in this very

    unusual scene.::

    Kale: Oh great, and obsessive compulsive meekmed.

    Kiera: Marmek.

    Kale: Whatever.

    Kiera: He likes you. He wants you to put him on your shoulder.

    Kale: What? Why?

    Kiera: So he can see what is going on.

    ::Reed didn't think that Dr. Kale could have gotten one shade paler.

    She looked from Kiera to Hirby and back again, and then, as though

    she finally realized that they had an audience, she laughed nervously

    and got down off of the counter, careful to give Hirby a wide berth.

    He was having none of it, though. He twittered in a scolding tone,

    and tired of waiting for her permission, ran up her leg as fast as

    his three little legs would carry him, and finally settled on her

    shoulder with a satisfied tweet, rubbing his furry face against her

    cheek. Dr. Kale looked like she was about to pass out.::


    Lcmd Reed


    USS Ursa Major

  3. ((Clack's Quarter's))

    ::Darius rested comfortably in his good chair amidst the smokey

    dark room. It was the first time he had visited his quarters since

    the ship return from its accidental plunge through space. With his

    eyes shut, he listen to the sound of the ship's engines as they sang

    their lullaby for all that could hear and comprehend its language.

    He heard several crewmen as they make their way out of the turbolift

    situated at the end of the corridor. Two of them sounded to be in the

    middle of an argument concerning something that occurred during


    Chen: =/\= Chen to Lt. Clack. =/\=

    ::Reaching over with his bad hand, he fumbled with his COMM badge.

    Steadying himself, he activated it with his arthritic fingers. It was

    miserable to suffer with such a debilitating condition and yet be so


    Clack: =/\= What can I do for you commander. =/\=

    Chen: =/\= Hello, Lt. Just a quick thing about tomorrow. I would like

    for you to be in the beam down slot after Dr. Calhan's group. I am

    assigning you with repair and restoration of the colony's power

    station. =/\=

    Clack: =/\= We will be there at 1000 hours tomorrow. Can we expect

    any help from the natives on this one? =/\=

    Chen: =/\= There will be a representative there at the beam down point

    that will coordinate with you on the repair efforts. =/\=

    ::This was excellent news to Clack. Restoration of the entire power

    system will be a difficult task given all the reports he had read concerning

    its present condition. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.::

    Clack: =/\= Any additional help will be appreciated. Everything is set. =/\=

    Chen: =/\= Good, I will see you and your team in Transporter Room one

    tomorrow morning then. =/\=

    Clack: =/\= Goodnight commander. =/\=

    Chen: =/\= Goodnight. =/\=

    ::Closing the link to Chen, Darius took another drink from his glass.

    Looking down at his empty glass, he thought the situation strange.

    The liquor always seemed to vanish just as quickly as he could replicate

    it. Upon rising from the chair, he found his legs to be very unsteady as he

    made his way over to the replicator.::

    Clack: =/\=Clack to Ensign Sharkey=/\=

    Sharkey: =/\=Sharkey=/\=

    Clack: =/\=Ensign, please report to me in Transporter Room one 1000

    hours tomorrow. You will accompany me, along with Sweeney and

    Morningstar to the planet's surface.=/\=

    Sharkey: =/\= Yes sir but … =/\=

    Clack: =/\= Is there a problem? =/\=

    Sharkey: =/\=No sir, it is just in the original plan Jenkins …=/\=

    Clack: =/\= Plans have changed. =/\=

    Sharkey: =/\= Yes sir. =/\=

    Clack: =/\= Tomorrow morning 1000 hours.=/\=

    ::The link closed as Darius took the newly replicated container of 20th

    century Canadian Whiskey from the counter. Clack didn't really feel

    comfortable taking the young woman along on the mission considering

    she had just recently been assigned to the ship. Wayne Jenkins was

    still recovering from a sever concussion and could serve the ship in a

    better capacity in the engine room. Pouring himself another glass of

    whiskey from the fresh container, he settled back into his chair and

    proceeded to notify the others of their appointed meeting the next day.

    Once the others were informed, he poured himself another drink and

    waited in his chair quietly for the dawn.::

    Lt Darius Clack



  4. Destined for Failure

    One of the things I like about Destined for Failure is it is a complete story with a definite plot. The character of Georgia is fairly well developed, and it is interesting that she is not well liked person. Her toughness makes for a good read, and I wish there was a bit more character to character interaction to draw out this unsympathetic character more.

    There are a few points in the story where I find it hard to suspend disbelief all centered around Georgia’s situation. Having done hiking/hunting and worked with an organized wilderness group, going off alone and being un checked on didn’t ring true. Just as the group getting ready to give up after only 4 hours, and the person found being the one to order transport.

    It also would have been nice to know who was trying to kill her and why.

    My suggestion would be to partner her with her killer. Have the person cut the rope and leave her for dead. This could add a lot of tension to the story.

