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Jessa Anassasi

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About Jessa Anassasi

Fleet information

  • Current Vessel
    USS Independence
  • Current Post
    Commanding Officer

Jessa Anassasi's Achievements

StarBase 118 Groupie

StarBase 118 Groupie (17/28)



  1. You should be hearing from your Captain within the next 24 hours. If you don't, please contact me directly. Welcome aboard! Jessa Anassasi
  2. The Academy does not often graduate a full class. The Standard rate is about 60-75%. As Mr. McCall pointed out, a lot of it comes down to the cadets you have and the RL they live in. In a recent class, we lost a cadet due to the fact that this person plays LARPS. For those of you unfamiliar with the term: LARPS is Live Action Role-Playing Scenarios. Someone used to actually personifying a character in RL is not going to take easily to a PBeM game. It is a vastly different venue. Often, classes lose cadets through no fault of the trainers. Most often it is simply RL that removes cadets (and current Members) from our fleet: unable to keep up with pacing, unable to keep interest due to a hectic RL schedule, simply unable to sim because life is too busy. Notice the theme? (busy busy busy as a bee. ) Keep in mind that this is only the Academy as well. Retention rate for most PBeM games is 1 out of every 4 applications to a sim. THat means that you lose 3 out of 4 players within the first 6 months of their application. We do what we can to change things and improve the conditions of training, how quickly we can post crew to a ship, and how quickly we can get crew interacting on a vessel. These are just 3 conditions that we can control and improve upon. The main thing about training is not how many crew you pass but how much fun you have doing it. Training is all about infecting others with your enthusiasm for hte sim. *IF* you can do that, then the battle of retention is more than half won. FC Jessa Anassasi Training Commandant
  3. Greetings Bos, I'm Cpt Jessa Anassasi. I hail from Acamar. Welcome to UFOP!
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