  5. Sugar, Spice, Grit and Steel

    Complete story or is it a literary poem? Nice daring form. Masterful use of language. Breaks down at the end when the Women speaks. She is almost set up as an angle, while the Man is a more vulgar creature. It would have been more effective without the women speaking. The death she delivered should be as beautiful as her peace.

  6. Morning Light -

    Some very traditional images are arranged in to a nice emotional story. You get a lot done in a short amount of time. It almost feels like the last chapter to a longer story. Nicely done. There may be only one off note. For some reason the last bit feels a bit creepy to me to me like the father is transferring a bit to much emotion and dependency to the daughter. This could just be me though.

  7. What are little Girls Made Of by Mike Wheeler

    It is a good read with a solid plot. There is not much detail on character history. At the beginning this makes the Mike Wheeler character seem to be more of an Andriod than the actual android. He seems to have better than average reflexes and no fear. By the end of the story he seems much more human. As a commentor I suggest that Wheeler is shown to be more human at the beginning. Make him afraid, or show some of his new life with the rebels. (More Back Story) Give him a reason to live. You could also more overtly tie his amnesia to her conditioning. After all they are both modifications of the brain.

  8. Will Riker 65%

    James T. Kirk (Captain) 60%

    At times you are self-centered

    but you have many friends.

    You love many women, but the right

    woman could get you to settle down

    Hmmm . . . This is a bit scary. But considering how long I've worked with Wolf it makes sense. No calling me number one though. :D

  9. Hi all,

    I think the real key is the writing.

    Fire Fly worked not because it was gritty, but because the writers took us some place different and showed us a new world, while at the same time give fantastic characterization. The Fire Fly movies was very good, but it felt a bit watered down because the characterization wasn't as uncomprimising; the use of language not as lyrical.

    I'm watching Far Scape season one right now and am finding the same thing. The writing and ideas are fantastic.

    What Star Trek has really lacked is good story tellers. They did dark on DS9 and a bit on Voyager. It worked on DS9 when the characters were strong. Voyager I know some loved, but I never felt deeply for the characters in part because they didn't seem true to themselves. I don't think Janeway the scientist would ever have been as . . . well I leave that.

    Enterprise had a chance, but than fell to formula.

    Give the show good writers who have something they want to say and will feel the episodes with emotion and we can save the franchise.

  10. I agree that Enterprise did not destroy Star Trek. It seems each show has a following of those who liked. Voyager for instance is my least liked Star Trek spin off. Janeway should have been locked in a small room for the insane. Having said that . . . I know people who love Voyager.

    As to the movie, I think a good skript with good actors are more important than a certain age. I was very young when I watched ST in re runs. We still had a black and white TV so I didn't even know ST was a color show. I watched it first thing after school not caring that there wasn't a 8 or 9 year old on the show. Everyone is attracted to a good plot, great characters, and a sound vission regardless of age.

    If they try to seek out a certain demographic you might get . . . Wesley. :w00t:

  11. Strikes me that UFOP has four distinct features.

    1) Star Trek

    2) Role Playing

    3) Writing

    4) Community

    The people I've met in the club seem to be attracted to all these features to some degree. If Star Trek online could offer all three it we would have to compette against it. I suspect however that it is really about war gaming and does not have much for writing.

  12. By pure chance I happened to watch the episode at 11:00 PM.

    I liked it.

    My impression though is that the episode wasn’t about ENT, as much as it was about tying ENT firmly into the Star Trek universe. By linking it the STNG, they re write the future to include Archer, putting him in the same category as Pike, Kirk, and Cochran as a legendary founder of the Federation. The future is re written to include that crew. Trio had to memorize the speech as a child on Betazoid.

    Was this episode aimed at all the doubting Star Trek fans?

    Like Wolf I really liked the ending with all the shots of Enterprise. It also had the startling affect of making realize that DS9 and Voyager while Star Trek were entirely different variants from the ship based exploration series. It made those three seem more dear.

    There is another consequence of the finial episode. There is the new Titan book. There is Frakes (sp) having done some directing. There is Riker in the finial episode of Enterprise. Can anyone say next series? 

    Lastly, Varaan – I think that there is a prejudice against linking characters in a stable marriage or relationship. This could be because Hollywood is soooo pure at getting marriage right in real life. But, look at all the series and we have dozens of characters and maybe two successful marriages? Both were from DS17.

    Tucker’s death is there to add weight to the show.

    ((Or in my conspiracy minded universe, the death of Tucker frees up the actor to appear in the next series as a different character. “Oh yes, people do say I look like his pictures.” ))

    Have a great day,


  13. The Federation defeated the Domion and their allies.

    The best the Federtion has ever done is destroy a single cube. (Not counting Voyager where they had help from the future. )

    If the Federation can defeat the Domion, then the Borg could pretty easily.


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